S3 Chrome 20 AA Investigation - curiousity

Sobek said:
Ok, a very simple question from me (most of this is beyond me). What resolution do you run your desktop at, and, do you run your games at that same resolution? (Someone may see what i'm getting at...not going to say much now for fear of being beaten senseless by my lack-of-knowledge :p)
Usually I use the same resolution as my desktop (TFT user). But in this investigation I used 800 and 1024 for Fullscreen AND window mode, to get sure there is no rendertarget bottleneck.

Sobek said:
And your english is just fine, I acutally thought it was pretty cool when you said "architekture".
Thank you, man ;)

no-x said:
A few months ago I tested some S3 drivers (on delta-chrome S8):

15.10.11.c WHQL: ok, RG
15.11.06.s: ok, RG (last working driver?)
15.13.04.h1 broken RG
15.16.07: broken RG
15.15.08.c: broken RG (OG when using Gamma-Chrome!)
I did the same investigation with my DeltaChrome S8 in the past. The result is quiet the same as yours.
Dunno why, but in some kind S3 just messes this driver trick up sometimes. But they proved in the past that this algorithm can work properly.
OpenGL guy said:
Something sure looks broken in the full-screen results. It's not taking 5 or 9 taps per pixel, that's for sure.
Actually it is fore sure ;) The fillrate (fullscreen) tests indicate nearly exactly 1/5 or 1/9 of the original fillrate. Maybe the samples are located on each other or something weird.
Robbitop said:
Actually it is fore sure ;) The fillrate (fullscreen) tests indicate nearly exactly 1/5 or 1/9 of the original fillrate. Maybe the samples are located on each other or something weird.
What good does that do if you can't see them? If image quality is not improved as expected, then it's broken, plain and simple.
OpenGL guy said:
What good does that do if you can't see them? If image quality is not improved as expected, then it's broken, plain and simple.
Tell me some things I don't already know. ;)

Facts are:
-fullscreen or windowed mode, the fillrate is going down to the expectated value of the selected SSAA mode
-windowed the mode runs just fine
-in full screen mode the pattern is mest up (but the full amount of samples is used in some suboptimal kind)
-the SSAA could work...S3 proved it in the past as this thing worked (Gamma and DeltaChrome)

So it's some kind of weird driver issue, which isn't threated by an overwhelming busy driver team. That's just my personal guess.