I don't expect every surface to have a separate texture that players can go looking for, but importantly we won't get repeating textures. Take a look at GT4 for some painfully obvious little grass tiles. If you want the same game but without the repetition, you'd want to mix up maybe 5 tiles. You get the same problem with buildings where you'd want to at least mix up enough buildings that you don't get two identical ones in the same view (unless their MacDonald's!) and you'd want enough variety in the graffiti that there's more than 4 slogans on the walls. Requirements over this gen would thus be, in the texture department, maybe 4x the size and 3 layers (diffuse, normal, and lightmap) and 5x as many textures, for 60x the storage requirements...well, we can see compression is needed no matter what! The question is what, and how that eats into other resources. Some will be smaller, some will be compressed differently. The question is whether XB360 versions of the same game will have more repetitions in the grahpics department. Does it matter? It doesn't affect gameplay, but it is something the eye is drawn towards. Humans are very good at recognizing repeating patterns; in crowds, buildings, grass textures, it all stands out and gets in the way of the illusion.