Soul Calibur 2 Xbox will support 720p?!!!?

Xbox version of NBA Street doesn't exist :\
My fault. I meant Street Hoops from Activision, which ups the resolution 3 times to 1280x720p at 60fps for the Xbox version.
Who knows, but Splinter Cell had more than enough framerate dips below 30FPS while not even having as complex light/shadow model.
What does Splinter Cell have to do with anything? Besides the fact that I wouldn't hold Splinter Cell up as a showpiece for Xbox power (see NBA 2K3, DOAX: BV, Halo 2, or PDO on HDTV for that), you can't compare it to Silent Hill 3 on the basis of just a lighting/shadow model. Splinter Cell isn't such a tight app or anything, but any weaknesses it has in lighting are more than made up for in scene complexity and texture effects that aren't being replicated on PS2 even in well-programmed games.
If they get to tap them, developers would be smarter to use them to make even more impressive looking games, than just bumping up the resolution, which 1% of population can enjoy.
I would say that bumping the resolution up 3 times over would be more impressive than anything they could do at 640x480 with the extra power. But yes, I get what you're saying.

It's not like it's the Xbox's fault that NTSC TVs hold it back... when the first console that supported color graphics came out in the 70s, anyone playing games on black and white TVs would still think their monochrome B&W consoles were still holding their own. That is, until they let the newer consoles do their thing in color. After playing proscan games as a standard in the Dreamcast library, in a lot of the big titles for Gamecube, and as a standard for the Xbox library, you really see the advantage it has over consoles without many proscan games. It will be the same way with HDTV resolutions once I start getting used to my games having it.

Maybe they bump up resolution and make them even more impressive looking?
Yep! And it's precisely why I brought up NBA 2K3 - clearly better base graphics AND a screen res increase of 3 times. Street Hoops is the same, only to a lesser extent on the base graphics.
Sonic said:
Greatest fighting game series ever? You've got to be kidding me, while I will argue it's among the top 5, I wouldn't say it's number 1. It's got the makings of a great fighting game series, but with this only being the 3rd iteration of the game I don't see how it's the greatest ever. Now a game series like Street Fighter with its millions of different version absolutely trounces Soul Caliber, have you ever played Street Fighter 3: 3rd Impact? And it is my belief that the the Virtua Fighter series is #1, not just because it has the most innovations of a fighting game series in the last 10 years, but also because of its depth of fighting and unique gameplay. It's the deepest fighting game I've ever played, with a fighting system that's not the easiest to get into, but once you are it's so smoote that you just can't get into any other fighting game the same way.

the early ones, yes, for thier time.. but comparing all together, I think SC is the best, and the critics seem to agree..

even so, DOA isnt even close, I would put it barely a step above Wargods..
What does Splinter Cell have to do with anything?
I brought it up because both have simillarities in light/shadow usage, texture quality, detailed geometry.

PDO and DOAX are surely great looking games, but the engine in Splinter Cell is having a bigger task to accomplish (those lights and shadows are not free, neither is enemy AI) That's the more likely reason the game runs at 30FPS, than the programmer's incompetence. Maybe you don't consider it great looking, but most people would disagree. In the reviews, it's often heraleded as Xbox's current graphics showpiece.
CaptainHowdy, what critics agree? I'm in no way trying to argue with you that SC is the best fighting game series, as that may be the case for you. It all depends on personal preference and what you think is the best, there's no way I can say you're wrong. The best I can do is discuss with you why I think my choice is the best fighting game series ever. But still, it all comes down to personal preference. Heck, I still know people who think Tekken series is the best fighting game series. I respect Namco as a company and enjoy most of the games they produce, I really can't wait to see how Soul Caliber 2 turns out. I know I'll be purchasing the game for the Xbox as soon as it's released and I can afford it.

But back to the critics agreeing. Aren't we all critics when it comes to games?

BTW, which version will you be getting?
That Bruce Lee X-B game is the greatest fighting game IMO! ;)
On serious note, I like them all....Tekken/VF/SC/DoA...hard to judge the winner....but DoA would be last becse of slow pace.....
I remember back a few years ago when I was a member of the DC General UGO board and the backlash for SC. There were a bunch of people on that board that had mastered SC only to get beaten by a button masher doing the same move over and over. The characters in the game are just too unbalanced, you can win with Mitsurugi doing one move and I'm sure you can guess what that one move is if you are a fan of the game. Nightmare and Astaroth were also too powerful.
sometimes it makes me wonder why the hell we even bother replying to little chap's posts........


tekken 4 had a 480p option on ps2 (as well as The Getaway, Primal, Burnout 2, and some others), why on earth would SC2 not have it?

i'd also expect a lot of big new games to support it... British Developers seem to be the most profitable in that sense...
chap said:

Truely, i have never seen such a difference in hardware power during the PSX-Saturn-N64 days.

And neither will the X-Box owners that doesn't have a hdtv. But hey! around 4 million homes have a HDTV now.. and in 2008 33% should have it.

But i guess X-Box owners are used to pay extra just to enjoy the "free" features of their machine. Broadband for live, HDTV for "incredible" graphics, monthly fees for playing on Live servers.

I would be interesting to know what the sales numbers are on the HDTV pack (pay extra) but i guess it's the only way to get Component support on the BOX?
CaptainHowdy said:
zurich said:
If you ask me, SC2 wasn't really doing anything special to begin with. DoA3 is arguably better.


The DOA series is considered one of the worst fighting series out there, except to a very small group of people(those more interested in jiggly boobs than gameplay)

Soul Calibur is the greatest fighting series..EVER, its not arguable
(at least not according to
SC is not only the greatest fighter, its one of the top ten greatest games of all time.

No shit. I was talking about graphics.
london-boy said:
sometimes it makes me wonder why the hell we even bother replying to little chap's posts........


tekken 4 had a 480p option on ps2 (as well as The Getaway, Primal, Burnout 2, and some others), why on earth would SC2 not have it?

i'd also expect a lot of big new games to support it... British Developers seem to be the most profitable in that sense...

My dear brother, i do not care whether Tk4 or SC2 supports 480p on PS2. I was clearly talking about 720p Sc2 XBOX! :oops:
Thowllly said:
Magnum PI said:
chap said:
I just checked, D-Terminal cables are the equivalent of Component cables in Japan. :wishes for something special: :oops:
yes it does something special. the signal is transported in separated wires for each component, ensuring a crispier picture. so even in 480i mode the picture is much better than composite.
Chap allready said "equivalent of Component", not composite...

i didn't say otherwise..
Why do people give a sh*t about 720p support on Xbox? It's not like anyone I know has a HDTV. Even if they did, the amount of compromise you'd need to make to have a game run at 720p is unacceptable. One of the traditional "strengths" of console gaming, if you can call it that, is that developers feel free to put in extremely fillrate-demanding graphical effects because they only have to make it run at 640*480. If you make a PC game that only runs at 640*480 on GeForce4 class hardware, people will never stop bitching at you. On console, you can use the 640*480 limitation to allow extremely fillrate-demanding effects that simply wouldn't be possible at higher resolutions.

The real argument is this - if you can make a game with lots of effects run smoothly at 720p, you really SHOULD cut it down to 480i and make even more effects. >99% of the population does not have HDTV. For myself and every single person I know, the game with more effects and lower resolution will look better than the game with less effects and higher resolution, because we don't have a display for the higher resolution...

Someday, maybe 10 years from now, most of the American population will have HDTV sets in their living room. Then, you could give a convincing argument for 720p support in games. But as the situation stands, it is unnecessary and unwarranted. Why spend all the effort to make a game look slightly better for 1% of the population? By the time more people have HDTVs, we'll be worrying about Xbox3 and PS4; the HDTV support of Xbox doesn't mean jack.
It's a waste of time including a feature that so few can enjoy. I don't know anyone who has HDTV, and I honestly don't care if you do... it's the same crap as making a really cool game (Steel Batallion) that no one can afford.

To use a bit of Democrat economics, it's unwarranted for game devs to make games that only benefit the richest 1%.
I agree... the only way they will include it is if they really managed to make things smooth once the game is finshed. Or if thye were really smart about how much menory would be used from the start.
BoddoZerg said:
Why do people give a sh*t about 720p support on Xbox? It's not like anyone I know has a HDTV. Even if they did, the amount of compromise you'd need to make to have a game run at 720p is unacceptable. One of the traditional "strengths" of console gaming, if you can call it that, is that developers feel free to put in extremely fillrate-demanding graphical effects because they only have to make it run at 640*480. If you make a PC game that only runs at 640*480 on GeForce4 class hardware, people will never stop bitching at you. On console, you can use the 640*480 limitation to allow extremely fillrate-demanding effects that simply wouldn't be possible at higher resolutions.

The real argument is this - if you can make a game with lots of effects run smoothly at 720p, you really SHOULD cut it down to 480i and make even more effects. >99% of the population does not have HDTV. For myself and every single person I know, the game with more effects and lower resolution will look better than the game with less effects and higher resolution, because we don't have a display for the higher resolution...

Someday, maybe 10 years from now, most of the American population will have HDTV sets in their living room. Then, you could give a convincing argument for 720p support in games. But as the situation stands, it is unnecessary and unwarranted. Why spend all the effort to make a game look slightly better for 1% of the population? By the time more people have HDTVs, we'll be worrying about Xbox3 and PS4; the HDTV support of Xbox doesn't mean jack.

I hope the next console generation we'll see lots of support for HDTV resolutions. So what that most of the population won't have a HDTV. I suspect a good portion of early adopters of the PS 3 and X-Box 2 will have HDTV's or will purchase one within that consoles lifespan. Higher resolution is far better.
BoddoZerg said:
It's a waste of time including a feature that so few can enjoy. I don't know anyone who has HDTV, and I honestly don't care if you do... it's the same crap as making a really cool game (Steel Batallion) that no one can afford.

To use a bit of Democrat economics, it's unwarranted for game devs to make games that only benefit the richest 1%.

Do you think that it's possible that HDTV adoption rates among gamers are just a tad higher than those among the general population?
Brimstone said:
I hope the next console generation we'll see lots of support for HDTV resolutions. So what that most of the population won't have a HDTV. I suspect a good portion of early adopters of the PS 3 and X-Box 2 will have HDTV's or will purchase one within that consoles lifespan. Higher resolution is far better.

well yeah hopefully... but thats like 2-3 years to get it on the market plus another 5 years lifespan, total of 7-8 years from now......................mmmmmmmm :?