Sony Playstation E3 2013 Events

Gaikai is heading for a 2014 launch if I heard correctly.

We will definitely see more in Gamescom. I don't know what they will show in TGS though.

The Last Guardian for sure.
UI demo is over. It was on Ustream.

Looked pretty good, menu switching in and out of game, messages, switch to PSN store, background download, jump to another game, etc. Mock video though. Not a realtime demo thing.
Good Guy Sony, $399 is a break-even pricepoint for that BOM.

I see a partial MS reaction as almost expected. at Gamescom, perhaps?
And the winner is...... the consumer.

Well, as long as they buy a PS4 obviously.

I'm sure the usual suspects will be spouting the usual DRM is good, $499 is a good price for a console and CG trailers really mean thats how the game will look when it's released.
Interesting. Sounds like MS tried, but they need to try harder.

I suspect the Gold will switch over from Xbox360 games to Xbox One games in 2014, once they have some titles available.

I love competition and would love to see the two sides get into a pricing war.

As expected, Sony ditched the PS4 Eye from the bundle to hit a lower price point and they also introduced Multiplayer Paywall. There's just too much money to be had with that to be ignored.
Games were better at MS. Isn't that what's supposed to matter?

Thats totally subjective. The only games I cared about during the MS conference are MGS V and Halo. MGS V will be multiplatform. It looks like Halo 5 will be the first I miss in the entire series.
Gaiki 2014, USA only

Which is probably a good thing, as hearing about people complaining about having to have the console online every 24 hours being nearly impossible, I couldn't imagine Gaikai working for them when it requires an internet connection to use. ;)
