『Marvel's スパイダーマン2』開発者インタビュー。マップの広さは前作の約2倍。基本的にミッション中以外はピーターとマイルズを好きなときに切り替え可能 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com
2023年秋にプレイステーション5用ソフトとして発売予定の『Marvel's Spider-Man 2(スパイダーマン2)』。マップの広さやピーターとマイルズの切り替えなど、PlayStation Showcaseで公開されたプレイ映像について気になることを開発者に直撃。

The map will be two times bigger and they add Brooklyn and Queens
-The gameplay video showed new locations, but how much more area has been added in this title?
Bryan Intihar: We've added Queens and Brooklyn to the map, which makes it roughly twice the size of our previous work. These two neighborhoods are a bit smaller and more residential, so they have a different charm than Manhattan. We have prepared some unexpected situations that we have never seen before, such as battles using the river that runs between the neighborhoods, so please look forward to them.