The GT5 expectation thread (including preview titles)*

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Nice times novcze! I don't think I'll ever be able to beat your times, unless I play for hours a day and study some replays long and hard. :cry:

I managed to do a little bit better though... I switched my TV to game mode (my TV is known for having bad input lag) and I managed these times:

ranked 55 in Canada.

Still can't beat Arwin's stock car time but TBH, I think that's the best I can do without studying replays. I might be able to do a tad better on my tuned time.

Best times by country according to this post at GAF.
3'23.464 Japan
3'23.724 Australia
3'24.083 United Kingdom
3'24.230 Portugal
3'24.298 Canada
3'24.302 Spain
3'24.303 Hong Kong
3'24.449 United States
3'25.141 Austria
3'24.142 Switzerland
3'24.217 Germany
3'24.272 Italy
3'24.321 France
3'24.421 The Netherlands
3'24.715 Taiwan
3'24.727 Finland
3'24.890 Belgium
3'24.999 Sweden
3'25.141 New Zealand
3'25.275 Singapore
3'25.481 Korea
3'25.576 Denmark
3'25.760 Norway
3'26.001 Ireland
3'26.135 Thailand
3'27.043 ------------- Ordoñez
3'27.309 ------------- Yamauchi
3'27.986 Mexico
3'29.421 Indonesia
3'29.430 Malaysia

That's insane, 3'23.464. :oops:
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Japanese are Aliens. They came on earth and left a colony. Thats why their reflexes and accuracy are beyond human comprehension
I'm very happy to see the 370z in GT finally! The cockpit looks great! My impression is the cockpit is more detailed here than in Forza, though I will have to double-check to make a better judgement.

However, I can't stand the controls on the gamepad. The issue seems to be the fact that ASM is disabled, but it's practically impossible for me to play with a D-pad as I have been with Gran Turismo since the beginning (and most recently on the PSP). The analog stick was a bit more manageable. Perhaps if I turn the sensitivity down on the stick, I will be able to manage.
I'm not a big GT fan but I've been playing this on and off, some strange reason I find it addictive, and I barely played prologue.

I find the stock car more fun to drive than the tuned car, I tried putting TC to 0 for the tuned car as someone recommended it to improve the time tremendously, but wow was it much harder to drive, got better time from switching it back to 7.

1'52.918 for the stock car
1'42 for tuned (can't remember the exact time)
Anybody got graphical glitches in the rear mirror (bumper view) ? Today I had the mirror turn milky with vertical stripes. First I thought it was the ghost car overlaying the view, but I got so distracted that I stopped and it was still there while the ghost car was already far ahead. Then I pressed the start button and it was fine again.
I'm not a big GT fan but I've been playing this on and off, some strange reason I find it addictive, and I barely played prologue.

I find the stock car more fun to drive than the tuned car, I tried putting TC to 0 for the tuned car as someone recommended it to improve the time tremendously, but wow was it much harder to drive, got better time from switching it back to 7.

1'52.918 for the stock car
1'42 for tuned (can't remember the exact time)
For me, if I enable ASM or TCS, it slows down my times. You should be able to get better times with them off if you learn how to play without them. Watch replays of the top times... take note where they're starting to take each turn, when they start to brake and at what speed, when they start to steer towards the apex, see how they're throttling the gas, then see when they start to accelerate out of the apex. Or better yet, use the race line if you're not already. The most important thing is to make sure you throttle the gas pedal. If you're using a gamepad and you're using the face buttons for brake/accelerate, try mapping accelerate to R2 and brake to L2, and if you use MT, shift up to R1 and shift down to L1. The triggers are obviously much better for throttling the accelerator.
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The most important thing is to make sure you throttle the gas pedal. If you're using a gamepad and you're using the face buttons for brake/accelerate, try mapping accelerate to R2 and brake to L2, and if you use MT, shift up to R1 and shift down to L1. The triggers are obviously much better for throttling the accelerator.

aww ok, thanks, I'll give that a try :smile:
I've never gotten used to the triggers for acc/brake before, so I've been using the face buttons, I just tap the buttons lightly to throttle them but it's not really working too well I guess :cry:
Before I got my wheel, I used to play with the face buttons too. It took me a while to get used to it, but I forced myself to learn that layout and my times got better. Being able to control your speed better throughout a turn alone should be able to lower your lap times a bit.

I don't know if they made any changes in this demo... I've seen 1 or 2 people say the triggers didn't work well for them. IMHO, it's better than using the face buttons.
Did a bit of playing yesterday and got some not all that shabby times (at least for me):
Normal car: 1'52.377
Tuned car: 1'39.223
Total: 3'31.600
Rank 187 in Belgium

Playing with controller on AT and TCS on 8 (instead of lower like some suggested here :p).
I think it does. I usually have my date set in the future to block that annoying ticker in the XMB and I wasn't able to play the events, since "the event had already expired". It also made note that my time/date settings weren't accurate. After changing it to the correct time, I was able to play the event.
Was driving the Tuned car again yesterday and having a world of trouble to even match my previous time. After far too long wasted effort, I discovered I had forgotten to turn off TCS :???::oops: Turned it off and managed to bring the time to 38.0 but that caused me to be in bed faaaar too late. A much shorter session now brought it down to 37.8 (50.2 for the other one). So just a few more tenths to shave off to beat Kaz in the Tuned car ... ha ha. It feels crazy to be so far off the pace compared to the best drivers but oh well, such is life. And at least I feel I'm learning to drive properly again. I really, really enjoyed racing that other racing game on the 360, and without ABS I think I'm having a slight bit more fun with it even, but the lines this forces you to drive are just way more realistic I feel, never mind the behavior of the various surfaces. Nice touch that I haven't noticed in previous GT outings is the difference in grip you have on the yellow striped area.
Considering Kaz uses the dpad his time is amazing. lol

Only done a few laps, don't like the car so don't have the urge to spend a great deal of time with it.
Was driving the Tuned car again yesterday and having a world of trouble to even match my previous time. After far too long wasted effort, I discovered I had forgotten to turn off TCS :???::oops: Turned it off and managed to bring the time to 38.0 but that caused me to be in bed faaaar too late. A much shorter session now brought it down to 37.8 (50.2 for the other one). So just a few more tenths to shave off to beat Kaz in the Tuned car ... ha ha. It feels crazy to be so far off the pace compared to the best drivers but oh well, such is life. And at least I feel I'm learning to drive properly again. I really, really enjoyed racing that other racing game on the 360, and without ABS I think I'm having a slight bit more fun with it even, but the lines this forces you to drive are just way more realistic I feel, never mind the behavior of the various surfaces. Nice touch that I haven't noticed in previous GT outings is the difference in grip you have on the yellow striped area.
Heh, I was about to get a time in the 1'37's too, but I was distracted on the very last turn and totally messed it up (I was 3 tenths of a second lower than my record time of 1'38.045). I'll probably have to go through another hour or so of frustration to get that again. :mad:

But yeah... I'm in love with the new physics.

@DJ12, was it said that Kaz was using a gamepad? I thought he has a DFGT setup? Why wouldn't he use that?
Still, a lot of people are getting good times with the gamepad. Doesn't really surprise me... some people are crazy good at video games. But to anyone who doesn't have a wheel, if you enjoyed the demo, you'll enjoy it SO much more with a wheel. Not only is it more fun, but you get more feedback in the way the car is handling and you can react to it much better. It's also obviously a lot more natural.
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In any video I have seen him playing the game he always uses the dpad, not even the analogue sticks, he's on record somewhere that he prefers it.

He is bound to have a wheel, but I doubt he used it to set his time.
Down to 1:38.176 ...and 1:51.280 ...I think theres half a sec in the tuned and a sec in the normal. If i manage i'll be one of the best pad users! Blown away constantly by the physics! U seem 2 feel everything about the car. U can feel the cars movement in ways u just dont get in "other" titles. Fix the framerate issues for release, and GT5 becomes top dog.
I gave it a few go last night and got my time down to the high 1:40:x if I am not mistaken. I really wanted to give it a better shot, but I'm finding it rather difficult with the gamepad as the input to the controls is less responsive/accurate to fight the traction problems out of some of the corners. I also feel too detached from the car and the road through the gamepad to feel confortable about when the car is about to break traction/become instable - which is why I'm still driving around with traction on default 7 and haven't made much effort to better my time without it.

What actually helped me improve my time a lot is deleting my ghost cars and starting off with slow laps and increasing my speed slowly with every lap. This way, you never really get over the limit and can better yourself in smaller places which makes a world difference. I found this to be a lot better than to try "overpowered" laps where driving the car at and over its limits with a relatively high error/spin-out rate.

I might take out my Logitech driving force pro wheel to do some serious lap times as I've always been quite a bit quicker with it compared to any gamepad lap times I set. Then again, since then, I have moved places and have a totally different setup at home, probably making it very difficult to get a good driving position that also feels right. (My current setup doesn't allow me to place the wheel on a good surface but would have me in an upright position with the wheel too far down, making me feel like a truck driver -> Meh!).

As for the new driving physics - it's hard for me to judge them as I played a considerable amount of Prologue with the wheel and have only tinkered with the time-trial demo with the gamepad. It does feel less forgiving which is a good thing in any simulator IMO - what on the other hand feels extremely off though is the amount of grip (or lack there-of) on anything off the track. It just can't be that a car that leaves the track and hits the grass at less than 30km/h slides for 50 meters until coming to a standstill. Perhaps if its on ice...
Not that this is really important, but it does stick out rather heavily.
Wow if u want proof that racing games arent big in the US, then that leader board is it.
(OTOH I suppose US drivers could just suck ;) )
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