Games targeting PSVR are targeting a fixed spec and a minimum requirement set by Sony. They won't look as pretty as PC's offerings, but devs can completely nail the framerate and stability. Everything points to PS4 providing a very solid (high framerate, stable, accurate head tracking, reasonable display, etc.) VR experience, not least of which are positive hands-on reports.
Where Oculus on a monster PC is a Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat, PSVR is a Skoda Fabia (What Car Magazine's car of 2015). Which if you're wanting to get from A to B and haven't limitless quantities of money to spend is perfectly fine. What PSVR is not, as some might suggest, is a wonky jallopy limping along on three wheels. Sony have said they don't want to get into VR until they can provide a decent experience, and they've been looking at this since before Palmer Luckey launched his Kickstarter as the recent interview says.
Where Oculus on a monster PC is a Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat, PSVR is a Skoda Fabia (What Car Magazine's car of 2015). Which if you're wanting to get from A to B and haven't limitless quantities of money to spend is perfectly fine. What PSVR is not, as some might suggest, is a wonky jallopy limping along on three wheels. Sony have said they don't want to get into VR until they can provide a decent experience, and they've been looking at this since before Palmer Luckey launched his Kickstarter as the recent interview says.