I beg to differ. Devolver had the only presentation of any substance. After that the rest were like punctured balloons spewing stale air.
At the very least I expected something about PSN performance upgrades, changes to make PS+ more compelling, OS feature updates for the PS4, some sort of crazy sale push, some surprise new games, etc. Instead we got a technically inept and almost disinterested conference mostly about stale franchises (GOW, COD, Uncharted, AC, etc.) And the game people seemed most excited about was a QTE fest.
It wasn't the worst Sony conference ever, it was just so entirely meh.
I stull don't understand how somebody seem to derive pleasure from some other people, who made a different product choice for whatever reason, not being able to play a game and have fun. I mean, how fucked up do you have to be to think like that?![]()
We were watching the official feed and whenever they showed the crowd they weren't responsive. Dead Fish.
It's true. They should have packed the house with bused in fans and employees.
They should have packed the house with bused in fans
No rabble rousing on the exclusive launch window bollocks either, which shouldn't even be a thing (thanks Microsoft - If it's coming out on another console, it's not exclusive)
Basically they deliberately went with a dark, gritty, boring tone for Reasons.Final question! One game we didn't see at the press conference was Dreams. Is everything okay with Dreams?
Jim Ryan: Yep, everything is fine with Dreams. We will have news of Dreams later in the year. You saw there was a fairly consistent tonality in the games last night...
Yes, everything looked like The Last of Us.
Jim Ryan: Well, those are your words, not mine! Just as it wasn't the place for Playlink, it probably wouldn't have been the place for Dreams, either.
Interview says there's lots of more Sony not shown.
Interview says there's lots of more Sony not shown.
Basically they deliberately went with a dark, gritty, boring tone for Reasons.
Maybe I'm crazy or just a teenager trapped in a hot 35yo body, but to me the new Dragonball fighting game - made by the guys who make the Guilty Gear games!!! - won the whole of E3. It won everything, even the UK election.
Maybe I'm crazy or just a teenager trapped in a hot 35yo body