Syphon Filter Goes Mobile on PSP

This is a quick overview of the article.

IGN: It's great to hear that Syphon Filter will support online play. Can you talk a little about what players can expect?
Scott Youngblood, Lead Multiplayer designer: Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror online play encompasses 4 modes of play with up to 8 players via Infrastructure and 6 players with the use of Ad Hoc. Game types offered to the player will include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Rogue Agent and an all-new Objective mode. In objective mode, two teams are pitted against one another with objectives that require teamwork and creative use of the many available gadgets.

IGN: Did the lack of a second analog stick on the PSP present any kind of problem during development? Darren Yager, Producer, Designer: At first we thought it might be an issue, especially when we decided to go with a dual stick style controller, but after numerous months of tuning and testing along with providing the player with many tunable options, we feel we have a controller that is accessible for all. Of course, there are players out there that are not quite comfortable with a dual stick layout, so we made sure to include our classic single stick, target lock controller.

IGN: Multiplayer is a big part of any PSP release. What's the deal with Syphon Filter's multiplayer?
John Garvin, Creative Director: Other than what was mentioned earlier, community is a big deal for us. Infrastructure support with the inclusion of rankings, unlockable content, friends list and cells (clans) is very important to us when trying to build an online community.

IGN: Can you talk about the targeting system, and what players can expect from camera control, etc?

Darren Yager, Producer, Designer: Targeting is obviously a large part of the game, so there are a few styles of targeting to help the player out; target lock, over-the-shoulder, and free aim. Target lock functions just like it did in the previous Syphon Filter games… once you lock onto an enemy, movement, stance and weapon will dictate your likelihood to hit the target. Your best bet is to always take a knee before firing. Over-the-shoulder aiming pulls the camera in to give the player a closer view of the target and allows players of target lock to precision aim via the use of a reticle. This comes in might handy when you want to take an enemy's knee out or go for the one-hit kill head shot. Finally, free aim is a dual stick style controller for the more advanced player that allows precision aiming at all times. The third-person camera has slightly changed from the previous game by pulling the camera in to resemble more of a SOCOM-style camera. This change has made player movement easier to control and really shows off the detail of our character models.

IGN: What adjustments, if any, had to be to the Syphon Filter formula to make the game "mobile-friendly?"
John Garvin, Creative Director: While we were concerned about appealing to the handheld market, we were much more concerned with building a top-notch player experience. So for example, while we kept the overall mission-size smaller compared to PSone and PS2 Syphon Filter levels, we packed a lot of content in the PSP missions. Each mission offers intense combat, stealth kills, environmental and contextual kills, exploration, and puzzle-solving. And of course, those missions are completely replayable in Mission mode if the player wants to work on ratings: they can experiment with the darts, or try to beat some missions using stealth. Also, production values are really high for the game: we have more than 30 minutes of rendered movies, and hours worth of recorded, SAG voice over work. The player can skip the movies, or they can opt to just use our subtitle system. But overall, we want players to think of this as a great "Syphon Filter" game, not just a great handheld game.


I hope they make a good Syphon Filter game on PS3 (PS2 game was such a let down). SF on PS1 was such a cool game.
Needs more taser. Less Splinter Cell.

Damn, though, this looks like an awesome title to pick up... when's the release?
Crusher said:
Wow... and Ubisoft hasn't sued the crap out of them yet because why?

It does look and sound like Splinter Cell doesn't it? :LOL:

Do you think Sony lifted the full 333 Mhz cap? Or do you think 222 Mhz can really be this good?
typoEDR said:
Ragdoll physics? Holy schnikies, Syphon Filter is going to be hot like it was in the PSX days.

That's exactly what I said when the enemy died? I was like "whaaat!?!" like the squirrels in the PSP commerical. This game will be an automatic buy for me this spring.
Crusher said:
Wow... and Ubisoft hasn't sued the crap out of them yet because why?
For combining Syphon Filter with MGS? :p

I can't get over how good this game looks. Its amazing. And its Syphon Filter. Not since SF1 have those two words being used in the same paragraph.
mckmas8808 said:



And here's some movies to watch too.

Developer's interview

Single Player Videos
Video #1
Video #2
Video #3

Multiplayer Videos
Video #1
Video #2

Now tell me how you really feel. Best looking portable game?

I...I loove you maan! This isn't just the best looking portable game, this is the best playing! This is the psp's Halo, gta, anything you wanna call it! This is what the psp needs and i hope the Japanese catches on and start making games like this in Japan. Just wow.
I can't wait to see wait Ubisoft will do with Splinter Cell being that they have now pushed it back. I hope seeing this game come out 6 months before their game comes out will make them work harder to make a better looking and playing game.

Hopefully this will also make Ubisoft put online play in their Splinter Cell game just as Sony Bend has done with Syphon Filter. When competition is high gamers win! :D
More screens and online info



Oh I love the fact that the light on the gun actually works. Some games with lights on guns you really don't need it, it's kinda just there for looks.

Multiplayer news

The multiplayer on Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror is where the game looks to shine more brightly than its predecessors. Not only will it support Ad Hoc for nearby gameplay, but players will be able to snipe opponents across the country with the game's Infrastructure support. There will be headset support for crosstalk with teammates online.

Headset for online play? Whew woo!
Syphon Filter has been out way before Splinter Cell, why would ubisoft sue? lol
*or did somebody already point that out? :LOL:

anyways, the game looks damn good. its amazing what this handheld can do
Bad_Boy said:
Syphon Filter has been out way before Splinter Cell, why would ubisoft sue? lol
*or did somebody already point that out? :LOL:

anyways, the game looks damn good. its amazing what this handheld can do

Did you notice how nice the flash light's lighting is? I'm very impressed.