Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

At this point, as much testing the waters? As you say, the ecosystem space is becoming crowded, and we know the market will generally only support two or three big players. If Sony are happy to stay a big fish in the console space, and then the industry moves to content ecosystem, someone else will be the ecosystem leader. They probably need to make a play for that now; a real one and not their half arsed attempts from the past. I think they need to work hard on the PC/mobile platform side without cannibalising their PS console business. PS5 is nicely suited to be a stand-alone box still, no ports, because of the SSD and features, but past that, Sony may need to be transitioning towards a different model, hedging both sides (keep PS6 going, grow PC and mobile content and give users a reason to invest).

I'm sticking to my cynical view that this is Sony decided to port (or allow others to port) some older PS4 exclusive games to PC, with no promise of PS5 games following, on the basis that these games will have sequels that won't get ported ad that some folks may be so invested they'll buy Sony hardware (PS5) then spend within Sony's ecosystem.

Yea that's debatable. If you're looking at infrastructure costs, it's probably rolled in with the rest of Azure. This is their competitive advantage here. The capital has been and is always under investment for them.

What is the debate? Microsoft already have the infrastructure. What heavy costs they have invested it to facilitate Game Pass, it's already there. This makes literally no sense if you're suggesting Microsoft invested heavily in infrastructure for Game Pass then only for losses (publisher cuts) to ramp up the more people use it!?! Huh!?!
What is the debate? Microsoft already have the infrastructure. What heavy costs they have invested it to facilitate Game Pass, it's already there. This makes literally no sense if you're suggesting Microsoft invested heavily in infrastructure for Game Pass then only for losses (publisher cuts) to ramp up the more people use it!?! Huh!?!
I mean it's debatable that MS incurs additional costs as there are more subscribers. It doesn't work like that. They negotiate a fee with publishers to host the game on gamepass for a flat fee for a period of time. This is contractual.
The only other costs they have to pay is for running the service (which would go up with more subscribers) but we already agreed that's been covered.

So I disagree that MS is paying more with each new subscriber.
You guys need to grasp the big picture here and not be so fixated on the games being 3rd party or 1st party.
Not really. There's nothing at all special about third party exclusives coming to PC. In your pattern of three facts, Fact1 doesn't count.
I'm sticking to my cynical view that this is Sony decided to port (or allow others to port) some older PS4 exclusive games to PC, with no promise of PS5 games following, on the basis that these games will have sequels that won't get ported ad that some folks may be so invested they'll buy Sony hardware (PS5) then spend within Sony's ecosystem.
If they get ported and make money, Sony will port future games. We also have Sony saying they want to diversify their target platforms, so there's bound to be some games cross-platform in design now. At the time of that announcement, speculation was more GaaS type titles, but maybe they (also) intended AAA adventures that they specialise in getting the cross-platform treatment to maximise ROI on them?
I have always been a big proponent of the Eco system/network but I still think the best way is to offer under cost hardware to lock people in and everyone has been saying how that's not the way anymore but I feel it makes more sense now than ever before.
I mean it's debatable that MS incurs additional costs as there are more subscribers. It doesn't work like that. They negotiate a fee with publishers to host the game on gamepass for a flat fee for a period of time. This is contractual.

I've just checked what actual games are currently available on PC and Xbox and yeah, I agree. Except for older games that have already been washed through multiple, seasonal sales, there are few very few AA/AAA games. I was under the impression that Game Pass was offering more AAA games at launch.

If they get ported and make money, Sony will port future games.

Well, the money needs to cover the cost the porting and not cross that esoteric line where it may detract from the appeal of Sony's expensive hardware platform.

We also have Sony saying they want to diversify their target platforms, so there's bound to be some games cross-platform in design now. At the time of that announcement, speculation was more GaaS type titles, but maybe they (also) intended AAA adventures that they specialise in getting the cross-platform treatment to maximise ROI on them?

I missed this, can you point me in the right direction?
Maybe harder or take more resources to port to base Xbox one?
Porting to Xbox is a much easier task than PC, on Xbox you have a similar architecture to PS4, and a fixed one as well, on PCs, you have comparatively different architectures and dozens of possibilities that need covering.
I missed this, can you point me in the right direction?
Here ya go:
“We must support the PlayStation platform -- that is nonnegotiable,” Layden said. “That said, you will see in the future some titles coming out of my collection of studios which may need to lean into a wider installed base.”
I've just checked what actual games are currently available on PC and Xbox and yeah, I agree. Except for older games that have already been washed through multiple, seasonal sales, there are few very few AA/AAA games. I was under the impression that Game Pass was offering more AAA games at launch.
Yea, I think only their 1P studio games launch day 1 and I've seen a handful (IIRC < 4) of indies launch on it. And I think a handful (IIRC < 5) of AAA titles that launched on it 4-5 months after release.
If so, then Sony WAS involved, wouldn't you say? They allowed only PC to have that privilege, they had a say in the matter, which means they ARE involved.
Sony don't want the rival console to have the same library as that undermines the value of their console somewhat. If they refused PC ports as well, it'd cost them even more to secure the licensing (devs would want compensation for the money they wouldn't be getting from PC). Hence, a compromised solution of console exclusive.
Sony releasing an over three year old game on PC and that leading to statements like yours of "Now it's started. Whether it takes one year or ten, PS as a console platform is going to change completely" as overreacting or reading to much into it but that's just me.

It doesn't matter how old the game is, it is a start of a new era, he said more is to come. Besides that, there are actually people that can wait for a better experience.

Lets be real; the cost of building a PC to equate to the power of PS5 and XSX will be tremendous.

Maybe in the beginning, as it looks like now, for the PS5 atleast, it is kinda mid-range for when the consoles launch (late 2020). A 8 core zen is the most logical choice when buying a new PC even today. SSD/Nvme is about the norm now, and prices aren't that excessive anymore. The GPU will be the most expensive perhaps, but if a 5700XT from yesteryear already packs more raw power then the PS5, i don't see 1998 prices happening atleast (2000 dollar or more pc's).

I'm in alignment with @chris1515 ; I'd say in 4 years we might see PS5 exclusives on PC. It took MS a while, about 5 years, even though they announced in in 2016.

Seems a good assumption. And from that point on we might see games launching first on PS5/6 etc, and about 6 months later on PC perhaps.

This. At this point in the content industries, loss leading a growth towards dominance is seen as key. Mega-profits from that is to come later. Spotify has taken 13 years to turn a profit. and since then, loads of rivals have appeared that they don't own the space despite all that investment.

I think you guys might be on to something, Epic recently started, with a bad reputation and not near the quality of Sony's games yet, but anyway their success seems quite huge already now. There clearly is a oppertunity for Sony do a PS store on PC.

There is also nothing to suggest that PS5 games will be ported to PC.

Yes there is, for every generation that has gone, we have seen more and more of their games appearing on PC. Following that trend, and what he said, we probably will see even more of that happening with the coming generation.

You want to use a PC as a gaming system you need to buy a Windows license.

Windows can be used for many other things too.

That's not what's happening here, in the last couple of years alone we had over a dozen PS exclusive titles come over to PC, that's more than what happened over the entire PS3 cycle and even half of the PS4 cycle, something has changed in a big way, something got these developers riled up to port their exclusive PS portofolio on PC, and PC alone, not Xbox.

Something also happened with Sony, releasing official statements about porting some of their games on PC, then acting on these statements with actual game announcements, If HZD releases on PC in 2020, it would have been a PS4 exclusive for only 3 years, Detroit and Nioh didn't even complete 2 years.

He said in a death stranding pc discussion that a HZD on PC would never happen, wouldn't put too much into everything he says even though he has insider friends. Just like everyone else here, he and we are guessing. There is a clear trend going on here, you can be in denial or accept it.

The only first party game is HZD and he is rumoured three years after release and will release in 2020 or maybe 2021 just before the release of a new hardware and the next game in the franchise.

He also mentioned there is more to come.

This is diversification 101. And this is Sony diversifying as I see it so far.

They will have to sometime, companies need to evolve/diversify. MS has done it awhile ago, Sony wants a piece of the cake too.

If they get ported and make money, Sony will port future games. We also have Sony saying they want to diversify their target platforms, so there's bound to be some games cross-platform in design now. At the time of that announcement, speculation was more GaaS type titles, but maybe they (also) intended AAA adventures that they specialise in getting the cross-platform treatment to maximise ROI on them?

Exactly, Sony is just a big company taking any chance to earn even more money.

It is a hot topic for sure, meltdowns everywhere, for nothing :)
Yes there is, for every generation that has gone, we have seen more and more of their games appearing on PC.
Happy to be corrected but to the best of my knowledge we've seen zero first party PlayStation games to be released on PC.
Their license terms required it.

Good point. Surprised license terms didn't require it earlier. Must have just been up for renewal and the content owners waking up to the current markets.