Sony losses: 94% loss in profit [Q2] by ps3's delays and batteries problem*

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- 94% is this a number that you can downplay so easly?
I'm not downplaying it all. It's the idea that Sony are on their knees that's ridiculous. On your knees means on your way out, fighting desperately for a comeback or packing up your bags and going home. As long as Sony are turning a profit (having spent how many billions on new technologies, partnerships, etc.) they're still going strong.

As for a 94% drop in profits, that happens. I can point you to plenty of companies that have had loss after loss, year on year. They were much more 'on their knees' and yet are still around and still big business because, getting their act together, they sort out their problems. One quarter of much smaller than expected profits isn't news, except for shareholders, and the Inq who can turn it into another Sony bashing headliner to grab hits.

I note the mods have had the good sense to tweak the thread title in line with forum policy!

I also notice the lop-sided reporting in that yahoo article...
The revival effort is being led by American Chief Executive Howard Stringer, the first foreigner to head Sony.
Let's ignore the fact he's British born and has dual nationality shall we...
Well, Brits are uppity, you see. :p
Only 'coz the Yanks keep trying to take credit from us!

I'd be very surprised if Stringer didn't regard himself as Welsh, rather than British though. Those damndable English always trying to take credit from the Welsh! ;)

Okay, this is going off topic, but it's very interesting how facts are warped for all sorts of reasons including national pride. When I was young, I was raised knowing a Scotsman, Alexander Graham Bell, invented the telephone. Educational TV programmes showed a scot with heavy (fake) accent in Edinburgh or somewhere else scottish making the first phone call. Years ago I was chatting with an American who raised that it was an American who invented the phone. The reality was Bell was scottish but moved to the States, and both nationalities focus on their side of the story and to hell the real facts*. Then you get atlases that place the home nation in the centre of the world, sometime even splitting landmasses. Constant, irrational one-upmanship on all fronts.

People are bonkers.

*And the real reality is it was an Italian who managed it first but of course the poor guy got crushed by the patent system...
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Hehe anyone thinking that a company would do well when launching a new platform must have been dreaming. Besides, they're still making a profit, it's just not much. They've been spending lots of money on PS3, and still haven't sold one unit so of course profit is down.

It hardly means that "they're on their knees".

Sony are doing mighty fine, whatever some people like to believe.
You call a corporation the size of Sony posting a profit of 14 million in a quarter as "doing mighty fine"???What are their loan obligations anyway??

Sony hasn't been doing "Mighty fine" for ages...

Oh and almost 400 million $$ in lossess in a quarter for the gaming division that has the very pofitable ps2 and BEFORE the ps3 even launches??Wow.....
You call a corporation the size of Sony posting a profit of 14 million in a quarter as "doing mighty fine"???What are their loan obligations anyway??

Sony hasn't been doing "Mighty fine" for ages...

Oh and almost 400 million $$ in lossess in a quarter for the gaming division that has the very pofitable ps2 and BEFORE the ps3 even launches??Wow.....

.. Of course it's before PS3 launches. When do you think they would make the losses?? As i said, they are spending money producing the bloody things, and they're not launched. And they have been trying to produce Bluray players. Plus, they have had all sorts of problems with production. Of course they are posting losses now.

Hardware companies will always make losses because they have to produce hardware, and that costs money.

MS on the other hand is a software company. They spend money making OS and all sorts of programs, and after that it's pure profit cause the cost of copying discs and manuals is negligible compared to the price we pay for the licensed copies.

Comparing the two is just silly, but then again many people on this forum are silly.
You call a corporation the size of Sony posting a profit of 14 million in a quarter as "doing mighty fine"???What are their loan obligations anyway??

Sony hasn't been doing "Mighty fine" for ages...

Oh and almost 400 million $$ in lossess in a quarter for the gaming division that has the very pofitable ps2 and BEFORE the ps3 even launches??Wow.....

Yeah not mighty fine by my book, but some of the losses are investments. Like their competitors, as long as they keep reducing cost and bringing out good games, they should be fine. Nintendo is the only company that sells game console at a profit/no loss currently.
Even the revised title isn't quite accurate :p "Sony losses" - Overall there was no loss for the quarter, nor is one forecast for the year unless I am reading something wrong. "Sony Results" might be a better alternative.

As for the game division, losses prior to a console launch are not unusual if you look back at their history.
I'm not seeing much relevance to this thread in the console forum, actually, other than as troll bait. The major contribution of the batteries recall issue to the results makes this thread pointless as a console forum thread as currently defined. If there was a separate thread to talk about just the gaming division results in historical context, that at least would be relevant to the forum --but the overall results given the weight of the battery issue just makes this thread "Lincoln killed by pimple and John Wilkes Booth" in a pimples forum. If some other mod who spends more time here disagrees, feel free to reverse.

But for now: Closed.
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