Syphon Filter Goes Mobile on PSP

Ah your a beta tester Kb? lucky :p
they asked me, but updating my firmware just to register for it, i just couldnt pull myself to do it. Makes me wish I had two psp's.
Bad_Boy said:
Ah your a beta tester Kb? lucky :p
they asked me, but updating my firmware just to register for it, i just couldnt pull myself to do it. Makes me wish I had two psp's.
yeah i got it last week. Great game. man you are missing out. :p
This game looks really awesome. I registered my PSP with Playstation underground just in the hopes that I'd get in on the beta, sadly not so.

Hey KB, how's the framerate? Is there a slight auto lock on or is unforgiving, and what's the AA like?
the game runs great. never notice any frame rate drops. The only problem with the beta is some lock ups. that should be fix b/4 it out in stores. This is one of the best looking PSP game.

you can play with Target lock or not. It set by whoever is hosting the game. I like target lock b/c i like to run and gun. It really easy to aim with it and fit the PSP control really well.

Also the load times are really good for the beta.

This is a must buy. Can't wait to try out the single player.
Cool to hear. I was wondering about the target lock thing because in some of the videos, Gabe seemed to have to stop and shoot, but in one with a female protagonist, the reticle changes to a square, and she's able to lock on, shoot and strafe at the same time.

I guess I'm going to pre-order this one. Can anyone recommend any good places for that?
Jubal said:
Cool to hear. I was wondering about the target lock thing because in some of the videos, Gabe seemed to have to stop and shoot, but in one with a female protagonist, the reticle changes to a square, and she's able to lock on, shoot and strafe at the same time.

I guess I'm going to pre-order this one. Can anyone recommend any good places for that?

you don't have to stop moving to shoot. Maybe the guy in the video did b/c he isn't that good at the game.

Also if you are thinking pre-ordering the game, some game stores have single-player demo of this game when you pre-order. Maybe call around to see what stores have the demos. ;)
Kb-Smoker said:
Also if you are thinking pre-ordering the game, some game stores have single-player demo of this game when you pre-order. Maybe call around to see what stores have the demos. ;)

Cool, thanks!
Screenshots from new website





Can't wait to play this game.
Dev just let the beta testers know that:

You will be able to host games as password protected, buddy list only, cell only, or combination of buddy & cell list. By hosting a game with one of those filters, only people who appear on your buddy or cell list will be able to join.

buddy list is only thing else this game needed. :D
Oh man, this game just looks to be the total package. I wonder if this game has the mass appeal and multiplayer functions to become the PSP's killer app.
Jubal said:
Oh man, this game just looks to be the total package. I wonder if this game has the mass appeal and multiplayer functions to become the PSP's killer app.

You would think that it does. But we will see how the people respond to this game.
Hey KB, how many character types are there to choose from in the muliplayer (vusually I mean). Do they look different enough so that you can tell friend from foe? And are you able to customise your loadout at all?
Jubal said:
Hey KB, how many character types are there to choose from in the muliplayer (vusually I mean). Do they look different enough so that you can tell friend from foe? And are you able to customise your loadout at all?
Yeah the other team looks different and uses different guns. Also you will be able to customise your loadout at the ready screen right b/4 you go into battle.