It's not like it's the Xbox's fault that NTSC TVs hold it back... when the first console that supported color graphics came out in the 70s, anyone playing games on black and white TVs would still think their monochrome B&W consoles were still holding their own. That is, until they let the newer consoles do their thing in color. After playing proscan games as a standard in the Dreamcast library, in a lot of the big titles for Gamecube, and as a standard for the Xbox library, you really see the advantage it has over consoles without many proscan games. It will be the same way with HDTV resolutions once I start getting used to my games having it.
My fault. I meant Street Hoops from Activision, which ups the resolution 3 times to 1280x720p at 60fps for the Xbox version.Xbox version of NBA Street doesn't exist :\
What does Splinter Cell have to do with anything? Besides the fact that I wouldn't hold Splinter Cell up as a showpiece for Xbox power (see NBA 2K3, DOAX: BV, Halo 2, or PDO on HDTV for that), you can't compare it to Silent Hill 3 on the basis of just a lighting/shadow model. Splinter Cell isn't such a tight app or anything, but any weaknesses it has in lighting are more than made up for in scene complexity and texture effects that aren't being replicated on PS2 even in well-programmed games.Who knows, but Splinter Cell had more than enough framerate dips below 30FPS while not even having as complex light/shadow model.
I would say that bumping the resolution up 3 times over would be more impressive than anything they could do at 640x480 with the extra power. But yes, I get what you're saying.If they get to tap them, developers would be smarter to use them to make even more impressive looking games, than just bumping up the resolution, which 1% of population can enjoy.
It's not like it's the Xbox's fault that NTSC TVs hold it back... when the first console that supported color graphics came out in the 70s, anyone playing games on black and white TVs would still think their monochrome B&W consoles were still holding their own. That is, until they let the newer consoles do their thing in color. After playing proscan games as a standard in the Dreamcast library, in a lot of the big titles for Gamecube, and as a standard for the Xbox library, you really see the advantage it has over consoles without many proscan games. It will be the same way with HDTV resolutions once I start getting used to my games having it.
Yep! And it's precisely why I brought up NBA 2K3 - clearly better base graphics AND a screen res increase of 3 times. Street Hoops is the same, only to a lesser extent on the base graphics.Maybe they bump up resolution and make them even more impressive looking?