And as is traditional with the PC platform, games each year games become more and more demanding or visuals become more and more compromised - VR will only compound this. Your £1,500 VR PC this year may well be a £1,000 PC next year but next year's games will be pushing this year's specs hard and harder the next year.
While that's true, it's important to remember that the reason the games are becoming more demanding is that the visual bar is constantly rising. If you are happy to retain a fixed level of visuals year on year (fixed as in rising only in line with console graphical improvements) then your £1500 VR setup will be able to cope with them several years down the line. You'll just have to be content with lowering your settings by an ever increasing degree, or put another way, be content with watching the visual ceiling rise ever further out of your reach - but it doesn't mean the visuals you'll be experiencing will be any worse than they were a few years ago. Although this does seem to be a common misconcption of how PC gaming works.