The non-standard game interfaces discussion thread (move, voice, vitality, etc.)

Arwin has kindly provided some stats, I think overall there is around 17M units in each region, so you'd expect similar sales...unless there was a strong brand loyalty. I do agree (to an extent) regarding the starter pack prices - but TBH I can't think why anyone who buys the Move wouldn't want SC!? (and you can buy the bits seperately for about the same price in the US anyway @ ~$80)

Hmm ? PS eye = $40 , Move controller = $50 . So your already at @90 bucks usd here before a game which are $40 and up. So to buy it without a bundle your going to waste $30 bucks.

Its actually why I skipped out on the move. I own the ps eye (what a waste of money that was) and its not worth it to me to buy it , it would have been great if they priced the controller cheaper but they didn't. I'm not convinced yet that the move will stick around much longer than the ps eye did.
I'm not convinced yet that the move will stick around much longer than the ps eye did.
I consider that a given seeing as there's actually software for the Move and a growing user base and a lot of possible applications. the only reason for Move to die out at this point is if people really don't much care for motion controls and give up with Move after a period and don't buy more Move titles. If the platform remains good it'll keep going, unlike PSEye that had zero support.
I consider that a given seeing as there's actually software for the Move and a growing user base and a lot of possible applications. the only reason for Move to die out at this point is if people really don't much care for motion controls and give up with Move after a period and don't buy more Move titles. If the platform remains good it'll keep going, unlike PSEye that had zero support.
The Move will have legs. It's all about the software support.
One of the reasons I think the Live Cam and Eyetoy/PS Eye didn't take off is that the libraries supplied with them were reasonably rudimentary. You couldn't just treat it like a controller, you had to do expensive and difficult image processing to get good results. Hard to do==Developers won't do it==No software==bad sales.
The PS2 EyeToy was inhibited by processing power in 1999/early 2000. [EDIT: Actually, if they rolled out in 1999, then the R&D happened a few years earlier]

The PS3 PSEye future was probably inhibited/decided by Sony management, more so than technology.
Hmm ? PS eye = $40 , Move controller = $50 . So your already at @90 bucks usd here before a game which are $40 and up. So to buy it without a bundle your going to waste $30 bucks.

Its actually why I skipped out on the move. I own the ps eye (what a waste of money that was) and its not worth it to me to buy it , it would have been great if they priced the controller cheaper but they didn't. I'm not convinced yet that the move will stick around much longer than the ps eye did.

it's here to stay IMHO, buy the pack and sell the eye - SC is worth it :)
In the US, it's about 33% PS3, 66% 360, in the EU it is about 50% PS3, 50% 360. So that's a huge difference - the PS3 EU market is larger than the US and Japan combined.

That's definitely also true, and considerably more PS Eyes have been sold here as well.

I wasnt talking about how PS3 sales compare to 360 sales in each region, i was talking about how many PS3s have sold in US vs how many PS3s have sold in EU. How popular PS3 is compared to 360 is in each region says nothing about the popularity of the PS3 itself between regions. If the PS3 has sold about equal in both regions then you would expect Move to follow suit with a similar ratio, if it was simply down to brand popularity.
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Why would you buy PSEye standalone ? It may be interesting to play with if you have PS3 Linux, or if you use video chat with other owners.

A game like Sports Champions or Eye of Judgment are very good games to boot. If you buy a game bundle, it's only $10 extra.

If you're going to spend $90 upwards, you'll end up with a PSEye compatible game (with the motion controller) for sure. So it's not just the hardware. If you can't get into the game(s), then it's a different thing.

I think some old games also got patched to support PSEye and the motion controller. So if you buy the controller with PSEye, you may get to play some of these for free.
$5 bucks for the psp eye is not worth it at all for me.

Besides I have the wii and kinect. I rather not spend $95 on a third motion control

When a game comes out that you would have bought anyway regardless of move support then you will get a good deal, you will have a game, pseye and a move for $50, saving $50 over the bundle. Extrapolate that out to when you have 10 games that have move support that you would have bought anyway then you have 10 move games, pseye and move for $50 ;-) This is what makes move such great value for me, my $50 investment will go a long way, i already have several move games without spending a penny
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Motion controlled online gaming in Mario Sports Mix:

Mario Sports Mix lets two consoles connect for online hockey, basketball, volleyball, and dodgeball. Each console can support up to two players online, so it’s possible to have a roommate vs. roommate digital dodgeball exhibition match.

EDIT: Now bashing someone in a game of Gladiator over his B3D posts would be a step up from flaming him. :devilish:
When a game comes out that you would have bought anyway regardless of move support then you will get a good deal, you will have a game, pseye and a move for $50, saving $50 over the bundle. Extrapolate that out to when you have 10 games that have move support that you would have bought anyway then you have 10 move games, pseye and move for $50 ;-) This is what makes move such great value for me, my $50 investment will go a long way, i already have several move games without spending a penny

The problem is , I only own two ps3 games. I own 10 wii games and 30 xbox 360 games. So anyway I dunno. I don't want to brnig the thread down tho over my gaming habits

As reported today at 4gamer, Love Plus was on display at the Digital Content Expo 2010 event, a technology show that runs through the 17th in Odaiba. Konami had its own booth at the event, where the game's Augmented Reality and Vocaloid voice synthesis technology were on display.


But the real show of technology came in a separate booth that was set up in the show's ConTEX area, which highlights next generation contents technology. Here, Tokyo University's Graduate School of Information Science and Technology and Keio University's Graduate School of Media Design were showing "RePro 3D," a new interface that simulates touch. Thanks to a collaboration with Konami, the subject of the demonstration was Love Plus.

The RePro 3D interface requires that users wrap a sensor around their pointer finger, then touch a special panel. The touches are translated into a 3D world (that's 3D as in popping out of the screen 3D).

Exhibitors created a touchable 3D demo of SD ("super deformed") girls from Love Plus. The demo began by showing the the girls fly out from a DS unit. Samplers could then touch one of the girls, with the other two retreating back into the DS. The girls were able to react to your touches, turning to look at you depending on where you touched them.

eastmen said:
Hmm ? PS eye = $40 , Move controller = $50 . So your already at @90 bucks usd here before a game which are $40 and up. So to buy it without a bundle your going to waste $30 bucks.

Its actually why I skipped out on the move. I own the ps eye (what a waste of money that was) and its not worth it to me to buy it , it would have been great if they priced the controller cheaper but they didn't. I'm not convinced yet that the move will stick around much longer than the ps eye did.

The problem is , I only own two ps3 games. I own 10 wii games and 30 xbox 360 games. So anyway I dunno. I don't want to brnig the thread down tho over my gaming habits

Yeah, whether Sony will continue to support Move is a question of competition, and the overall consumer spending on Move games and accessories (Not eastmen's personal spending).

Move will stick around as long as Wii and Kinect are around. MS and Nintendo's marketing effort in this area will help Sony as well.

I wasn't too sure earlier myself too. At this point, it looks like the more marketing you see from MS and Nintendo, the more committed Sony will be on Move. In parallel, they will continue to farm stereoscopic 3D, and online gaming.
Yeah, when I said "Buying PSEye standalone", I meant just the hardware. Buying it bundled with EyePet or Eye of Judgment is more worthwhile.