Between the two I'd say Ted Lasso is better, but that could also be because there is more of it and it's fleshed out more.That was enough to convince me to watch Ted Lasso.
Between the two I'd say Ted Lasso is better, but that could also be because there is more of it and it's fleshed out more.That was enough to convince me to watch Ted Lasso.
On season 1 could be divisive thoBetween the two I'd say Ted Lasso is better, but that could also be because there is more of it and it's fleshed out more.
Haven't seen the trailers, agree with kinda not interested but dangit you got me hunting through the endless theme tune re/mixes for the one I really liked & would loop for hoursAnyone else totally underwhelmed by the return of Stranger Things - so far from the trailers? I feel they should have ended this on a high, but now it's been like 45 years since the last season and I'm not that interested anymore...?
Stardate 75805.4
After having received the Eaglemoss model by courier delivery a few days back I have embarked on a new journey watching Star Trek: Voyager again after many years since I last did.
The theme tune at both ends is uplifting, the opening credits give lovely beauty shots of the ship, the combo gets you in the mood real well.
The crew & plots are interesting, the ship is cool & well designed, yes the technobabble comes thick and fast but .
S1 Ep 7 is one etched in my mind:The B plot is also etched in my mind but I didn't remember it was just B plot let alone of this episode:the one where they find a narrow old wormhole with a Romulan scientist at the other end, its got such great highs & lows of struggling/working together to make contact/figure out a way to send messages & leaves us hanging in hope with the crew about whether or not the messages got through.
its the one where Kes points out that the Dr is a sentient program not just an appliance and the brilliant, highly trained & moral Federation crew are treating him like shit.
The revelation hits Janeway like a pile of bricks & the more attentive will realise that this has been carefully foreshadowed through the preceding episodes, mostly played as comic relief on the surface but like the Ep IV Cantina 'we don't serve their type here' it was actually carefully placed social commentary.Absolutely brilliant episode.
For me, Star Trek: Voyager was the last really good Star Trek (good writing and coherent plots). Star Trek: Enterprise had its moments but was a bit uneven. Everything after that (including the movies, especially the horrible reboot) has been almost pure shite, IMO.
The challenge for Star Trek, and to a degree a lot of sci-fi, is that it feels like you've seen every story variation and scenario 20x before - because you probably have. You can make about the characters but then you basically have an uninteresting soap opera in space.
You have to remember that before the events Kwan was just another kid. Yes, She has a lot of growing up to do. She seems to be doing some of that with her dream walk. I have hopes that she will have major character growth in season 2. If she wasn't written as a bit of a spoiled teen in Season 1 she wouldn't have been a believable character. That would have been a step too far, to have a wise teenager character.
Where is the path for character development with a fully complete character?
Nobody whining about OB1? Fine, I'll do it myself. Another case of slightly promising take off, followed by massive crash landing.
Obi has really let himself go, a toddler outruns him the whole episode 2. Luckily the dark side version of Simone Biles chasing them is so busy perfecting her flips and throwing mood swings that they can easily tiptoe to safety.
Why is this unbelievable?
Anyone finish watching "Night Sky" yet? I was thinking of watching it but I don't want it to turn out like "Heroes" or "Lost" and waste my time.
Maniac perhaps?Anyone know a series or movie where the MC and a bunch of other people was going in a drug trial?
The MC then faked taking the drugs for the first trial. The doctor heading the trial is dead in the 2nd trial.
There's also some kind of sentient computers