Sony Tomorrow: Synergy in the Livingroom



Interesting tid-bits:

Perkins: Do you worry about the Xbox?

Idei: No, not at all.

Perkins: Why not?

Idei: Because Microsoft is losing money producing the hardware, and their losses are getting bigger. We shipped 25 million on our first product and made money, they shipped 8 million and lost money. This is a huge difference. They also can't produce hardware and integrate graphics chips into their product—they have to buy it from someone else. They can't compete with Sony, because they can't match our margins.

Idei: The second platform will tie together the PlayStation, the home server, and the TV. We have announced jointly with Panasonic and Philips that we have agreed on the basic Linux kernel for this platform. Based on this Linux kernel, we are developing the middleware and the application interfaces so that our PlayStation, future TVs, and future home video cameras will all work on a single platform.

For this to work, we need to accommodate an operating system on top of this middleware. In the consumer electronics industry, however, few people understand OS architecture, so it would be hard for any of us to compete in the operating software area. Even at Sony, where we have many smart software developers, we still can't compete with the IT industry in this area. But we still need to define this platform and what part of it we want to control, and we want this platform to be open so it gets widely adopted.

Perkins: The problem we are trying to solve here is about the consumer experience on top of any OS. The test model for this is what Steve Jobs just did with Jaguar. Personally, I got iTunes, iPhoto, iMovies all running on one server at home, and it's transparent. If I plug a DVD in or an iPod in, the icon automatically comes up on my screen. When I plug my Sony Cyber-shot camera into my Mac, I don’t have to do anything, because it assumes I want to see the pictures in the camera so it automatically brings up the iPhoto interface. I don't even have to touch my mouse! This is the model for Sony.

Idei: We actually met several times with Steve last year, in January, March, and June to try to work out a mutual strategy. But you know Steve, he has his own agenda. [Laughs.] Although he is a genius, he doesn't share everything with you. This is a difficult person to work with if you are a big company. We started working with them, but it is a nightmare. We have the exact type of guy like Steve within Sony. His name is Ken Kutaragi. They respect each other. So maybe if we can get them both together then they could figure out how the PlayStation and the Mac can work together.

Interesting read overall... worth a good 2-5 minutes oif your time... maybe ;)

Actually, I recommend Parts 1:
and Part 2:

I had no idea Sony wants to buy Palm, or atleast their OS segement. I also think if they can execute on their OS/Cell - they'll be the dominent player in the electronic industry. Their vision of the broadband distributed digital media (all based on Cell/OS and thus interconnected, and the cell-phone music is cool) seems to be solid... if they don't fuck up.
Oh, yes. Sony is very much after the Palm business. They've been the palm hardware innovators for awhile now, and also own some 20% of palm source, I think.
great interview :)

Idei: The music industry has been spoiled. They have controlled the distribution of music by producing CDs, and thereby have also protected their profits. So they have resisted Internet distribution. Six years ago I asked Sony Music to start working with IBM to figure out how to offer secured distribution of their content over the Net. But nobody in Sony Music would listen. Then about six months ago, they started to panic. They have to change their mindset away from selling albums, and think about selling singles over the Internet for as cheap as possible—even 20 cents or 10 cents—and encourage file-sharing so they can also get micro-payments for these files. The music industry has to re-invent itself, we can no longer control distribution they way we used to. Most entertainment executives understand this, but how to exactly execute on this model is more difficult.

my feelings exactly... man... I just like how Sony works and their top managers ideals ( Ando, Idei, Kutaragi, etc... )...
Very interesting interview. Saw the first two parts last week, but the last part is really interesting. I personaly hope that Sony teams up with Apple, but I don't see it right now. Anyway ... we will see. ;)

The first quote is nothing special, it's very typical PR slant and looks only at the current situation and gives away only very little information so as to make their perspective more favourable...

Surely if they mentioned that MS posted more profit this year than last overall, even with the Xbox, plus the momentum the Xbox has in terms of gaining in marketshare in NA/Europe, it wouldn't be as optimistic. ;)
Because Microsoft is losing money producing the hardware, and their losses are getting bigger. We shipped 25 million on our first product and made money, they shipped 8 million and lost money. This is a huge difference. They also can't produce hardware and integrate graphics chips into their product—they have to buy it from someone else. They can't compete with Sony, because they can't match our margins.

I dont think he is saying anything wrong here! The fact that they themselves dont produce anything is proving a major stumbling block! So they dont have the kind of independence SONY enjoys!

Ironically more they sell more their losses (hardware) would be (depending on the contract terms with NVIDIA/Intel and others).....
Well... Sony was losing money on the PS2 initially as well. Without having any numbers to back me up I'd say the first 8 million PS2s were unprofitable as well. Of course, the difference is that the sales prospects for the PS2 were and continue to be much better than for the Xbox.
Synergy in living room? NOT GOING TO WORK.

Unless they can get full support from competiting home electronics makers. I see that others like Panasonic, Philips, Samsung are also having similar "synergy" plans.

Too much competition, too many standards. If anything, i think MS has a better chance with the PC side. :oops:
chaperone said:
Synergy in living room? NOT GOING TO WORK.

Unless they can get full support from competiting home electronics makers. I see that others like Panasonic, Philips, Samsung are also having similar "synergy" plans.

Too much competition, too many standards. If anything, i think MS has a better chance with the PC side. :oops:

WHY......... :cry:
RIGHT, let's take this seriously :? for once....

MS already has pretty much control of the PC world. DUH....

now, what exactly was your point regarding panasonic etc?

do u think they're going to come un with their version of the Playstation brand AND be successful?!?!!? :LOL: come on, panasonic already put their foot in with nintendo and the defunct 3DO (anyone remember?!?! :LOL: )and i don't see them trying it again anytime soon... and anyone want to comment on Philips efforts? the CD-i or whatever it was called?!?! :LOL:
come on chap, we like the challenge and the meaningful arguing... but u're getting boring
chaperone said:

Every major electronics makers want to dabble in a connected home. Unless they can come up with some standard(PS3?), it will be hard for home networking to be widespread. :oops:

yeahhhh.... and your point exactly is..... :? and why would u be interested anyway, all u can see is pretty graphics.... :rolleyes:
My point is, all my fellow PS2 comrades should be keeping their feet on the floor. Too often i have seen overhyping talkalot dreamy dreams with every new PS3 information release. ;)

Some must have forgetten being burnt by the PS2 dreams. :oops:
chaperone said:
My point is, all my fellow PS2 comrades should be keeping their feet on the floor. Too often i have seen overhyping talkalot dreamy dreams with every new PS3 information release. ;)

Some must have forgetten being burnt by the PS2 dreams. :oops:

.........have to resist...........


Why what :?: :?: :?:

I mean, just look at this board, anything PS and you can get up to hundreds of posts. :p I feel sorry for guys like Marc, Pana, Vince, Paul and the usual suspects if PS3 tech turns out to be underwhelming like PS2. :oops:
chaperone said:
Why what :?: :?: :?:

I mean, just look at this board, anything PS and you can get up to hundreds of posts. :p I feel sorry for guys like Marc, Pana, Vince, Paul and the usual suspects if PS3 tech turns out to be underwhelming like PS2. :oops:

i'm not gonna bother anymore. go on chap just say whatever u wanna say. i'll just sit here and have a laugh...
no seriously, what you want of me?

You asked me a question, i gave you my reason. Is that wrong? I dont get it? i tried Xplaining me side of things :?: why? what went wrong? :|
chaperone said:
no seriously, what you want of me?

You asked me a question, i gave you my reason. Is that wrong? I dont get it? i tried Xplaining me side of things :?: why? what went wrong? :|

foget it... *xplaining* would not help the situation that much... it never did... u're still little old chap even after long explanations even from pretty respectable people from this boards...

i don't have to *xplain* anything, i'm not a moderator. it has to do with your childish attitude which everyone has had enough of. this board was just perfect until u came here and turned it into a ** kind of thing.... enough said.

nothing personal