Thief 4

They have something and its bloody awful
could be that absolutely everything uses the same detail texture.

ps: If thief 4 has made you decide to (re)visit the series maybe via gog
be aware you will anger the gaming gods if you dont also play
T2X: Shadows of the Metal Age...
A free unofficial Thief II expansion pack
Thief2X received significant gaming press coverage prior to and after release. PC Gamer stated it was "one of the most impressive achievements of any fan community for any game
Game is entertaining enough I guess. I haven't played the first 2 thief games at all and I barely touched Deadly Shadows, so I cannot really compare the games. I can compare it to Dishonored and Deux EX however, and on that note it simply falls woefully short in just about every department. The story is utter bollocks and threadbare as it is, yet even the little leftover snippets are completely undone by inept story telling. I'm about halfway through it now and I haven't the foggiest about what the hell is going on. There are a bunch of cut-scenes bookending the chapters, but when the characters are all so poorly designed and paper thin, who the hell's gonna pay attention? If you decide to pay attention anyway you better turn on the subtitles. The game is burdened with what's possibly the worst audio mixing job in years, and the ambient dialogue is both poorly written and repeated ad nauseum. "I feel like a tooth is coming loose" may well be 2014's arrow to the knee.

In terms of gameplay it's just nuts and bolts stealth with the occasional and often surprisingly involved puzzle thrown in. Just don't expect clever setups like Dishonored's masquerade ball here. Speaking of Dishonored, Thief comes complete with its own token brothel stage. It's a decidedly more r-rated take on a very AO-rated subject matter (which I like), but in terms of gameplay it's - once again - nowhere near as inventive and complex as the the smilar scenario found in Arcane Studio's modern classic. Granted, Garret is not an Assassin, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have exchanged his belt-tastic (his attire looks like something Tetsuya Nomura might have designed having just woken up from a particularly wild, S&M-flavored fever dream) leather outfit for something more casual every once in a while and partake in some delightful daylight thievery for a change. Maybe that's not quite in keeping with the spirit of the series, but Thief simply doesn't mix up its gameplay enough for my taste. You're swooping from shadow to shadow, avoiding guard patterns while picking up anything that isn't bolted down in between. This works well enough and is reasonably entertaining, but it's also everything you'll ever do. Since you have to go back and forth in the annoyingly designed and laughably fragmented city hub time and again, you'll also come across the same guard patterns over and over. It's moderately exciting at first, but after a while it just gets old and you start yearning for a way to reach your destinations in a less time consuming matter. As for the man himself, one of the few pieces of advice he manages to give his thieving protege Erin before she goes and inevitably does stupid things in the tutorial mission, is that it's not about how much you steal, but about the quality of the loot. Then he basically goes and disregards his own advice for the next 20 or 30 hours (this is a big game) in order to amass the word's most exhaustive collection of fountain pens and ink bottles. He's more cleptomaniac than master thief really.
The one thing I really like about Thief is how well it uses the first person perspective. It really feels like there's a body attached to the head mounted camera for a change. The hand animations in particular are just wonderful. Thief is a delightfully tactile experience. Other than that it looks okay. Visually it's basically "Unreal Engine 3 - The game: Orange and Teal Edition". It's all cobblestones and wooden beams in a City with a population of approximately 50. It's competent, but also by the numbers. I swear I've seen those bricks and wooden structures hundreds of times before. Does UE3 ship with a folder full of stock shaders?

I started right away on the Master Thief difficulty and disabled Garret's Focus powers, by the way. Guards are still hella stupid, but they are at least incredibly deadly once they catch you. Stealth is an absolute must.
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Apparently Sigfried and I are of the same brain because that's essentially what I think of the game too. This isn't a great game but if you enjoy the gameplay style it is still a good time for the most part. Though I actually find the controls to be rather frustrating and prefer Dishonored or Dark Messiah's feel. I just don't like the context sensitive jumping thing, though in its defense it does make platform jumping simple.
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The climbing is indeed a little frustrating. The inconsistency is particularly annoying, especially when it comes to dropping from ledges and stuff. Sometimes you can just walk off, sometimes you have to push the circle button, sometimes it's the parcours button instead, and sometimes it simply doesn't work at all. The select few times when the game transitions to a third person perspective are incredibly jarring as well. Feels like a strange leftover from a different game.

The fact that I cannot climb onto stuff I should realistically be able to doesn't bother me all that much however. It takes a while, but eventually you'll learn to read the environments appropriately.
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Oh boy it looks like Thief is off the radar already. :) No posts!

I haven't willed up the interest to continue on after mission 4. The game is quirky, the storytelling is mind numbing and the excessive I-wanna-be-a-movie design is just..... sigh. This might be a game that takes me a year to finish.
Oh boy it looks like Thief is off the radar already. :) No posts!

I haven't willed up the interest to continue on after mission 4. The game is quirky, the storytelling is mind numbing and the excessive I-wanna-be-a-movie design is just..... sigh. This might be a game that takes me a year to finish.
I have a steam key of this just sitting in my email box; I regret selecting this game as a NSF reward.
Game is entertaining enough I guess....

Apparently Sigfried and I are of the same brain because that's essentially what I think of the game too. This isn't a great game but if you enjoy the gameplay style it is still a good time for the most part...

Interesting. Thank you for your impressions. This sounds like something I might enjoy, but only once it goes on sale. I think I'll wait until it hits $20 or $30 on PSN or Live.
I've been playing it more. The 5th mission is sort of a STALKER-inspired experience combined with the Thief Deadly Shadows asylum level... Strange transcendental stuff going on.

Also, on PC you really want >1GB VRAM for this game. My 6950 2GB runs it noticeably less stuttery than my 560 Ti 1GB. Even on normal texture quality the game will peg VRAM usage at 1GB continuously. Seems like the game automatically fills the video card's RAM capacity.
I have 1 GB card, and game stuttered a lot until I dropped textures to lowest. Since then it worked great.
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It's a trend now, games made for PS4/XO will consume more than 2GB of Video RAM, Thief usually consumes 2.4GB with SSAA and the latest patch @1080p, Titanfall consumes 2.9GB, same with Call Of Duty Ghosts.
Wow. I haven't loaded up a monitoring app on my PC with the 2GB 6950. But if it is going beyond 2GB that could explain the stutters I see sometimes. 1GB cards are really in trouble though. Even normal texture quality had it pegged at 1GB VRAM utilization. Going to very high on a 1GB card created a slideshow.
These games are trading texture streaming for better visual stability. But the difference is not really effective. For example selecting the Very High texture setting will not result in any improvement over the High setting, just disabling streaming.
Some good in the games defense
Not once did it knock me unconscious
and only once did it collapse a walkway from underneath me.
Bought this for the reduced price of £25. I was in two minds about the game but I'm certain I'll get £25 worth of fun out of it.
Yea, it showed up now on our store too, but it ain't $30 for us but more like $50. New ps4 games are around $70 for us, so its not really half price :-/. Should I get it? I love Dishonored and MGS . I have played some thief 2 long back, but don't really remember it.
bah, no sale in EU :-/
I'm in the UK, which is definitely in the EU (regardless of what Daily Mail readers think), and it's on sale along with Tomb Raider.

Whether the individual stores (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark etc) have individual pricing I don't know, but that might explain it.