Thief 4

When has upping the difficulty ever "improved" an A.I.? Ususally they get more numerous, hit harder and see further, but they'll stick get stuck on the environments.

Either way, there are plenty of reviews out there highlighting the many problems with the game in great detail. For what it's worth, I watched a 30 minute video on Polygon (I believe they gave it a 6) and decided for myself that I'm most likely going to have quite a bit of fun with it no matter the score. Ordered the game on Amazon a couple of minutes ago and I'm very much looking forward to it.

They say they have different AI behaviours for different difficulty settings. If the AI takes ages to react on normal difficulty and is quick to react on hard, that changes things quite a bit.

Do let us know how you feel about it when you play it. Your KZSF review was spot on for me.
When has upping the difficulty ever "improved" an A.I.? Ususally they get more numerous, hit harder and see further, but they'll stick get stuck on the environments.
I saw this in one of the dev interviews and they said that the AI ranges from dumb to more observant and investigative depending on the difficulty level.
I think it's being judged against its peers and people expect fresh ideas "the new game". Thief isn't doing much that's new nor is it as difficult as the masochists would like it to be.
IGN's comparison vid, looks like Xbone's version doesn't have POM or tessellation for the brick wall unlike PS4's version.
Digital Foundry article for this game is unusually late. Maybe they started grabbing footage only after release of UK version of the game...
I'm on the fence about whether the POM brick walls and roads look good anyway. But of course it's interesting to see things disabled for Xbox.
Agreed, POM on definitely looks better. More depth is more depth. Don't know how much performance it costs tho, can anyone with PC confirm?
By the way, this game ships with 32 and 64 bit executables. I imagine thanks to new consoles.

Does anyone find the many hand hold animations kind of dizzying? I hate it when a game takes control away in first person.

I saw the game today at a kiosk. I didnt like anything about the visuals.
I think it looks alright. I appreciate the resolution of some of the textures. I like being able to easily read wall posters for example. Dishonored screwed up on this.

The character models are pretty good too. Even saw some fur rendering on a coat.

Most of the fancy buzzword toggles like POM and tessellation aren't impressive to me. Tessellation appears almost completely non existent anyway. I also found that shadows look pretty similar at all presets. Lowest is noticeable but still ok I think. SSAA on high still misses some shader effect aliasing. I've seen some strange shader issues at times. FXAA is shit and I wonder where SMAA and TXAA are. I suppose FXAA is used on the consoles.
May try turning it off and enabling mlaa instead

MLAA is blurry like FXAA. I tried SMAA via RadeonPro but it won't work for some reason. Gave up. But really SMAA doesn't work well unless the game integrates the better forms of it (ie Crysis 3)
MLAA is blurry like FXAA. I tried SMAA via RadeonPro but it won't work for some reason. Gave up. But really SMAA doesn't work well unless the game integrates the better forms of it (ie Crysis 3)

The FXAA is so strong on this game, wow. :cry:

Just before the release of this game, I tweeted the devs asking them for a future SMAA patch for this game. A man can still dream.

Still zero games on PS4 with SMAA, Ryse still the only next gen game in my knowledge with this AA.