Tearaway Unfolded [PS4]


After being really impressed by Tearaway on Vita I am hyped for the reimagined PS4 game (fully using all DS4 features as you'd expect).

Release apparently leaked for this summer in 2 tweets by a (former-ish) audio developer.

On Vita I'd simply rate the game at the same level of the best Mario platformers...and I dearly love my Nintendo platformers.
I hated Tearaway (after trying to like it for a while). The base mechanics (run, jump etc) and level designs are just to boring....
Apparently 60-70% areas in the PS4 game will be brand new.

It would then mean a much longer PS4 game, more than twice bigger, great. Now If they could make those levels a tad harder than the Vita levels, that would be perfect.

That's really my only problem with the game, it's too easy; which is maybe why some like @tuna find the game "boring"?
Well, it's probably not for everyone. I really enjoyed that my son could play it, and that's by necessity making it less appealing to more die-hard gamers. But I thought the world was so charming, and tracking down blank paper-craft animals to unlock their real models and choose a texture for them with the camera, or making your own ornaments with the amazing paper-craft simulation (if they'd sell that on its own in iOS, I'm sure they'd make a lot of money).
I was playing the Vita version with my little cousin. Lol he really like it and allow creativity to be dialed to eleven.
Apparently 60-70% areas in the PS4 game will be brand new.
They'd have to be. So many areas were built using mechanics that relied on the touch screen to progress. All those peel down platforming sections need to be replaced.
You do have the touchpad on PS4 though. And accurate motion tracking to have an on-screen pointer for touch-interactions.
The more difficult sections would still be impossible.

What difficult sections? ;)

The ones where you use the back touch pad on the Vita though, those just wouldn't make any sense on the PS4, so you'd want to replace them with something else anyway. They really have a lot of room filling out the world with a lot more detail though, and that's interesting. I spotted a section where you fly with a paper plane, and I don't remember that from the original at all.
For me, the game was way to easy and thus indeed boring. So I have atm no interest in a PS4 remaster, except when they change a lot of stuff, i.e. make it harder (if this is even possible).
the dificulty was all over the place in my case. most of the maps have "fail proof" design while the others have "keeps failing until you get bored and remember the level by ears". There's no level with high dificulty that did not feels "cheat".

luckily most of the map was the "fail proof" one.
Vita game was a joy to play, will buy this day one. Very few games leave me with a @#$% eating grin the whole time I play.
Free demo on the store, amazing looking game :smile:



From what I've played feels like a pretty solid 60 throughout the first area. Posted more screens here: https://forum.beyond3d.com/threads/...ead-no-56k-or-limited-data-plans.47264/page-7
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