This exactly brings bad news about Buldozer. One doesn't change its CEO over night, but over 2 moths looks likely
Since Jerry Sanders left, almost everything they tried went from bad to worse and late.
wow can you be anymore negative?
on point one, you think they got silcon back pretty much the day they demo'd it?
yet you have anand reporting they had bulldozer silcon back in august(who knowns when they actually got it back from the lab) so if bulldozer was that bad it takes 6month to blame the CEO and get rid of him? I also seem to remember john fruehe around that time getting quite anoyed with people saying when they got silicon back and at launch he would say when they did and that a "few" people would be supirsed.
Remeber GF have had 32nm production ramp issues, if they didn't we would have likely seen both llano and bulldozer earlier then what we are.
on the second point. the only really bad execuition AMD has had is agena(what a fuck up

) . The big problem they had is they didn't have a road map or a plan to improve there cores/IPC in the time of the athlon 64/X2. that bit them in the arse big time and its taken time to get a new design (which is hardly based on there exsisting core at all), hopefully they will now maintain momentium and get bigger jumps in IPC and or clock rate with each new version compared to STARS.
there hasn't been anything wrong with deneb, thurban, magny-cours, Istanbul or Shanghai . There have been some good improvements along the way like HT assist, but with AMD's limited resources it likely was to much of a strech to make major non transferable imporvements to STARS while at the same time designing bulldozer.
when P4 hit the wall intel where lucky they had another X86 design floating around that looked the goods (core), if Intel didn't have core it would have taken them longer to get to the position they where in with conroe, AMD wasn't so lucky......