As I said before, the day hateful religious demagoguery is codified in our constitution is the day this country becomes a meaningless shell of its former self. There is no non-religious reason to ban gays from marrying whatsoever. It's just a continuation of this country's long dirty "secret" of exclusion and minority hatred.
The Republicans built their stronghold in the south right after the Democrats took a principled stand and backed the Civil Rights Movement, most notably the Voting Rights Act of 1965 as well as the enforcement of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. Is it any wonder that political analysts are virtually guaranteeing that the Republicans will run yet another FUD campaign, but this time targeting gays instead of blacks and women's rights organizations, to rally their "poor white male southern base?" The Republicans have used nothing but FUD in their platforms since the 60s. For an organization that extols itself on the meaning of self-governance and taking credit, and blame, for one's own actions, they sure have done a lot of finger pointing for all society's ills towards Blacks, Women, Immigrants, Jews, and now Gays.
Did I say how much I truly despise Republican social conservatives? The Mass. Democrats who disagree with Gay Marriage at the very least have publicly stated that while they have a personal disagreement with homosexuality, the law
does protect us, and that is why they're standing with the decision as a whole. It seems that so far, Democrats tend to look past their own personal biases and look at the law itself, rather than co-mingle their personal biases with the law. If all the politicians in the 60s mingled their personal biases with the law, I dare say we would not have gotten the landmark Civil Rights acts we did. Or in the 70s the Women's Rights acts. The Republicans now have their "Wedge Issue" to run on. Lord knows they can't run on the economy or Iraq. So let's just divert those poor unsuspecting souls attention from what matters to what doesn't, in order to turn out our perpetually fearful southern base.
History is simply repeating itself.