I',m talking about PS3 vs PS3. Too identical machines except for one having BC at the higher price because it had BC. The consumer showed that they would rather have a cheaper console without BC than a more expensive one with. BC wasn't worth $100 to the average pundit. That's the best case we have of quantifying the value of BC as it's a like-for-like comparison.
I was also talking about ps3 vs ps3. The price drop did not show that consumers didn't want bc. It just showed that there is a limit to how much the average consumer will spend on a console.
No. Why do you come up with such polarised conclusions? The real conclusion is that colour screens was a lower priority than good battery life, games, etc. Would people like colour? Yes. It is it more important than price/battery life/whatever? No.
Because people keep coming up with ridiculous arguments like a stupidly priced ps3 not selling means no one cares for bc. That has nothing to do with anything. So I show one dumb argument to counter another dumb argument.
Clearly BC isn't essential because people buy products without BC.
But then you can say that about everything. If xb1 and ps4 shipped with no extra features at all and only booted and played games, they would probably still sell. That doesn't mean all the extra goodies the consoles offer aren't essential, but it just means that people have no choice and/or don't know any better since no competitor offers them. Something can only be seen as essential when one competitor offers it and another doesn't. Look at last gen where online play was far superior on the 360 vs the ps3. In the era before that online play wasn't seen as essential at all because no one had decent online play. But next gen once one competitor (the 360) offered it at a reasonable price and the other (ps3) didn't then it became essential almost overnight. Bc has never had that chance in the console world because it's either never offered, or in the rare case when it was it was on a console priced out of reach of just about everyone anyways so it was moot. With that recent poll listing bc as #2 tells us that it's clearly on the mind of console buyers and hence important as per the thread title, but so far it can't have any effect on sales because no one offers it. But once it is I'd wager anyone here that like online it becomes essential overnight, just like it's essential on most all other software platforms out there. I don't think anyone here would expect Windows, OSX, iOS, Android, etc to drop bc do they?