Sony sees large loss on PS3 start-up

Whatever said:
I dont know why Sony spends so much development money, but I hope they never do it again. Cell was pretty clearly not a good idea. Especially when you see no games doing anything unusual with it so far, and I dont expect too.

wow, how many games DID you see actually till this date?

very very lame. at least wait till all the games are visible or playable and after a few years you can come saying if a particular cpu setup was a failure or not
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Titanio said:
And that "pathetic company" has shot to the top in terms of LCD TV marketshare, overtaking Samsung, in a very short period of time. Oh the embarassment for Samsung..:rolleyes:

One thing to remember is that Sony TVs use Samsung panels so the Koreans are still making their money one way or another!

As regards earlier posts about 2.5"/3.5" hard discs, the 2.5" discs do run quite a bit cooler and draw less power than the 3.5" discs. I'd imagine this might be another reason for their usage in addition to space contraints. Anything to reduce the power draw of the new consoles must be seen as a good thing.
Mariner said:
One thing to remember is that Sony TVs use Samsung panels so the Koreans are still making their money one way or another!

I was under the impression the fabs making those panels was/is in collaboration by Sony and Samsung?
Phil said:
I was under the impression the fabs making those panels was/is in collaboration by Sony and Samsung?

Yes, Samsung's panels are Sony's panels and vice versa. They are all made together by a joint venture between Sony and Samsung.

So, in discussions, you usually see people from each side saying "But Sony's TVs use Samsung panels, Samsung is the best!!", and others going "Samsung TVs use Sony's panels, cause Sony make the best panels"...

The panels are Sony/Samsung. ;)
In the end we all know why Sony and Samsung LCD HDTVs are so different in quality and price. The physical panel is really not the most important aspect in an LCD TV. As long as it is of a certain quality, which in this case they are!
It's the processing behind those TVs that's the real star, and that's where the Bravia's excell, and also one of few reasons why Sony can charge much more for their TVs.
Samsung direct view LCDs tvs are pretty crappy. Desktop computer LCDs are ok. Sharp direct view LCD tvs are still the best.
Not surprising at all. I think Nintendo is the only one that always makes money right out of the gate off they're hardware.
Samsung direct view LCDs tvs are pretty crappy. Desktop computer LCDs are ok.

They're great TVs for the price they're sold at. Definately not "crappy". Always amazing value. But obviously there are much better TVs out there, technically, which cost a lot more of course. A Bravia or a Panny VIERA can sometimes cost you double the same-size equivalent of a Sammy, depending on the models.

Not surprising at all. I think Nintendo is the only one that always makes money right out of the gate off they're hardware.

"Right out of the gate"? Do we actually know if GC made them a profit on launch date and were not sold at a loss? I'd be very surprised if that's the case.
Handhelds are different.
Ben-Nice said:
Not surprising at all. I think Nintendo is the only one that always makes money right out of the gate off they're hardware.
I don't see how that's possible, given they must spend X dollars developing, producing, and marketing the system. They may not take a loss on the BOM, but that doesn't mean they are instantly profitable on a console.

The new Samsung R7 series seem to be getting very good reviews (undoubtedly the same panel as some Sony or other). Just a pity they only have one HDMI socket.

I did have my heart set on a Toshiba WLT66 but they don't seem to be able to support 1:1 pixel mapping so I might have to go the Samsung route. Can't afford a Sony or a Panasonic!

Titanio said:
- steep initial losses = aggressive pricing..?

Could be, I mean we knew that they are going to take a hit with it, so taking that in to account it's clear that the pricing is aggressive. The question is how aggressive, I would quess that the projected loss is mainly because of the hit they take on each PS3... So they are projected to sell 6million units till the end of their fiscal year and expect to make about 900M$ loss, that would make the loss close to 150$ per unit, I know this is very simple math, but probably the initial loss per unit is in that ballpark, maybe little more if they can make some money of the games and stuff, so I quess they'll lose 200$ per unit, however because we don't know for sure how much PS3 is going to cost, or how much it takes to make one, we are still in the dark.
well, if you cant avoid the inevitable, might as well accept it and brace for it.
at least this adds credibility to the fact that they're dead-serious about a Nov. more beating around the bush, no more misleading-they dont really have anymore room for either
Titanio said:
What a silly statement. That kind of talk might have been more credible a couple of years ago, but Sony's results have improved greatly, not least this year. These results beat forecasts, there's now talk among analysts of a proper recovery materialising.

Not to mention that Samsung's net profit is nowhere near 20x Sony's. Sony made about $1bn last year, Samsung was forecast to make ~$9bn. And that "pathetic company" has shot to the top in terms of LCD TV marketshare, overtaking Samsung, in a very short period of time. Oh the embarassment for Samsung..:rolleyes:

That is pretty surprising that Sony overtook Samsung in LCD market share, wasn't Samsung's LCD tech far more advanced than Sony's? For that matter, didn't Sony get an agreement with Samsung to be able to use their panels for its TVs?
You know London-boy, do you ever feel your just talking into the wind?

Fox5 : post #26 in this very thread...