The non-standard game interfaces discussion thread (move, voice, vitality, etc.)

I'm not that surprised at this numbers, I discovered this week end that some friend of mine bought it. He brought it to another box owner place and return have been pretty positive, especially girls.
I would not be surprised if word to mouth does more good to the product than the 500 millions dollars communication campaign.
I agree ! MS has invested in marketing dollars wisely for Kinect. The user experience and packaging are also commendable. In comparison, Sony simply focuses on games, but they will find it difficult to attract non-gamers with their existing approach.

The word of mouth on Kinect has be very positive. Much more than I thought it would be.

Ha ha… I'm not surprised at all. ^_^
I predicted stock out too, but MS is using planes to get Kinect over.

Also, liolio, it's not just $500 million because they also co-market with other brands.
I'm always amused when I find out things out our products from Web boards/Bloggers before they tell us at work. Very cool though.
Kinect has sold 1 million units in 10 days. Sold through to consumer that is.

But of course, with so much money thrown at the market and exposures on Oprah, Ellen, Jimmy Fallon, Justin Bieber, blah, it better move Kinects; not to mention it is very well packaged.

Next step is to see how well it works in the wild, and how long it lasts. ^_^
Kinect has sold 1 million units in 10 days. Sold through to consumer that is.

Where does it say that? Certainly not in the press release.

I'm guessing they're using the same shipped figure that they always use, as unless they've got specific sales figures from the tend of thousands of different retailers and the hundreds of large retail chains, how would they know what is in consumer hands and what is on retail shelves?
Where does it say that? Certainly not in the press release.

I'm guessing they're using the same shipped figure that they always use, as unless they've got specific sales figures from the tend of thousands of different retailers and the hundreds of large retail chains, how would they know what is in consumer hands and what is on retail shelves?

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They said 'Over 1M' which leaves enough margin of error to be right.

Anyway I guess this is pretty damn quick for 10 days on the market. It costs more than a PS2 did at a comparable point in the lifecycle IIRC compared to the Xbox 360.

Edit: I forgot to mention that they are more than 1/5th of the way to their revised 5M target in very little time. They still have over 40 days to sell the remaining 4M and at this sales rate it looks plausible. Agree?

Ah. ok. I stand corrected.

I feel fairly certain that there will be a 5m shipped figure by Xmas, but 5m in consumer hands? Not convinced. If it's taken 10 days to reach the 1m sold figure, with all the pre-release hype and a huge marketing push, I can't necessarily conclude that sales will continue at exactly the same pace to reach the 5m figure when that same excitement level isn't there.

That said, it's the season of heavy consumer spend and maybe Kinect will continue to generate the buzz it has so far, enough to get to that target.

Please note, I'm not against Kinect and I'm very impressed with the efforts that MS are putting behind it. More sales = better software support going forward, which can only be a good thing.
I feel fairly certain that there will be a 5m shipped figure by Xmas, but 5m in consumer hands? Not convinced. If it's taken 10 days to reach the 1m sold figure, with all the pre-release hype and a huge marketing push, I can't necessarily conclude that sales will continue at exactly the same pace to reach the 5m figure when that same excitement level isn't there.

That said, it's the season of heavy consumer spend and maybe Kinect will continue to generate the buzz it has so far, enough to get to that target.

Please note, I'm not against Kinect and I'm very impressed with the efforts that MS are putting behind it. More sales = better software support going forward, which can only be a good thing.

Microsoft will do everything to meet or exceed 5m by end of the year, not end of Xmas. Besides the celeb exposure and the launch performance in NYC, they also gave away free Kinects to Boys and Girls clubs, industry folks, show attendees, etc. to help generate word of mouth. The exposure to the tech community (via tech blogs, TED, open source development community) has also been seeded. People can buy Kinect even if they don't have 360.

I'd be surprised if they can't hit the target. This is worldwide sales right ? MS raised the target to 5m from 3m. They won't do that if they haven't conducted any studies.
What countrys does this number include ? If its just NA then they will most likely do another 1m in the EU over a similar time frame. So they can get to 2m rather quickly with the next phase of launch all the while selling more in NA.
It doesn't matter. ^_^
They will (have to) hit the target because Kinect is different from Wii and Move.

Sony may leech off Nintendo (Developers can make games for the combined Wii and Move user base). It looks like Sony is in no hurry themselves. :-/
For these titles, they will get the developers to value add for Move.
What countrys does this number include ? If its just NA then they will most likely do another 1m in the EU over a similar time frame. So they can get to 2m rather quickly with the next phase of launch all the while selling more in NA.

hhmmm, I don't think it'll be quite as quickly - I'm guessing twice as long due to the smaller penetration and lesser 'popularity' of MS outside of the UK
What countrys does this number include ? If its just NA then they will most likely do another 1m in the EU over a similar time frame. So they can get to 2m rather quickly with the next phase of launch all the while selling more in NA.

The 1 million number is worldwide.