The Last Guardian (Trico, Ico 3, Shadow of the Colossus sequel, etc.) [PS4]

Tha PS lifestyle leaks footage that seems like it needs to be leaked. THey had UC2 footage too. I sometime think they(Sony) plan those leaks at PSlifestyle. maybe the website pays to get these exclusive leaks or something. Cos had they not leaked that earlier footage, people wouldn't have seen how much progress the game has made over time in terms of gfx and art style.
Who knows !
Tha PS lifestyle leaks footage that seems like it needs to be leaked. THey had UC2 footage too. I sometime think they(Sony) plan those leaks at PSlifestyle. maybe the website pays to get these exclusive leaks or something. Cos had they not leaked that earlier footage, people wouldn't have seen how much progress the game has made over time in terms of gfx and art style.
Who knows !

Sadly, not. Sony doesn't intentionally want to do leaks...and they certainly wouldn't give them to a little website like PSLifestyle...that's banned on lots of forums and aggregates.
Ok ! but the UC2 leak had the camera right in front of the guy explaining stuff. Didn't look like he didn't know the camera was there. So, I thought maybe it was all intentional.
I didn't know about the ill-repute of that website, anyways !

But I still hope The Last Guardian comes out this year :) !
Ok ! but the UC2 leak had the camera right in front of the guy explaining stuff. Didn't look like he didn't know the camera was there. So, I thought maybe it was all intentional.
I didn't know about the ill-repute of that website, anyways !

But I still hope The Last Guardian comes out this year :) !

Don't hold out hope. Seriously.
What do you mean by average gameplay? I'd have said SotC was extraordinary gameplay, as no-one that I know of had made a monster scaling game before. Also where ICO's gameplay was certainly akin to other adventure games, the boy/girl mechanic was something special, which established the empathy unique to this game.

Don't get me wrong as I enjoyed SotC but I didn't find the gameplay elements to be amazing nor innovative..I find Ico's gameplay to be more engaging then SotC since the player had an emotional bond with both the boy and girl...Im hoping that Trico's gameplay is more akin to Ico then it is to SotC...
I'd buy that for sure, but I'd be even more interested in an Ico-makeover. I still think it's the better game of the two (mostly due to a much more even pacing)

I agree with your statement..I'd buy an Ico remake in a heartbeat..That game would look beautiful on the PS3...
If they put ICO and SOTC on the same disc as Ico3/Trico/whatever (i'm sure they would fit, if not on a separate disc), running at 1080p with all sorts of AA and whatever else, given they wouldn't exactly push the hardware in any other way, it would be absolutely amazing. And i played both already! Anything to play Ico at a higher res than, what was it? 240p? That was the most absurd thing i saw on PS2 at the time. As if 480i wasn't bad enough!
Saw this link on GAF:

the patent is for a specific data gathering, distributing and managing process which allows designers and players to influence and change the layout of a map or level.

Looks like a mechanism for players to change a map collectively ? Would be awesome for MAG.

For games with smart path finding AI (KZ3 and U2), I wondered why the developers didn't let the AI bring their own ladders. It's rather apparent in U2 because the level is platform-ish and vertical. Allowing the AI to change the layout using ladders (planks, etc.) and have them path find to you would make me smile. :yes:

During a presentation at the CESA Developers Conference on Wednesday about the art of animation, Team Ico head Fumito Ueda brought up some shots from Ico as illustrations. Except the images projected don't look exactly like the PS2 game: the aspect ratio is different, the textures are better, and the character models are sharper -- and that's just what can be picked up from looking at pictures of a projector showing the images. NeoGAF's Gribbix and SolidSnakex posted direct comparisons between the CEDEC presentation and the PS2 Ico.


Original GameWatch link:

Ueda has been hinting at a TGS showing for the game for months now. In a February Famitsu interview, he said that he was hoping to share more info on the game this year but that Sony had yet to decide upon an E3 or TGS showing. The game missed E3.

More recently, Ueda got himself a Twitter account and wrote "We should be able to show something at Tokyo Game Show, so look forward to it." The only problem is, he didn't specifically mention The Last Guardian here.

The Last Guardian's TGS showing will likely be video-only. Sony announced its playable games lineup earlier this week, and, expectedly, The Last Guardian was not included.
Such modest hope! Me personally, I'm hoping for it to be almost ready. I expect if the HD remakes are real then we'll hear/see those too.
I don't know man, the game has been too elusive since the last showing and I just can't bear the thought of a total media blowout in a week's time. Isn't TGS all about few seconds of closed door showing and blurry camera phone footages?
Starting the game unspoiled, not knowing what expect, discoveries everything for yourself does sound nice. Looking back at SotC, I knew quite a lot about it before I even played the game. What to feel when what happens, ect. It only took away from the experience.

Although it's going to be hard to resist any media that's released before the game.
When I bought SOTC, I had no idea who had made it or what the game was about. I just bought it coz my gut feeling said it must be an awesome game. It made the experience much much more magical since I had no idea what world I was about to enter.
Same for MGS3. I just bought it coz something inside me told me that "Metal Gear Solid" must be a really really good game, and the jap character art on the box helped too. Initially the game was difficult to get into, but once in I was completely hooked and the end made my eyes go wet ! The only game to ever do that. Not knowing anything about Snake and the MGS legacy helped a lot there, and I fell in love with Snake( and The Boss and Eva ::love: ! )

But in this age of 24 hrs connectivity and direct messages from the devs via twitter , it is too damn hard to resist ! I managed a partial blackout WRT to MGS4 and KZ2, but I would say there were many videos I shouldn't have watched :oops: !
I am so stoked about The Last Guardian that I don't think I can resist watching whatever comes out of TGS. Once I have watched that, I can plan the blackout depending on how much the footage Wows me. The trailer released last year is very very relaxing and magical :) !