Sony @ GDC: Phil Harrison's Keynote

one said:
If you mean the pic in the other thread
it looks like a gameplay screen to me as you can see
ATTACK            ATTACK
which looks like a command board.

If that really is in the game, it looks more like a set of strategic options while the cutscene is playing, not full control. I'm talking about, and assume what we all want to know, is if you can control and fight against dragons that look like THAT. The way this is labeled is kinda dragon's lair-esque, which hasnt been considered gameplay since the early 80's. :)
Strange how none of you even considered the d-pad may be used to give strategy-based commands to other dragon fighters on you side, quite like many first person shooters (brothers in arms) and squadron based flight games already on the market today.
ROG27 said:
Strange how none of you even considered the d-pad may be used to give strategy-based commands to other dragon fighters on you side, quite like many first person shooters (brothers in arms) and squadron based flight games already on the market today.

Did you read my post? ;)
expletive said:
Did you read my post? ;)

Yeah...I read what you wrote. But you are assuming the gameplay is command/turn-based (like dragon lair back in the 80's). I'm assuming the gameplay is dynamic (you control your own dragon fighter), but that you can give strategy-based commands to your squadron of dragon fighters as the squadron commander.
ROG27 said:
Yeah...I read what you wrote. But you are assuming the gameplay is command/turn-based (like dragon lair back in the 80's). I'm assuming the gameplay is dynamic (you control your own dragon fighter), but that you can give strategy-based commands to your squadron of dragon fighters as the squadron commander.

I'm not really seeing much of a difference, you push a button or move a stick, a bunch of stuff happens as a result. In terms of control it seems pretty similar. ANyway theres another thread on this now.
IIRC, in the Rogue Squadron games you could give commands to other fighters using the D Pad. I´d guess this is something very similar.
Almasy said:
IIRC, in the Rogue Squadron games you could give commands to other fighters using the D Pad. I´d guess this is something very similar.

Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if this was it. Ace Combat uses this scheme as well.
Laa-Yosh said:
Aliasing and polygonal edges are not the same...

Well, looking at the Cyclop's head, you can clearly see the edge. I don't think Jaffe wanted cubic heads for his monsters either.
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Laa-Yosh said:
Aliasing and polygonal edges are not the same...

I know... Not sure why you'd say that. Look at the picture again, they're quite evident. Aliasing is not that bad, but then again the shot is terribly blurred.
But that's the point, man! :) The shot is so blured, over- and underexposed, that you can hardly pick up pixels from a 640*480 image! And the same thing happens to the PS3 shots - so they can't be judged yet...
Laa-Yosh said:
But that's the point, man! :) The shot is so blured, over- and underexposed, that you can hardly pick up pixels from a 640*480 image! And the same thing happens to the PS3 shots - so they can't be judged yet...
My point was that you can see 3 big fat polygonal edges making up the monster's shoulder or whatever it is... That's all...:D
Titanio said:
The software will evolve on both platforms, but PS3's seems to have entered at a higher point with regard to all this. And it's the harder one to tap, to boot.

I both agree and dissagree. Overall, yes the PS3 might be the more difficult to tap, especially if we are to believe that the software tools from MS are so much better than the ones from Sony.

But paradoxically, I think that the GPU of the PS3 will be easier to tap, especially if it is just a mod of existsing G7x. Not only because it is a more familiar architecture and the devtools are already there, but also the developers will have had final hardware and near final hardware that is a very good representative of the final one much longer than what the xbox360 launch devs had.

I would go so long as to say that even the games comming out now for xbox360, have had less time on final hardware than what PS3 launch games will have. I mean already at last E3 Sony had better kits, more representative of the final hardware than MS had.

So in the graphics department the PS3 devs will not have any problems and the PS3 launch games should have no problems looking better than the xbox360 launch ones and even rival the games for the 360 that will be comming around the PS3 launch...