The non-standard game interfaces discussion thread (move, voice, vitality, etc.)

It's the collective and repeated exposures that "kill". That's why the whole exercise is expensive. :)

You need a lot of money to throw.
Wasn't Wii in Oprah too? She gave them away also.
Not saying that was part of Wii's success, just that it's not new marketing strategy.
Personally, I feel embarassed when watching the Oprah show, such blatant paid advertising with an audience that's bribed to react over-the-top enthusiastically, all masked as a talk-show with some serious topics, makes me sick.
Yap, Nintendo did it too but on a smaller scale.

There's nothing sick about it. At the end of the day, they may be attracted to the novelty but settle down for something else like watching NetFlix. ^_^
I can't ever remember being convinced to buy a product that was presented in this manner.
I can't remember any lifestyle or image advert convincing me to buy anything, ever. Yet it works on lots of other people. Kinect's presence certainly seems to be making it a buzzword that sits at the back the typical buyers consciousness prodding them to be noticed! I noticed Kinect on Smallville, along with other MS widgets. Are MS an official sponsor in the US, or is it kinda 'on the sly' and they are paying for inclusion without being identified as an official sponsor? Or is the producer just a huge MS fanboy! :p
Or is the producer just a huge MS fanboy! :p

Product placement is a huge element in American TV and Film and there are teams of people in marketing firms devoted solely to getting there client's products seen in 'the right show'.

There will be almost no point when you see a iPhone or Sony Laptop in a movie without it being paid for by Apple or Sony. Hell, even a shot of a Google search will have been negotiated in by a marketing suit. It doesn't hurt that Sony, Apple and Google are "cool", so producers already want their products in their films or shows anyway.
Occasionally, it is possible for a product to appear in the movie because it's an icon, or because the actor/actress/director refuse to let it go. ^_^

The Apple dudes I spoke to keep insisting that they don't have to spend money for placement. I don't know whether to believe them or not yet.
There are certain brands that are favorites with Movie makers for sure, simply because some brands dominate certain areas and social groups. DTP and graphical design especially for publishing has for instance for a long time been dominated by Apple.

I always look out for a Prius in U.S. movies these days - I am rarely disappointed. I doubt that Toyota pays for that each time and it is well known that many actors have supported the brand by buying one, though you never know.
I didn't realise the Apple thing until you said it and I just googled it. It seems your dudes are telling the truth and that the Apple brand is so cool that set designers are desperate to include their products wherever they can.

I'm sure one reason is that Apple devices are aesthetically appealing. They are good for the staging and visuals.
Yeah, some props are there to add deliberate content. If your character is going to be an Apple user, you'll use an Apple. an XB360 in Die Hard 4 makes sense given the context of the character. Some stuff is just placement though, like the XB360 occassionally appearing in Smallville, the PS3 appearance in Heroes. I was wondering if this was part of a sponsorship package, and the programme is preceded with, "Microsoft sponsors Smallville," or if it's more an advertising thing with spot appearnaces, presumably paying $x to get such-and-such product featured in such-and-such programme.

This is all going OT though.
if it's more an advertising thing with spot appearnaces, presumably paying $x to get such-and-such product featured in such-and-such programme.

This is all going OT though.

I think it's safe to assume it's product-placement (it's a well known term for a reason!). We're just discussing a few notable exceptions now.

It's not even off-topic, as it's a form of co-branding, and we know that Sony works among others with CocaCola for Move, and Microsoft is working with PepsiCo and a bunch of other brands for Kinect.
The title says, "non-standard game interfaces discussion," while the discussion is becoming product placement and why Apples appear in programmes. That's going OT. ;)
Ok, you win! I should have said 'not even THAT off-topic' ... ;)

Anyway, to bring it back on-topic, it will be interesting to see when we'll get the first movie that features either Kinect or Move in it. Shouldn't be too long I imagine ... :LOL: Though you never know - you still occasionally get DDR in a movie today. Probably the first movies will in fact be payed product placement.
Yeah, some props are there to add deliberate content. If your character is going to be an Apple user, you'll use an Apple. an XB360 in Die Hard 4 makes sense given the context of the character. Some stuff is just placement though, like the XB360 occassionally appearing in Smallville, the PS3 appearance in Heroes. I was wondering if this was part of a sponsorship package, and the programme is preceded with, "Microsoft sponsors Smallville," or if it's more an advertising thing with spot appearnaces, presumably paying $x to get such-and-such product featured in such-and-such programme.

This is all going OT though.

I came in late so only throwing one thing in because it was so ODD. I'm trying to remember what movie it was that I saw this in, but there was a laptop on the table that wasn't branded by any OEM branding. Instead it just featured a prominent Windows logo on the cover. I'm not sure if any OEM makes a laptop like that, but I'm pretty sure it was paid by MS.

I think it was the A-Team movie. Also had an old-style white X360. :)

Looks like Oprah got soccer moms all excited for Kinect by giving her audience free Kinect sensors & Xbox 360 systems...

When I first seen it I really thought it was faked. They're way too excited. It's not like they're getting free cars.

Tommy McClain

That kind of shows are staged. If you have money you can create influence to the masses through the media. And MS have got the cash. Before the airing of the show the audience in the room are being told what to do. Strong but scary marketing tactics
That kind of shows are staged. If you have money you can create influence to the masses through the media. And MS have got the cash. Before the airing of the show the audience in the room are being told what to do. Strong but scary marketing tactics

a friend of mine got a free pontiac on oprah they didn't know they were getting anything , my friend flipped out and she was dry heaving on the show. Of course a free $18k car is diffrent than $300 in xbox stuff
a friend of mine got a free pontiac on oprah they didn't know they were getting anything , my friend flipped out and she was dry heaving on the show. Of course a free $18k car is diffrent than $300 in xbox stuff
Not all is staged and it doesnt necessarily mean they knew the prise.