Actually, the Xbox version of Doom 3 was announced officially about 2 months ago.
Sorry PS2 guys, you are living in denial, its ok to love your pS2, it has the most good games, it has so many its a must own platform, just stop trying to pretend it holds its own against the other systems, I like my gamebest, but I dont really believe its as strong as the Xbox, but I can live with that just fine, because the series I want are mainly on GC, and its not like I cant go get an Xbox if I really want the power(and I probally will, just for True Fantasy...I am in love with the look of that game).
Image Quality is important to me, I dont care how low poly something is as long as its crisp.. and crisp is a word you will never hear in describing a PS2 game, Pixelated?, sure, Murky? why not... but its not pretty.