If you have to pose Forza 1 on the Xbox in order to show that Forza 2 on the 360 does look better, Turn10 already lost the battle. I've yet to be impressed by the graphics of this game. They're not bad, but they're not amazing either.
Too, everytime new screenshots come out, Che posts about how such-and-such a system just came online and it makes the game look so much better than the pictures indicate. Well, fine, whatever, but how the HECK can they claim 4x AA at 60 fps when they haven't had these systems online before?
hey inane. I think you are smarter than that
I posted forza 1 pics only to dismiss such comments of a person that seems clearly to be a forza hater
To me it looks like a slightly upgraded Forza Motorsport 1 in these.
I am not that interested in this game. I playied the first and didnt like it at all. I felt like something was lacking in the realism of the driving experience.
I've spend some much time in forza1, that I guess this makes me an expert on that game.
AND I also have a very keen eye on details for this one.
I mean, no matter what haters say, this is clearly a generation gap:
and there's no chance in hell someone can sweet talk his a$$ out of admiting it.
about 60 fps and stuff, I cant believe how you are so sceptic about it.
you think this is a marketing trick that wont deliver?
come on man, you know it aint gonna be like this.
you think maybe turn 10 should have been <<smarter>> and provide JUST a car model on an empty space @60 fps from day 1?
you'd like that? well I wouldnt!

I like seeing FORESTS that are there without them needeing to be

I like seeing next gen smoke and dirt effects implemented on the game from the first time I see it
I like the way this game is coming up, I like all the race features that it has, I like the graphics features that it has,
and I have not got the slightest worry that it will be 60fps constant when ready.
I am even willing to bet on it!!!
so there's your chance for some quick money, haters and sceptics!!
I can even see already a ton of unusefull eye candy for a sim racer that could be simplified, IF what some people here imply (mind you I REALLY doubt that) will be the truth, i.e. forza team will not live up to 60fps promised (you can always wish though)
but the fact is, that everytime I see forza2, I think they are delivering. there is simply nothing that compares to what I see on forza2 on another sim racer.
now to answer some of Acert q's.
so you think that we are presented with mockup screens every time? you think the 3d grass and stuff is fake?
do you have an understanding of developing process?
if yes, then I think that you will find this very easy to comprehend:
Turn 10 has finished all the graphics effects they where aiming for. that was announced some time ago.
what they have to do, is make them ALL work together in one compile, work out the bugs that one effect might put on another, and still uphold the targeted 60fps thing.
thats why you get some pictures with 3d grass, some others without HDR, etc.
I think that its undestandable and not a reason to think they're fooling you.
I even think that the game is in the very last phase and maybe wont take long until its released. (sooner than most of you think)
thats why you see leaps in graphics in every leaked photo.
and about damage, bumpers and stuff will fall off the car,
no wheels though. they tried it but the motor companiesdid not like the idea very much (hehe)
also I think that like the last one, ferraris will take the less damage than all other cars. this has something to do with the italian company.
but I can already see good-enough damage for that ferrari on these pics. but I guess no falling bumpers again on them.
its ok though, because I already have seen Lamborghinis and BMWs without bumpers. so I am cool with that.
and you should be, too