No-one's saying it should be freebies for a social cause.The complainers are saying it's stupid to add signficant additional cost of entry when that's completely unnecessary.
Ok, it's stupid - then what? Complain more-and-more until Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, EA, UBI, Activision, etc... stop purchasing exclusive IPs or development houses on securing these exclusives!? These organizations are doing what's natural within the business culture on defining their products/services of making them more attractive to current and future customers.
When they break antitrust laws - I'm all for complaining and waging a good fight. However, as of now, securing exclusive games isn't one of them.
I've pointed out it's bad for the environment.
Yes. Like everthing else that produces heat, waste, consumes, takes up space, etc...
I'm all for saving and protecting our environment... I spent (donated) personally thousands of dollars on doing so. Even having our organization, along with others, on growing more green-rooftops all across parts of the city.
I've pointed out that no other hobbies require you to buy two sets of hardware to do the same thing based on when/where you play.
I don't necessarily agree with this. There are plenty of hobbies that require cross-purchases of the same product (depending on the level of the hobby and/or what you consider to be a hobby). Golfing for one, is one of those hobbies that requires a lot of cross-purchases... I should know. I can't complain my favorite set of golf-clubs (Cleveland's in this case
I've pointed out that even if you can comfortably afford a second console, that's still $300 you could have spent elsewhere that you technically needn't have spent, and other software mediums gravitate towards open standards without expensive hardware entry costs.
We'll have to agree to disagree on how people should or shouldn't do with their money. Personally, having the option of multiple systems keeps things fresh, and covers my bases on the exclusive titles across them all.
But the counterargument is always, "that's just the way it is. Stop complaining!" without a single objective argument or opposing counterpoint to the above!
It's not so much the complaining that erks me... it's the complainers who hide behind brand-loyalty (one platform), that create the most noise of unfairness. And for those who aren't brand-loyalist, but think it's unfair, then don't support the industry at all. Because whatever game console that you're gaming on - they're doing the same thing that you loathe.
Make your money speak towards the things you support...
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