Tearaway Unfolded [PS4]

Tearaway has some great IQ, this and Until Dawn gave me hope that we'll see more clean looking games this gen without being soft IQ wise (not that there's anything bad with that if it fits the game's vision like in TO:1886). Game is full of colors and looks crisp too.
I want that plush edition. Seriously. :yep2:

It was cute, the IQ was crisp, and I can see the puzzling as a possible plus. The demo though had a bug in the first room where I had to restart the demo to get past it.
Didn't really like it on the Vita
I didn't like it on the Vita either. I loved it.

Actually, there is one thing I would have changed and that would have been to be able to name the saved games. With 3 people in the household playing it at the "same" time, trying to remember whose saved games were whose was problematic
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Have been loving the game, gave me something to do while being at home with my left arm and right foot broken at the same time, which sucks. Here you can see me play with one hand. Also my first straight to YouTube upload from PS4, I think, quality seems very decent. Stick around till the light returns to the world around the 10 minute mark (or skip to there when you get bored ;) ).
He, whoops.

I was running on a track and there's a small upstanding inside border - I stepped on that with half a foot, which then bent outwards so hard that the ligament tore a piece of bone loose, and I fell on my left arm on that same edge hard enough to break it ( the radius bone has a weak spot). Miraculously I am cast free already after one week and am allowed to use my arm and foot again as normal, except that of course I have to build up (I can just about walk small bits again now without support since this morning) and having to limit strain on my arm for another 4 weeks while it heals, but as far as fractures go I could have done a lot worse!

You can actually see my unwashed hair and my cast in this video :p
Hope you get well soon Arwin, that sounds painful (cringed irl reading that lol). Tearaway is such a charming looking game btw, i really like the art style + soundtrack.
Cluckos likes Arwin's description of his pain and suffering. Or maybe he likes Arwin's unwashed hair?


I had some missfortunes with bones + my stupidity as well so i can relate. At the time i was trying to play Halo CE on the original Xbox with one hand... Yeah that didn't turn out as great as i thought it would :D
23 years ago I broke a bone in my hand in a bicycle accident. Apparently the hardest bone in your body, took 12 weeks to heal, arm in a sling for 10 weeks and unusable hand almost the whole time until the cast came off 12 weeks later. My arm muscles had all but disappeared. One of the things I did to pass the time was play and eventually beat Bitmap Brothers' Gods completely, on my Atari ST using a joystick that had a button at the bottom of the base that I pressed with the side of my hand. Into the wonderful indeed ;) fantastic game though!
I tried the demo today and oh my god what a pleasant surprise this game is!

It is a missed gem! Its gameplay and art style is the kind that you would expect only from Nintendo.
But no! This is even better. It puts the PS4's controller and companion app in amazing use and shows the amazing potential.

It bridges the gap between gamer and gaming world. It feels like an augmented reality game without being one. It breaks the 4rth wall in a very special way. The gaming community should have been talking about this game as one of the most beautiful, fun and creative games in gaming history.

If this had a Nintendo seal and was released on a Nintendo product it would have exploded in sales. I wonder how could Sony market this game as effectively. But probably its the image of the PS that kinda overshadows it,
You get jump at the end of the first chapter. So sounds like it is the intro level that ends with the part I posted earlier?
yeah, my point being the game doesn't really get interesting until after you get the jump button so it's a shame the demo stops before it drags you in