S O: How do you respond to statements made by people who say that you have appropriated Nintendo's idea of motion sensitive controllers?
Harrison basically says that it's not as simple as that, and he provided an example on how Sony first used real 3-D technology in 1994 and when N64 came on the market in 1996, no one was asking Nintendo the same questions -- the quote actually says "We didn't say, Nintendo you've used our idea!" He then says something about how innovation is driven by building upon technological advancements along with cost efficiencies, etc.
S O: But is it coincidence that two consoles with motion sensitive controllers come to market at the same time...
Harrison: We've been working on our controller for a long time and we're sure Nintendo has been working on their controller for a long time as well. The difference between our strategy and those of all others is that ours is built upon the Dual Shock controller, the de-facto industry standard for video game controllers. Then someting about how from selling 400 million controllers they have defined the standard by which people interact with game consoles (the man-machine interface). But now we've given this controller a new dynamic - montion sensing technology.
SO: How many games in the first year will use this new functionality?
Harrison: I expect that every game will use this functionality. We move the controller all the time when we play already, but now we can control how we play when we move the controller along with using the analog sticks as normal as well. That is a feature that only the Playstation 3 will be able to provide.
[skipping a bunch]
SO: Live anywhere question... Speaking directly about online, MS has announced "Live Anywhere" a plan that connects Windows PCs, Xbox 360 and mobile phones. Something about how perhaps how will Sony do this when they don't have as large a hold on the PC market as Microsoft has.
Harrison: No, I don't think so and I also don't believe that the consumer will buy into it. When someone has a video game console as their primary method for playing video games, then that's all they will use it for. We believe that the PS3 will allow the people to play our games, show our films, browse the Web and perform other PC functions. The PS3 is a computer. We don't need the PC (to be successful in our online plans -- based on context).