To me, it sounds like he feels the PS3 can achieve more. Higher quality, better audio, (lower framerate

) movies versus SD DVDs. To produce a movie costs more than to produce a TV programme, on average, though you can get some very cheap movies and some very expensive TV programmes. As for calling it out as BS, it's a man's personal opinion. If he's had experience developing for both consoles (has he?) then he's in a better position to comment than any armchair hardware reviewers, though of course he'll still be biased by preferred methods and tastes. If he's only had experience of PS3, he's jumping the gun somewhat.
Maybe he is misinformed. Maybe he doesn't appreciate what the XB360 can manage. Or maybe he's used them both and has a more valid opinion than most? You're likely to find parties on both sides of development thinking their machine is 'teh roxxors' because they're using it and liking it. As for whether one really is better than the other, that won't come out until a couple of years in. Any opinion either way might prove right. Until then, everyone's allowed their own speculation. And as an independant developer who's certainly in a position to try out any platform he wants, he's free to develop on the platform of his choice for his own reasons and communicate those reasons, if in somewhat abstract ways, when asked for them, no?
I dunno. Either I'm too trusting, or everyone else is too cynical, but the idea that everyone who has anything good to say about any platform must only be doing so because they're 'on the take' and there's no such thing as independant opinion, I find hard to swallow. Even in 1st/2nd party devs like Ninja Theory, you have comments based on developer opinion that aren't paid for by Parent Company dollars. If nAo says he likes using the SPE's, it's because he likes them, and not because though he hates the buggers Sony are paying him to present a nice view of the console whenever he's on a forum!