@Scooby: is locking up at 50% the right point for that car in that given situation? And is the lock-up realistic - i.e. does it still take some level of friction into account? I've locked up my wheels, and it's not that easy to do, but it also doesn't mean you suddenly lose any grip whatsoever. And it generally requires you to slam the brakes quite hard. Then again, it would also be interesting to know what this behaviour is based on for cars who don't come without ABS in the first place - perhaps any point of lockup is justified in that regard, as it has little to do with reality, and then knowing that it will always happen at exactly 50% braking pressure (which I presume you'll be able to change in the real game) is just fine. In that case, the comment from the guy I quoted really is based on misunderstanding the game, and his point is rendered invalid. In all other instances, though, I'd think 50% is rather quick - but whether or not it is correct, should depend very much on the car, speed, and so on. So it could be very unrealistic or very realistic, or neither, depending on the given situation (car, speed, grip levels, pedal configuration, non-abs simulation in abs only cars, etc.)
I know in FM1 you can change the brake pressure (or brake force). It is done as a percentage. So I would guess it is possible to lower it enough so that your brakes don't ever lock. I recall the side effect being it took longer to slow down (I think).