Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

The price has come down significantly that 2-3TB is very affordable at slower ssd prices and affordable at higher nvme prices
True and no argument on that, but HDDs still offer a much better value GB/$ ratio is mine. For storing pictures, videos, anime, movies, shows, etc I prefer HDD as I get tons of room and if I need to manipulate something quick I can just transfer it to an SSD to play with.

I'm one of them weirdos who doesn't like replacing drives unless they fail, so I've got 5 HDDs, 1 SSD, and an NVME. Gonna def pick up another NVME as they're bloody fantastic, but I might also add a big HDD just for extra storage room.

I never game on a HDD. Always install it to an SSD before playing, although I'll move the game folder off my SSD to a HDD until I feel like playing it again and then copy it back to the SSD. The system has worked well for me, I think I just want to expand it a bit. Also when West comes out I think I'm gonna want to upgrade for it, my CPU and GPU are coming due but I need a game I want to play that runs badly on my system before I can justify it.Sorry, I have a very limited IT budget.
True and no argument on that, but HDDs still offer a much better value GB/$ ratio is mine. For storing pictures, videos, anime, movies, shows, etc I prefer HDD as I get tons of room and if I need to manipulate something quick I can just transfer it to an SSD to play with.

I'm one of them weirdos who doesn't like replacing drives unless they fail, so I've got 5 HDDs, 1 SSD, and an NVME. Gonna def pick up another NVME as they're bloody fantastic, but I might also add a big HDD just for extra storage room.

I never game on a HDD. Always install it to an SSD before playing, although I'll move the game folder off my SSD to a HDD until I feel like playing it again and then copy it back to the SSD. The system has worked well for me, I think I just want to expand it a bit. Also when West comes out I think I'm gonna want to upgrade for it, my CPU and GPU are coming due but I need a game I want to play that runs badly on my system before I can justify it.Sorry, I have a very limited IT budget.
Yea. For sure. The OS and games on high speed makes the most sense. For everything else there is super cheap and effective long term storage.
I read recently that HDDs are being phased out in favor of SSDs. I get SSDs are better, but I still feel HDDs have their uses and are much cheaper for bulk storage compared to SSDs. Am I crazy or is the world going too fast again.

Sorry if this is OT, I'll gladly go start a new thread if anyone wants.

Still a place for HDDs if you need mass storage. NVME's are still a bit rich for those needs, although certainly more affordable now than 5 or 10 years ago. A 20 TB HDD will run you about 350-480 USD (using name brand HDDs like WD, Seagate, Toshiba, etc.) or 20 TB . 20 TB of SSD will run you about 800-1750 USD using name brand SSDs (Crucial, Samsung, WD, etc.) depending on speed, PCIE bus support, type of NAND, etc.

Obviously you can get cheaper HDDs and SSDs going with lesser brands if you don't mind a bit higher risk of data loss. For example 20 TB of some lesser brand, in this case MDD, using 2 of their 10 TB drives would run you 200 USD. Would I trust my data to that, however? Not me, but someone else might.

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Sweet. I guess we all knew it was coming but it's great to have that confirmation. And also seeing that Nixxes is involved we can have hope for a quality port.
It's too bad Sony didn't have some sort of video presentation where they could have announced this. They could have really made a big deal out of it.
Maybe Sony don't see this as a big deal, for them it's another gaming coming to PC. But maybe they'll share more around Ghost E3 week.
It's too bad Sony didn't have some sort of video presentation where they could have announced this. They could have really made a big deal out of it.

And can you imagine the uproar from the Sony faithful if one of the most interesting announcements from the show was a PC game? Sony probably wanted this to be a fairly low key announcement. At least to its PlayStation audience.

I'll wager that's why there was no mention at all of improved graphics, not even resolution, in the announcement video, despite them no doubt being present with Nixxes involved.
True and no argument on that, but HDDs still offer a much better value GB/$ ratio is mine. For storing pictures, videos, anime, movies, shows, etc I prefer HDD as I get tons of room and if I need to manipulate something quick I can just transfer it to an SSD to play with.

I'm one of them weirdos who doesn't like replacing drives unless they fail, so I've got 5 HDDs, 1 SSD, and an NVME. Gonna def pick up another NVME as they're bloody fantastic, but I might also add a big HDD just for extra storage room.

I never game on a HDD. Always install it to an SSD before playing, although I'll move the game folder off my SSD to a HDD until I feel like playing it again and then copy it back to the SSD. The system has worked well for me, I think I just want to expand it a bit. Also when West comes out I think I'm gonna want to upgrade for it, my CPU and GPU are coming due but I need a game I want to play that runs badly on my system before I can justify it.Sorry, I have a very limited IT budget.

While HDD may still have a better GB/$ ratio its pretty slight and I just buy 2-4TB sata ssd drives now. They are $60-$150 on sale and they are pretty tiny and are more durable. For gaming I am on nvme

However even now nvme drives are coming down. You can get 4TB nvme's for under $200 now
And can you imagine the uproar from the Sony faithful if one of the most interesting announcements from the show was a PC game? Sony probably wanted this to be a fairly low key announcement. At least to its PlayStation audience.

I'll wager that's why there was no mention at all of improved graphics, not even resolution, in the announcement video, despite them no doubt being present with Nixxes involved.
Announcing Playstation games coming to PC at a Playstation event makes no sense. It is totally irrelevant.
The point of the event is to demonstrate that the Playstation is the best place to play the best games and show it's future.
Former Playstation exclusives coming to PC is not a Playstation announcement and shows nothing about its future.
To the contrary it communicates that the Playstation is no longer home of the best and most unique exclusives. Consider a PC instead 🤷‍♂️
Announcing Playstation games coming to PC at a Playstation event makes no sense. It is totally irrelevant.
The point of the event is to demonstrate that the Playstation is the best place to play the best games and show it's future.
Former Playstation exclusives coming to PC is not a Playstation announcement and shows nothing about its future.
To the contrary it communicates that the Playstation is no longer home of the best and most unique exclusives. Consider a PC instead 🤷‍♂️
-Anything pertaining to Playstation and Playstation Studios is relevant... including PC ports from them.
-That may be what it WAS in the past... but PC is very clearly in Playstation's future. Fanboys will have to get used to that.
-Yes it is, and yes it does.
-Ridiculous. How could it communicate that... when as you've already stated they are "former" exclusives?
-Anything pertaining to Playstation and Playstation Studios is relevant... including PC ports from them.
-That may be what it WAS in the past... but PC is very clearly in Playstation's future. Fanboys will have to get used to that.
-Yes it is, and yes it does.
-Ridiculous. How could it communicate that... when as you've already stated they are "former" exclusives?
-Playstation is the console that Sony is trying to sell
-That is still the marketing that sells Playstations. PC announcements dont sell Playstations
-It isnt just because you say it is. It is a PC announcement
-Marketing. Marketing isnt about stating facts.

Its all marketing. Nothing else.
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-Playstation is the console that Sony is trying to sell
-That is still the marketing that sells Playstations. PC announcements dont sell Playstations
-It isnt just because you say it is. It is a PC announcement
-Marketing. Marketing isnt about stating facts.

Its all marketing. Nothing else.
PS is expanding beyond just the console. That's what you need to realize. In the future, not everything at these events will target the console gamer... sorry, but the way you grow your business is by ALSO marketing and advertising to new and future fanbases.

You're going to see a lot more PC and Mobile (hell, even Playstation Pictures) content flooding into these events... because it's no longer just about console... it's about Playstation business, and their business is expanding.

It's going to be a long road ahead... but acceptance will come. There's literally nowhere else for them to go, and Sony knows it.
PS is expanding beyond just the console. That's what you need to realize. In the future, not everything at these events will target the console gamer... sorry, but the way you grow your business is by ALSO marketing and advertising to new and future fanbases.

You're going to see a lot more PC and Mobile (hell, even Playstation Pictures) content flooding into these events... because it's no longer just about console... it's about Playstation business, and their business is expanding.

It's going to be a long road ahead... but acceptance will come. There's literally nowhere else for them to go, and Sony knows it.
You are describing facts. Marketing doesnt care about facts. The particular event aims to preserve the Playstation brand and sell Playstations.
Sony has other marketing outlets to sell and market PC and mobile games. Thats exactly why major Playstation franchises dont see day one releases on PC yet. They arent doing it because "fanboys" or because they are idiots.
Sony cares about making money and thats how they maximize it
I dont remember but the uncharted collection was too old news by that time. Sony is willing to announce something if it makes sense and doesnt have an effect on the overall Playstation preservation.
Thats actually proof that Sony isnt announcing something according to what fanboys want
You are describing facts. Marketing doesnt care about facts. The particular event aims to preserve the Playstation brand and sell Playstations.
Sony has other marketing outlets to sell and market PC and mobile games. Thats exactly why major Playstation franchises dont see day one releases on PC yet. They arent doing it because "fanboys" or because they are idiots.
Sony cares about making money and thats how they maximize it
If that was the case they wouldn't have mentioned PC at all in that showcase... and yet every GaaS game also proudly displayed "PS5 and PC" or some variation of that. This past showcase.. was CLEARLY aimed at presenting/unveiling their upcoming GaaS games... which are day and date on console AND PC.

Again, you're going to see more and more PC and Mobile at any and all Playstation events... because "Playstation" is no longer just a console brand.. and the sooner that their marketing teams ingrain that into the brains of their console fanboys, the sooner they will get over it and they can get to the business of selling their games to the most amount of people as possible, as quickly as possible.