jvd said:
Unless I am missunderstanding what they said there .
You must be... Applying skinning to an 850K model would take ages, just think about it... Say, at 20 fps that means 17 million vertices / sec sustained, and you have to do it with at least 3 lights, with all the preparation for bump mapping, with stencil shadows - AND on top of that, all the skinning which takes quite a few more instructions as well.
An NV40 -might- be able to do this for one character though (but I don't really think so), but how about the rest of the scene around it, insert another videocard to do that?
Besides, you can see that the stuff is lowpoly on the screenshots and the wireframe images they've provided. The big monsta has no 3D chains on it, for example, you can clearly see that it's a flat surface with bump mapping on its chest.