Yeah. Not to mention a 2+-years-long list that's being padded with "classics" such as God Eater, Atelier games (which, no matter what you think of them as games, are pretty damn shoddy on the Vita), and Hatsune Miku isn't a particularly flattering thing.
I liked the Vita for Wipeout and particularly Dragon's Crown. Little Big Planet was pretty decent as well. But unless you had a soft spot for all the weeby stuff from Japan you were just shit out of luck.
By Resident Evil I'm guessing you're talking about Revelations 2? Now that's a port nothing short of disastrous.
The one great thing about PSVR is the fact that, if only in the beginning, developers poured some serious effort and money into the thing. Sure, technically the device has been superceded a long time ago, but where else can you play games that were specifically developed for VR and not on a shoestring budget? I mean I like Superhot and Beat Saber, but I still prefer stuff like Rigs, Astrobot, RE7, or Rush of Blood.