Sony Home - The official thread*

How long have we been waiting for Home? I hope the extra time was also spend on adding alot of content so that we get some bonus.
How long have we been waiting for Home? I hope the extra time was also spend on adding alot of content so that we get some bonus.

The content is only likely to come on leaps and bounds when the thing is out! I don't think anyone knows was their Beta plans are (I'm not part of it) but I'd imagine that it's all about functionality. Maybe they're experimenting with types of content though.
How long have we been waiting for Home? I hope the extra time was also spend on adding alot of content so that we get some bonus.

Since GDC 2007 ? Almost a year and then some.

I think we have already seen some of the changes in previous leaked screenshots and videos. In terms of content, we will probably see more depth in customization (e.g., clothes, furnitures, paint scheme, ...). The media sharing/download and game trophies would be another area I hope can be (partially) available at launch.

I am most interested in third party content (e.g., the game and movie studios' home "patches"). For instance, it would be great if the Naruto publisher has a PS Home ninja village like the original manga to market their game. Knowing Sony, third party content will probably be very lean or non-existing initially :( (because they are late !). And then, there is also the announced title "Dress" but not much is known right now.

Given Howard Stringer's recent interview about limited in-game advertising upside, I wonder whether they will think of newer ways to attract marketers.
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Well there was the announcement of Home, and then there was the projected release date. Also, there was the date where they started building it. I'm not sure which point in time you would pick for 'waiting' but I'd say the initially projected release date.
Ha ! What timing. Wollan from GAF posted the newer Home screens which I have not seen before:




A few more in the post above.
The playstation japanese site has a new Home section - showing a new look to Home (again):

A couple of pics:





At least it's nice to have an update and to see things are still progressing. Word on the grapevine is that the beta will be updated shortly. Hopefully they're getting close to rolling it out more broadly.

edit - grr..Patsu beat me :p
My hopes are restored. It would be really cool if they made it possible to actually walk around in those seeingly huge places.
The screenshots have a, umm, different look to the previous batch of shots.

They look sharper, but less rich in colour. I can't quite put my finger on it but I think I preferred the initial batch.
Yeah, the old pictures look richer in color and ambience. They have a 500Mb download limit and critical response time requirements. Personally, I prefer them to optimize for response time plus more content to see, and more things to do in that empty 3D space.

Open area is nicer than the initial closed environment though. Can't wait to see Home for cellphone and also the website/HTML integration.
That sounds boring. Would need to have some sort of fast traveling as well!

Epic Mounts?

The point was that if you can walk down to the pier and checkout the boats it would be more interesting than just warping between "spaces".
IMHO, learning more news without also getting the opportunity to join the Beta is like kicking a puppy. We just want to make you happy! Let us in, let us INNNNN!!!!

The point was that if you can walk down to the pier and checkout the boats it would be more interesting than just warping between "spaces".

I've a feeling the harbour area is just for 'view' purposes from your apartment, probably not accessible.
According to Shane on 1up, the beta has gotten an end date now, suggesting that the release may actually be near for this Spring.
Virtual Life: Sony Nears Launch of Own 3D World

An overview with a few new tidbits:

"Home is a cross between private chat rooms, MySpace, YouTube and online gaming,” explained Ron Festejo, creative director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, in an interview.

Another business model that will unfold as Home evolves is the aforementioned movies, music and TV show offerings, which are expected to offer rental and purchase models. Microsoft already has most of the Hollywood studios (sans Sony, of course) offering TV shows for purchased in HD or standard definition and HD or standard movies for rental. Sony is expected to follow suit and Sony Online Entertainment has been building the technology to bring this aspect of Home to life.

Sony has also sent out Home Developer Kits for partners to build assets and lobbies, this means both traditional game developers and mainstream brands will become part of the Home world over time, Festijo added.

The newly renovated version shows that Sony seems to be taking the time to get the virtual world right. Currently more than 10,000 beta users are exploring Home and the floodgates will open up to everyone with a PS3 this spring.
Warhawk v1.3 will have Home integration:

#3 HOME Game Launching:

Yeah Baby…So our HOME integration is coming along nicely and this update includes a great, and much needed feature for Warhawk. With the release of v1.3 patch, players will be able to form groups, meet in their apartments, discuss tactics, and then launch a game of Warhawk…all together!
When you’re in your apartment, all you do is whip-out your virtual PSP, select ‘create game’ and pick Warhawk. From there, you get to start your own player server, pick a game rotation, set server options and then…BAM !! Launch Warhawk with all of your friends!! You can also pick to not make your game viewable to the other Warhawk players around the world, or you can make it a ‘public’ game that puts all of your friends into the server together, and leaves open slots for other global Warhawk players join.

Games launched from HOME show up in the global games list in an attactive gold color.


Now this is just the beginning of what we’re gonna to be doing with HOME and there’s some really neat stuff on the horizon. I’d love to show you more of the cool HOME stuff that we’re working on but I suspect I’d get a PR-shank to the spine…or possibly a lung.

So I gotta say that I’m actually super relieved that we’re putting in *REAL* legit value for players and *NOT* making HOME a portal for SONY to jam branding and marketing schwag down player’s throats!

As a gamer, I’m excited *and* relieved to see the direction HOME is taking.