The G92 Architecture Rumours & Speculation Thread

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Color me unimpressed if Nvidia "upgrades" from a 128 shader part to a 2x64 shader part at the high end :rolleyes:

As long as the performance is there, who cares ?
The performance "hole" between the 8600 GTS and the 8800 GTS 320/640 is a much more urgent matter to attend to.
My bet it that they're holding on to a single GPU high-end part too, but either it's an early Spring deal, or it has been so well hidden that no one has had a glimpse of it yet.
As long as the performance is there, who cares ?

Based on vr-zone's data it won't be there. A dual-chip card that is 10-15% faster than the Ultra is far below my expectation of what Nvidia can accomplish in 12 months since G80's launch.
If you go way back to early last year and the rumours that were then current and coming from the power supply people, it seems to me you wouldn't be shocked that the refreshes for the first Vista flagships weren't going to be performance barn burners. But then in the history of the industry refreshes have typically fit that profile anyway.
Based on vr-zone's data it won't be there. A dual-chip card that is 10-15% faster than the Ultra is far below my expectation of what Nvidia can accomplish in 12 months since G80's launch.

How can you be sure that a single G92 won't have near-8800 GTX performance levels... ? ;)

Is somebody going around editing this thing? I thought this same graph appeared in a link above with question marks ???? where G92 is now?
You mean something like rv570 on the x1950pro and the rv570 with disabled quad's (officialy called as rv560) on the x1650xt?

I thougth more about differentiation with clock-rates, which makes more sense with good yield and high potential through 65nm.

A "8700GTS"-SKU does not need so high clocks to reach its nominal performance-target, if it has two TPCs. More than 700MHz/2GHz SC does not make much sense, if it placed between 8600GTS and 8800GTS.
But on the other hand this specs are near to truth NV maybe wants stultify ATi, with a ...700-card that beats a ATi ...9x0-card (2900GT/Pro):LOL: and replace the 8800GTS 320MB, which margins should not so high.

To deactivate parts of G92 does in my eyes not make much sense, if it is two TPCs, maybe you could cut some of the Vec8-ALU (like on 8300GS), two deactivate a full TPC would end in a big G84 in 65nm with overpowered MC.

But I bet, we will see G92 until end of year on more than one SKU, which is usual for both IHVs.
I thougth more about differentiation with clock-rates, which makes more sense with good yield and high potential through 65nm.

A "8700GTS"-SKU does not need so high clocks to reach its nominal performance-target, if it has two TPCs. More than 700MHz/2GHz SC does not make much sense, if it placed between 8600GTS and 8800GTS.
But on the other hand this specs are near to truth NV maybe wants stultify ATi, with a ...700-card that beats a ATi ...9x0-card (2900GT/Pro):LOL: and replace the 8800GTS 320MB, which margins should not so high.

When 8700gts rumor true than possible NV release first the slower G92 based card to fill the hole between 8600gts and 8800gts because rv670 based cards coming ~2months later than the rumored g92 launch, and when rv670 arrive and have better performance than 8700gts, than NV release a faster card based with single g92 GPU or AIB's coming out with factory OC'ed cards.

I'm sure 8700gts can't score default 9700point in 3dmark2k6, so vrzone wrong about the name or we can accept more cards :smile:
So the performancewise, time stand still from nov 06 well into 08? I've never seen this in this world.

Where is "my" terraflop GPU to play Crisis at HQ above 60 fps all the time?

I would be very dissapointed if there won't be any high end GPU since the G80 in the near future, a GX2 type is not what we're waiting for or it have to scale in every senario.

On the other side, the game devs are leaving the PC area massively more and more or bring some left overs with blurry console ports, so it's not needed anyway.
Well a 8700GTS will fill nicely the very large hole between the 8600 and 8800 of course, it also reminds me of the 5700U with GDDR3 memory in essence if that is what is brought out.

Assuming 8700GTS has 64 pixel shaders then this might be of interest

Just a rough and ready guide of course.

nvidia shold have had a 64 shader part with 256bit bus from the offset.
Some inq rumor:
November 3D War brings ATI and Nvidia siblings

The name of the G92_290 chip will be the GeForce 8700 GT/GTS, while RV670 should come to market as Radeon HD 2700GT/XT. Fastest G92 board is being developed under codename P393A01, and it will retail for 249 (we expect overclocked versions to be priced at 279 and 289 USD), and cheapest variants will go for 199-229 USD.

In short, G92 is nothing else but half of G80 chip, 65nm manufactured with a die size of 33x33mm (33mm2) with a lot of things happening under the hood. This is not just your cut-down G80 chip, but rather a combination of higher-clocked part (over 800 MHz), and higher fill-rate than 8800GTS, even though the number of shader units is lower. Nvidia did not cut the number of ROP units, so expect hellish pixel and Texel fill-rate.
33x33mm (33mm2)

The rest sounds like a collection of other rumours mixed with some funny foolery, after they saw, that their 384Bit G92 is not so real, as they wanted to confirm in recent past.
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