The non-standard game interfaces discussion thread (move, voice, vitality, etc.)

It hasn't launch in Asia, Japan, Australia, New Zealand (I think) or Africa. So that's not quite worldwide.
yep it comes tomorrow in nz. $219nz ~$168US (so not to bad)
NZ is I believe is the only country in the world where the xb360 is the top selling console, so it should sell well.
I feel fairly certain that there will be a 5m shipped figure by Xmas, but 5m in consumer hands? Not convinced. If it's taken 10 days to reach the 1m sold figure, with all the pre-release hype and a huge marketing push, I can't necessarily conclude that sales will continue at exactly the same pace to reach the 5m figure when that same excitement level isn't there.

That said, it's the season of heavy consumer spend and maybe Kinect will continue to generate the buzz it has so far, enough to get to that target.

Please note, I'm not against Kinect and I'm very impressed with the efforts that MS are putting behind it. More sales = better software support going forward, which can only be a good thing.
10 days before Black Friday. Remember, in console sales, the rule of thumb is that your sales double in november, and double again in December. This is crazy season. I was surprised when they upped the projection to 5 million. I wouldn't have, since if you hit it, people are "meh, you said you would" and if you miss it, people tell you you've failed. If we'd left it at 3 million and then said "OMG! We sold 5 million!", now we've exceeded expectations, and the same 5 million number looks much more impressive than if you expected us to sell 5 million.

It appears our executives have never heard of "under promise and over deliver".
bkilian said:

… because when they spent the bulk of the marketing dollars, they already have a rough idea how many they can reach, and how much they can convert. They would have tested the responses in smaller scale first. ^_^

Then they make the projection and announcement. That way Microsoft can build trust and credibility.

Sony does estimations too, but mostly for shipment forecast. That way they can be more efficient in logistics (No need for planes = More $$$).

Sales of Xbox 360 in the UK doubled last week off the back of the launch of Kinect, Eurogamer has learnt.

The spike was confirmed this afternoon by sales monitor Chart-Track, a spokesperson stating that, while specific figures could not be revealed, it was "more than a fair reflection" to say the figure was double that of the previous week.

I believe UK already sold 250K Move controllers (to consumers) 1-2 weeks ago.

They may appeal to different audiences anyway.
10 days before Black Friday. Remember, in console sales, the rule of thumb is that your sales double in november, and double again in December. This is crazy season. I was surprised when they upped the projection to 5 million. I wouldn't have, since if you hit it, people are "meh, you said you would" and if you miss it, people tell you you've failed. If we'd left it at 3 million and then said "OMG! We sold 5 million!", now we've exceeded expectations, and the same 5 million number looks much more impressive than if you expected us to sell 5 million.

It appears our executives have never heard of "under promise and over deliver".

Perhaps your executives believe they can sell 7 million units. ;) Although I believe MS had to boost production just to be able to meet the 5 million revised estimate.

I have a feeling the executives just believe they can sell however many units they can make. And thus the predictions might be just what they can currently get manufactured and shipped in that time frame. :p

I was surprised when they upped the projection to 5 million. I wouldn't have, since if you hit it, people are "meh, you said you would" and if you miss it, people tell you you've failed. If we'd left it at 3 million and then said "OMG! We sold 5 million!", now we've exceeded expectations, and the same 5 million number looks much more impressive than if you expected us to sell 5 million.

It appears our executives have never heard of "under promise and over deliver".

I thought the exact same thing when they upped the projection. I hope they hit it.
I was surprised when they upped the projection to 5 million.
I wasnt since
Actually documents show 5 million was the ORIGINAL number, it went down to 3 million, then back to the original 5million
I wasnt since
Actually documents show 5 million was the ORIGINAL number, it went down to 3 million, then back to the original 5million

Seriously, where is the source of the original estimate. I have been following Kinect since it was announced and I never heard of this. All I read was about the 3 million estimate. So please show me a link.
I wasnt since
Actually documents show 5 million was the ORIGINAL number, it went down to 3 million, then back to the original 5million

Link? I've never seen anything like this. I was actually surprised by the 3 million, since it meant it would be one of the most successful consumer electronic launches of all time. (IPad took almost 3 months to sell that amount). At 5 million in less than 2 months, it becomes pretty much the fastest selling CE device launch ever.

I wish I knew what a "unit" was for the Move... Is the Wand a Unit? If they sell a $99 starter bundle (Wand and camera), is that one unit, or two? How about the secondary controller (the one without the ball), is that a unit, or is it not counted at all?
With the Kinect, the number sold is the number of XBoxes that now are motion enabled (minus a few for the linux hackers). With the Move, it's a lot more iffy. Even if it's wands only, what about the folks who buy two (Which I would highly recommend, Archery and swordfighting is awkward with just a single).
Link? I've never seen anything like this. I was actually surprised by the 3 million, since it meant it would be one of the most successful consumer electronic launches of all time. (IPad took almost 3 months to sell that amount). At 5 million in less than 2 months, it becomes pretty much the fastest selling CE device launch ever.

Consumer sales is season sensitive. I think iPad launched in April. You may need to apply your year end sales multipliers (Double the usual rate, or more). It's also more expensive ($500 and above), launched in US only, and has serious stock issues. When the statistic people (e.g., a marketing professor) compare performance behind the scene, they may normalize some of these attributes out, depending on what they want to measure.

Also, the 5 million projected sales may be toned down (i.e., the estimate could be higher). Most managers buffer their results this way. ^_^

I wish I knew what a "unit" was for the Move... Is the Wand a Unit? If they sell a $99 starter bundle (Wand and camera), is that one unit, or two? How about the secondary controller (the one without the ball), is that a unit, or is it not counted at all?

It should be the number of Move controllers. There is little point in buying PSEye alone now, perhaps until GT5 launches. There is no new software for PSEye only.

In comparison, Nintendo sold over 65.3 million Wii controllers to consumers in US alone.

With the Kinect, the number sold is the number of XBoxes that now are motion enabled (minus a few for the linux hackers). With the Move, it's a lot more iffy. Even if it's wands only, what about the folks who buy two (Which I would highly recommend, Archery and swordfighting is awkward with just a single).

I think only Sony knows how many Move controllers are attached to each PS3 unit.
Sony: Latin America Ready to Explode as Next Major Market:

Last week, IndustryGamers brought you first word about the new ad campaign for the Latin America region, and the company's renewed focus on bringing people in Latin America regionally specific content. Sony Computer Entertainment America is a big believer in the potential for Latin America, and the company stressed to us that the region is becoming far more important than you might think on a global scale.

Prior to the ad campaign announcement, IndustryGamers spoke at length with Mark Stanley, SCEA's GM for Latin America, to find out what Sony's doing in the region and why the rest of the world should start paying attention.


For Move...

IG: Right. In terms of the focus on PlayStation Move, I know the sales numbers that were announced a while ago included North America and Latin America, correct?

MS: Correct.

IG: How would you say Move is doing specifically in Latin America? Obviously, the focus from us in the media is North America because it’s such a huge region, but what kind of momentum are you seeing for Move, looking just at Latin America?

MS: Move was a tremendous success for us. We actually were able to launch in every country same-day as U.S. Our merchandising and programs across the region involve a lot of demos, a lot of heavy channel communication, and the results were we were sold out in very little time. We’re actually continuing to catch up on filling the pipeline with product, as we are in the U.S. and worldwide because demand has greatly exceeded our expectations. So far, we still don’t have enough to supply the region and we’re hoping to catch up, so triple-A success for us in the region. It’s been able to translate easily into the region. Something as simple as Move is easily communicated, easily captivated by the region. The difference is we’ve been able very much to define the difference between Move and Wii and Kinect, which has helped us quite a bit.

etc. etc.
I agree ! MS has invested in marketing dollars wisely for Kinect. The user experience and packaging are also commendable. In comparison, Sony simply focuses on games, but they will find it difficult to attract non-gamers with their existing approach.
It's not JUST the marketing dollars (though it helps A LOT).

There's an obvious perception that the Kinect is something novel, while the Move looks (and plays) a lot like a tweaked and more precise Wii. Given the Wii HW/SW numbers showing intensifying Wii-fatigue, that does not work to Sony's advantage.
WoW ! The Eyetoy Kung Foo game looks so much fun. I had no idea it existed for the PS2 :oops: ! I wish Sony re-releases these games for the ps3. Kids at home would love such stuff. I mean, half of the Kinect has already been accomplished by Eyetoy, but apparently Sony never markets its stuff well.
It's not JUST the marketing dollars (though it helps A LOT).

There's an obvious perception that the Kinect is something novel, while the Move looks (and plays) a lot like a tweaked and more precise Wii. Given the Wii HW/SW numbers showing intensifying Wii-fatigue, that does not work to Sony's advantage.

I mentioned good packaging as a factor. Move looks and plays a lot like Wii because Sony did not bother to make the experience look different. In fact, at the OS level, the Wiimote is better integrated with all the basic services compared to Move.

As for Wii fatigue, considering there are 65.3 million Wiimotes in US alone (and I don't know how many Wii units), they may be saturating at the current price point and software library. Just Dance still continues to sell though. Based on Sony's survey, 60% of potential Move owners also own a Wii. If that number can be trusted, it may mean they are looking for a different software library. Sony will have to sniff it out.

This sort of ties back to the point where some of us mentioned software and marketing are key.

Heh, an article from 11/11/2009, taking a short blurb by a MS PR person saying they hope to be able to manufacture 5m for launch. In other words, how many they hoped to build before the product officially goes on sale.

By E3 of 2010, MS already knew they wouldn't be able to get that many manufactured in time, thus all their actual projections for day one were based on a far lower number. In other words, once they found out they could only manufacture 3 million for the entire holiday season.

As they've since been able to contract more manufacturing for post launch they've been able to up projections. Although as bkilian mentioned, it may have been smarter to just keep mum about that and then spring a surprise on investors and stock holders alike.

Either way, how many units they hope to manufacture before units go on sale taken from a PR meeting one year prior isn't exactly the same as sales projections once they have an idea of how many units they'll actually be able to manufacture combined with market research estimations of how much they might be able to sell.

But I can easily see how people could presume that's what MS was expecting/hoping to sell. But obviously doesn't match the official projections once manufacturing capacity was determined.

Hmm... I haven't seen that before. So MS did schedule to make 5 million units back in 2009. At this moment, they reckon they can sell all.
A PR person can't make up the number. It should be an internal figure, but perhaps authorized for release.
all the other data is basically right
launch nov 2010
14 launch titles (though I think it was 15

the only thing off is the price, though I expect thats MS upping the price to cover the marketting compaign + looking at the wii. i.e. they could of charged $400 at launch + they would of still sold out.
Now I betcha MS wish they released kinect @$200-250