Star Wars Episode III Title...

SMarth said:
The Sith were exterminated by the Jedi, now it's gonna be the other way around ;)

That's something that kind of irked me with the prequels. We assume that the Sith were exterminated by the Jedi, and by all indications in the backstory (which Lucas isn't required to stay loyal to), they were.

However, something stupendous and critical to the motivation of the primary antagonists in the film as the Sith War doesn't even get a direct mention anywhere in the movies. At least the Clone Wars were mentioned in passing in the first Star Wars.
The closest the latest ones have gotten to exposition was Darth Maul's only line to the effect of "Soon we will have our revenge". Great way to add depth to the characters, Lucas. Now, we have an aspiring Chancellor Palpatine, but since we know he will be emperor, barring some really stupid plot twist, the only hope of adding any dramatic weight to him was to give him and the Sith some sort of a history. Instead we have some guy who pulls the strings of power for some reason the audience is left hoping is a decent motivation, since we'll never know it.

I'm guessing a rabid Jedi killed his family, a supposition as easily supported by the movie as any other.
3dilettante said:
"Soon we will have our revenge"

"At last we will reveal ourselves to the jedis.... At last we will have revenge." - Darth Maul

But we knew that the Emperor exterminated the jedis from the books already.
Well, if I remember correctly back to some of the Star Wars books I've read (years ago) in the past, the Sith were an 'evil alien race' who died out thousands of years before the events of the films. Then some of the more modern races learned some of the Sith teachings to become evil tough dudes who were then defeated by the Jedi.

I'm pretty sure that was some of the original history in the earlier Star Wars book series. GL obviously decided to ignore all of these books, however and just make up whatever he wanted to stick in his prequels (mainly fluffy things).

I enjoyed all of the first 3 films but was shocked how witless the Phantom Menace was. Attack of the Clones was OK, I suppose but the acting and much of the storyline/dialogue was still absolute rubbish. I'm sure GL is quite happy just as long as he makes exhorbitant amounts of cash.
I was under the impression that the Sith were a relatively primitive race that came under the dominion of fallen Jedi, and came to pass their name on to the followers of that group.
However, that's all in the books which were not authored by Lucas, and the movies can't rely on that. Lucas has shown that on occasion he does not follow them (which book had midichlorians?). It's all his perogative, as it is his story, but the omission did kick a chunk out of the foundation the movies were supposed to cement.