Yes, there were MSRP available and sold out quickly, but it was probably in the hundreds of cards total. Not quite sure which models/brands were MSRP but there was more than one.
Was any at MSRP.
And are they the same price before and after initial batches?
Those Asus prices are for at least for future batches, not sure if they had any at MSRP so might have been for launch day too.
5070 Ti:What's your local 5070/Ti ASUS prices for comparison?
Prime 16G 924.90 €
Prime 16G OC 939.90 €
TUF 16G OC 1169.99 €
As for 5070, none of the shops apparently got any stock yet, they're listing "launch day promoprices" so some are at MSRP or around it with no possibility for preorders nor even estimated date for stock to arrive