The non-standard game interfaces discussion thread (move, voice, vitality, etc.)

Pre-orders for the $150 Kinect add-on are sold out at GameStop & NewEgg. There are still other online sites with pre-orders though(like Amazon, & Walmart). I'm sure Microsoft are are really limiting the add-on bundles. They really want people to buy the system bundles instead.

Tommy McClain

That's what I'm thinking also, that MS will be allocating more units for the bundle versus upgrade. Otherwise I'd be hugely suprised that the add-on has sold out at Newegg of all places. Hence I'm thinking that most retailers and etailers have gotten a relatively small pre-order allocation for the add-ons.

Either that or I'm seriously underestimating the attraction for the enthusiast/core gamer.

See my reply to zed above.

It'd be damned hard. You'd need to identify a person walking in the space. Actaully that could be done with facial recognition. You'd need to identify the speaker and what they say in a noisy environment. That's very hard without some sound isolation system such as a microphone array. Then you'd have the games where every bit of movement in the background registers as user input, basically ruining the game experience.

I think a lot of people just don't really appreciate what Kinect is doing!

Sorry, I suppose I worded it badly, but in a nut-shell I was saying in essence that the suggestion itself nothing 'out of this world' - eyetoy potentially could do something along similar lines (recognise a shape that it thinks is someone walking past and 'interact' with that person - altho with much less accuracy).

So I'm saying that Kinect can (and probably has been successfully tested) to do that, however the fact it might not work properly (even in a small % of cases) is why it's not being done IMO.

Imagine, it only takes some PS fanbois to figure out how to 'break' it and then post footage of the failure.
BTW, I noticed that the sales are 'ok' for the Move - WW ~125k pw for the first 2 weeks (sports champions) so around 250k (min) Moves out there (assuming 1 per sports champions) so potentially I recon Sony could have shifted as many as 350-400K Moves?

Kinect looks set to dwarf that day one, but it'll be interesting to see how things pan out after Christmas
Pre-orders for the $150 Kinect add-on are sold out at GameStop & NewEgg. There are still other online sites with pre-orders though(like Amazon, & Walmart). I'm sure Microsoft are are really limiting the add-on bundles. They really want people to buy the system bundles instead.

Tommy McClain

For some reason I can't find the standalone Move controllers either. It's backordered at amazon, bestbuy and gamestop, and out of stock at walmart. Out of stock in the couple of gamestops and best buys I checked in the DC area. Plenty of nav subcontrollers, quite a few $99 bundles, though.
That's what I'm thinking also, that MS will be allocating more units for the bundle versus upgrade. Otherwise I'd be hugely suprised that the add-on has sold out at Newegg of all places. Hence I'm thinking that most retailers and etailers have gotten a relatively small pre-order allocation for the add-ons.

Either that or I'm seriously underestimating the attraction for the enthusiast/core gamer.


Gamestop got 20 preorders per store. Ithink there are 3 thousand gamestops in the usa. So thats not a bad number. Remember these are reserves for launch day , more wil be avalbile before the holidays.
Gamestop got 20 preorders per store. Ithink there are 3 thousand gamestops in the usa. So thats not a bad number. Remember these are reserves for launch day , more wil be avalbile before the holidays.

60,000? That definitely sounds plausible. Though it makes you wonder about the 3 million figure being touted. I would suspect a majority(1.5mil+) of those going to the States. Let's say Amazon, Best Buy & Walmart got the same amount of add-ons as GameStop. Then that means about 250,000+- for the States, then that means 1.0-1.25mil are part of bundles? That would be for 2 months worth of sales. Highly optimistic if you ask me.

Tommy McClain
Gamestop got 20 preorders per store.

Are you sure? My local Game in the UK has been 'guaranteed' 70 on launch day and therefore can fulfill 70 launch-day pre-orders, but can expect anything up to 150 Kinects on day one.

20 pre-orders for Gamestop sounds low to me, considering the USA is obviously the primary market for Kinect.

Microsoft's UK studio Rare originally made prototype button controllers for Kinect, as it struggled with the early concept of peripheral-free motion control.

According to Nick Burton, development director for Kinect at Rare, it wasn't until the first successful game prototypes began drawing a crowd in-house that it dawned on the team that there were multiple ways to interact without holding moulded plastic.

"I remember those first few weeks of us having the tech in November 2008, we were going 'but you've got to have a button!' To the extent that we built little buttons that you could hold in your hands, just to try it," he said in an interview with

"The acid test turned out to be a couple of prototypes we worked out quickly. We weren't thinking about sports, these were just ideas we were chucking around for three or four days at a time. We had a little goal kick game that was to test accuracy of avatars and it worked well because we could place a virtual ball in front of the player. And at the same time as that, we realised that kicking doesn't involve a button, there doesn't have to be a button press.

Are you sure? My local Game in the UK has been 'guaranteed' 70 on launch day and therefore can fulfill 70 launch-day pre-orders, but can expect anything up to 150 Kinects on day one.

20 pre-orders for Gamestop sounds low to me, considering the USA is obviously the primary market for Kinect.

Indeed. 20 sounds way too low.
Allocation is usually not uniform. Popular and bigger stores will get more. We don't know if 20 is the lowest, or 70 is the highest.

Given the amount of money MS spend on marketing to non-gamers, I'd be surprised if it's not sold out by end of the year (Target 3 millions ?). The basic concept is intriguing (like magic !) to the consumers at large. The user experience is integrated, simple to use, and carefully/beautifully crafted. We will also see more and more exposures as the shopping season nears.

Sony won't be able to match because they don't have any new user concepts around PS Move, and they are relying on existing practices (Similar to existing Wii, DS3, PSEye games). There is no multiplier effect or so called "whole is more than sum of parts" experience. Their regional Move advertising is all over the place (on the floor).

The PS Move store demoes will have limited effect since they didn't settle their basic marketing questions adequately ("What values does Move bring to the table for me ?"). Will be hard to get attention compared to other gadgets like GoogleTV, iPad too. They are relying on existing PS3 gamers to build the initial momentum, partly to maximize profit (It's much more efficient, marketingwise), partly for failing to recognize the gaps IMHO.
Doesn't that just affect new console bundle sales though? For existing 360 owners I'm not so sure that Kinect is as attractive.
Yeah, but the non-gamers are (much) bigger than the gamers. And, they overlap. Some core gamers play casual games too (with family members, or just for personal entertainment).

The area Kinect gets into has no/little competition -- since Sony gave up early with PSEye and turned to Move controllers instead. :)

In practice, there is no controller-free vs controller-ful world. They are both relevant in our space. It doesn't make sense for Sony to give up one for the other especially when they practically started the controller-free gaming. As I mentioned earlier, they should have taken a neutral approach and combine both to their advantage. That way, they can gain more from MS's aggressive advertising also.
Sure, but are stores getting mostly stand-alone cameras or arcade bundles? ;)
Non-gamers who don't have 360 will go for the arcade bundles.

Existing 360 gamers will just buy the standalone camera.

Both should be sufficient to fuel their growth in the near term. I don't think they can manufacture enough to attend to everyone.
Pre-orders for the $150 Kinect add-on are sold out at GameStop & NewEgg. There are still other online sites with pre-orders though(like Amazon, & Walmart). I'm sure Microsoft are are really limiting the add-on bundles. They really want people to buy the system bundles instead.

Tommy McClain

I work for an unnamed retailer (don't want to potentially lose my job), and we still have them available for pre-order. The stand alone unit, and both system bundles, in fact. To be not so subtle, it's one of the largest game retailers in the North Americas.

Part public art project, part video game, Lummo Blocks has taken over the Plaza de Las Letras. Basically Tetris writ large, two players shuffle horizontally in front of the billboard-sized display: one controls the trajectory of the game piece, while the other rotates it into place. The goal of the designers, MediaLab Prado, is to "creat[e] an interaction between the passersby and the public space of the plaza."

The Cybertecture Mirror may look like yet another vapor-rich concept -- what with its translucent overlaid interface and cloud-connected ways -- but it's actually just had its launch in Hong Kong, is set to start taking pre-orders in December, and will (hopefully) be shipped by the middle of next year. The brainchild of one James Law, this reflective renegade measures 800 x 500 x 50mm, comes with stereo speakers totalling 10W of power output, WiFi, IP41 waterproofing, and fog-resistant glass.

It still looks like a vapor rich concept (but can it handle steam? ;) ). But I did notice one useful feature: estimated next Period. :LOL: That is in my experience something most women just can't keep track of by themselves, and I tend to recommend them to set reminders for themselves so they know when they feel crappy for a good reason, or crappy from a monthly reason. Sounds terrible, but it helps.
"Interact effortlessly with what until now has been just a mirror." Ummmm, it stops being a mirror when you show all that gumph on it, which means it's no good for shaving or putting on make-up etc. And when you've finished shaving or putting on makeup and using it as a mirror, do you really want to stand around in the bathroom to use a computer, or would you rather retreat to the sitting room on the big, comfy chairs and use a netbook or smart-phone, or for more serious stuff use the main PC?

A solution looking for a problem IMO. A stealth PC in the living room would maybe be a better application. And as there are no touchscreens or motion controls described, this doesn't really constitute an unconventional interface either!