Simply said, PS2 and GC do not have the capabilities to do it. Too bad. Blame Xbox because it has more ram than the others.
Chap what are you talking about? Where did I "blame" XBox for anything? I simply corrected you on the fact that being able to do 720p does not make XBox 3 times more powerful then PS2 or GC, as you said earlier.
BTW just to be exact here PS2 and GC not being able to do 720p is not due to having less ram then XBox. Its due to having less framebuffer/Z-buffer ram. Basically the difference is in where the frame is rendered. XBox renders in main ram while GC and PS2 render in dedicated on-chip ram. If GC or PS2 rendered the frame in main ram they could then also do 720p.
This will prove that PS2 can handle 720p output (720p does not necessary be 1280x720, it can be 640x720 as long as the signal timing is correct)
Yeah GC could also handle 640x720. When I said 720p I was just talking about 1280x720.