Simon F said:
As an exercise to the reader, try, say, 10k samples per pixel but use a box filter....
Do you want to say that a certain amount of blurring can be desired?
I still have problems to agree. If we define a pixel as an integral of the colors of the pixel's area, there should be absolutely no colours taken from outside that area into the final pixel color.
Other definitions of a pixel are possible. If we define a pixel as an acutal point, a certain blurring can be used to decrease possible aliasing. But aliasing should be avioided by correct texture sampling as well as taking enough geometry subpixels arranged in a smart pattern, and not realized with blurring. Blurring only distributes the amount of aliasing of a certain pixel in a wider area, making it less visible in the blurred pixel, but expand the remaining aliasing effect to a wider area.
An AA pattern should be "fully sparse", and still have no big uncovered "holes", the downfiltering should be sRGB corrected. With this approach, 8x AA can deliver a real nice edge smoothing with nearly no room for visible improvement. A TBDR architecture should be able to provide even 16x sparse AA in realtime.
Sampling right on the border (or edge) of a pixel might be considered as "useful blurring", but I don't like that either. It makes it impossible to have single-pixel details in geometry.
Aliasing occurs if the sampled signal contains frequencies (equal or) greater than the sampling_frequency / 2. The sampling frequency is determinated by the intervals of the (sub)samples, not by the number of subsamples per sample. Using additional (sub)samples from pixels outside results in a loss of high frequencies but cannot fight aliasing. Try to sample a pure sinus wave with violating the nyquist-shannon-criterion: Even with blurring you will not be able to get a better (more accurate) result. The only thing that fights aliasing is to use either a low-pass on the input signal or increase the sampling frequency.
While blurring acts as an lowpass filter, it also damages the "real" content of the signal. If we have very, very little blurring, the effect is very little also. To have a noticable effect, one has to use quite strong blurring. Therefore I consider blurring as not desirable.
Synthetical antialiasing tests with a checkboard pattern are not reflecting real 3d world geometry. If the pixel-to-checkboard-area-ratio gets below 1.0, one should see a pure gray pixel, without noise (only reachable with a lowpass on input signal.) This can be better achived with blurring than without, still, this is no "valid" test for real world circumstances. Even with texturing, as long as we dont have exact 1 (or power-of-two) checkboard-field per texel, we will have not pure gray without noise. While blurring can sometimes improve the visual quality for very small triangles, it still hurts the rendering of normal-sized polygons.
(Since this posting is another one acutally wrote in German with englisch words, I welcome any correction or proposal of better wording.)