As noted before it's by the end of the fiscal year (end of March).
Which is very interesting as that's basically the same amount that Microsoft is forecasting for the Xbox One. 6.2 million by the end of their FY, which is the end of June.
So, basically both are forecasting an average of 1 million per month.
I'm wondering if this is hinting at production capacities for each company. Microsoft originally forecast 7 million by the end of their FY, so a downgrade to 6.2 million could hint at production limitations. If so, it is remarkably similar for both.
Imagine if Sony did not have as much pre-orders as their competitor, as well as lower initial projected sales. Would they really lower their forecasts realistically? Or wouldn't they, as they hope to change it around/ hope it doesn't lead to even more bad press?
Because in this hypothetical situation, the previous console was outsold by their competitor while being about half the price, not to mention about 12-16 months earlier to market, having a shitton of exclusives, not to mention having all of the press on their side.
So in conclusion the hypothetical previous PlayStation console had the following advantages
-12 to 16 months earlier to market
-a lot of exclusives
-press on their side
-focussed on gaming instead of movies
-competitor was up to 100% more expensive
...and it sold 50-50 in the end. Now take away all these advantages, and you still think this hypothetical PS consoles will sell in the 50-50 region?