Sony @ GDC: Phil Harrison's Keynote

Continuing to intersperse the info we all want with demos and things, Harrison's now introducing a video of soldiers getting blown up and ragdolled around. There's also a demo from the SCEE London team of a highly detailed car model, which then gets mercilessly shot to pieces with all the bits modelled accurately. Apparently the bullet holes have realistically flaking paint, windows shatter, parts fall off as their bolts are shot out - and all this is from an unannounced game, he says.
Another description of the Knights demo:

1:57 - 1,000 people on screen each with all ragdoll like physics. Crowd applauds. Known as Ragdoll demo.

1000 ragdolls is very impressive..

Seems they're pushing the physics angle in a big way with these demos! :D I hope someone is getting video.
any gameplay screens?

Titanio said:
Another description of the Knights demo:

1:57 - 1,000 people on screen each with all ragdoll like physics. Crowd applauds. Known as Ragdoll demo.

1000 ragdolls is very impressive..

Seems they're pushing the physics angle in a big way with these demos! :D

1000 ragdolls isnt that impressive if its just a demo. id rather have gameplay with that amount
There's no media yet, this is all ongoing.

The "knights" demo sounds like a tech demo. The car footage is apparently from an unannounced game.
I hope we get to see gameplay screens and not have people wowed by tech demos showing no gameplay. thus get fooled again
These all sound a bit tech demo - not sniping at all, just hoping for some game's too: 1st & 2nd party perhaps/hopefully.

On another note, can't believe Sony kept the confusion over the HDD to such a short time! One week before KK's mysterious-ness was cleared up?? How un-Sony-like.

EDIT: Geez, you gotto update quickly on this or you sound like a jerk sniping...
Titanio said:
HDD confirmed to be included, apparently.

1:53 - Broadband connection required, HDD included, wireless connection capable.

YES!! :D

This is great news, hopefully some future MMOGs are being built already.

from nice updates there:

ZOMG, a PS2 game! WarHawk is being demoed in real-time, according to our correspondent, with shots of flying through clouds, over the ocean, as hundreds of ships and missiles cluster around capital ships in the sky. WarHawk was one of the games shown in pre-rendered sequences at last year's E3, obviously.
heres more...

11:02 AM PDT- A Getaway demo is shwon, with the camera being moved around in real-time.

11:03 AM PDT- Warhawk is shown. The water effects look fantastic, as does the scattering of gunfire and the clouds.
More descriptions

1:58 - Car Tech video shown. Physics change when a gun shoots at it. Individual paint chips. Crowd Roars. Tires pop and fall off. Video is not pre-rendered at all.

^^ Described here as a tech video, but others say it's from SCEE London's game


"And he's apologised for all that LOD/Loads of Ducks stuff from last year. To make up for it, he has a new demo from the team that did the ducks one - thousands of fish moving around underwater in shoals, with accurately modelled water, sunrays penetrating the surface, and so on. Moving on, he says PS3 production will ramp up faster than either PSone or PS2, and that the November launch includes Australia and Asia-outside-Japan, as expected."
ROG27 said:
HDD confirmed included!!!! :D :D :D :devilish:

Where is scooby_dooby? He needs to see this.

All I gotta say is...way to f**kin go Sony! I'm impressed big time, they've given up wads of cash, and are biting teh bullet on HDD costs, wow. Hopefully this will push HDD's to be standard on all future consoles.
"Blu-ray will allow publishers to launch games on a single disc for every global market, so one SKU for the whole world, Harrison adds."

???? Region free games?? Or just if the publisher "wants"?

"ZOMG, a PS2 game! WarHawk is being demoed in real-time, according to our correspondent, with shots of flying through clouds, over the ocean, as hundreds of ships and missiles cluster around capital ships in the sky (WarHawk was one of the games shown in pre-rendered sequences at last year's E3, obviously). Naturally the producer then gets up and says how easy it was to develop for PS3, and that WarHawk will be playable at E3."

From Eurogamer. WARHAWK!!!!!!!
2:02 - Warhawk tech demo shown. based off the real game.
2:03 - Crowd applauds, game looks amazing
2:04 - Ambient warfare is a key aspect. Hundred of fighters on a screen at once, think star wars space battles. Waves generated after each frame. Individual clouds rendered.
2:05 - Unlimited draw distance.
2:06 - Huge ships in Warhawk vs many small fighters.
2:07 - E3: full demo of Warhawk will be shown.
Harrison's moving on to "PlayStation Network Platform", which is an internal name. Starts by reiterating details announced in Tokyo last week, of how Sony is building a massive network and publishers can do their own thing if they really want to. Moving onto clarification of last week's info, he says that game applications can be launched direct from the hard disk - no disc required. Total digital distribution is possible.:)
Then the crowd's shown work-in-progress pictures of the network system, with video chat windows overlaid on games - much like the stuff shown at E3, by the sound of it. Emails and so on can be sent without leaving a game, like on Xbox 360. Next up it's online shops within MotorStorm and F1, integrated with the graphical style of those games so that people can download new cars, tracks and so on. There's a lot of Xbox Live esque functionality being shown, including pop-up notification windows.
Motorstorm is being shown!!!

edit - or was it just the online stuff?

basanti said:
im not moaning but Warhawk was a technical demo. not gameplay. im just reiterating my opinion that its foolish to be wowed by tech demos when we have not seen a single gameplay video of a Playstation 3 game.

It was footage from the game. Does every game have to be demoed live for you now to believe it's what the game will look like?

And we have already seen gameplay footage before (I-8, Fifth Phantom Saga, Sonic and Mobile Suit Gundam were demoed LIVE for god's sake). These arguments are old, please take them elsewhere.