So who's playing Warhawk?

I didn't know you could take a passenger with you on the Warhawk ship.
Someone got on board with me the other day, I didn't know what happened when I saw someone elses name on my Warhawk and heard him screaming "Get me out!!!" or something :D. I thought it was a bug or something.
I panicked and crashed the plane killing both of us :)
Sorry whoever you were.

I think I'm more of a ground trooper myself, only occasionally taking a Warhawk to the skies. The tanks are my favorite now.
I think need more practise in sky fights. I use the motion controls for flying, and found them very accurate and responsive. Dunno if I switched to analogs if my fighting skills with a Warhawk would be better, but the motion control just feels so good in this game I'm not too keen on changing.
Yeah, I didn't know either :D Found out the exact same way. I use and like everything. One favorite combo is a tank and a portable missile launcher. You can wreak some nice havok with the tank, and then when you're under attack from something dangerous like a warhawk you jump out, and while they're stall watching the tank, you shoot missiles at them.

I don't think you can match the motion controls 100% using analog. Right now you can use motion controls for steering the plane, and then you have some additional steering options with the analog stick while doing so. This allows for some crazy moves and it's easier than using two analog sticks at the same time. Besides that, you can still use the other analog stick to independently to aim. While this is very difficult and you don't need it that often, I've seen it being used well a few times already and it's definitely something I'm going to want to master eventually.

I also like all the different gameplay modes. It's just all great fun, and well balanced, and there are a lot of different weapons and strategies to explore.
i think if you want to use motion controls, you should master it early. i've been playing with the analog sticks for a few hours (since i got it earlier today) so it just feels even more awkward using the motion controls. its going to take some getting used to...
Whatever you teach yourself, eventually you'll want to learn how to make very weird and fast turns, as that helps evade missiles. I frequently see people who have mastered this quite well, and they are hard to get with missiles. Fun stuff.
I didn't know you could take a passenger with you on the Warhawk ship.
Someone got on board with me the other day, I didn't know what happened when I saw someone elses name on my Warhawk and heard him screaming "Get me out!!!" or something :D. I thought it was a bug or something.
I panicked and crashed the plane killing both of us :)
Sorry whoever you were.

Heh that happened to me too - I was running for a plane, and just as I was about to hop aboard, someone else took it and I ended up being the passenger. It was kinda fun actually, and would work great in a CTF match surely.
Heh that happened to me too - I was running for a plane, and just as I was about to hop aboard, someone else took it and I ended up being the passenger. It was kinda fun actually, and would work great in a CTF match surely.

There's a separate option when you set up your game where you can allow flag carriers to board a Warhawk. But it is off by default.
Standing on a wing of a Warhawk with a missile launcher could be fun too.
Until the pilot decides to make a loop or a too sharp turn :)

Wonder if Incognito will release additional vehicles and airships to the game. A troop carrier Warhawk would be cool!
man, i just can't get used to using motion controls. i'm just not coordinated enough to fly with the motion controls and aim with the analog sticks. i'm so used playing shooters (all 3 PS3 games i own are shooters) so i'm ok using two analog sticks for flying.
Seems we have our own feedback on using motion controls here, most people can't get used to it. Thank god they aren't reviewers!! ;)
man, i just can't get used to using motion controls. i'm just not coordinated enough to fly with the motion controls and aim with the analog sticks. i'm so used playing shooters (all 3 PS3 games i own are shooters) so i'm ok using two analog sticks for flying.

Is this in hover mode or flying mode or both? Hover mode took me a bit longer to get used to. And generally I don't get around to aiming that much yet. ;)

For flying around, with aiming, do you then mean moving the lock on square around, or just the additional flight controls (for turning and rolling your plane)
man, i just can't get used to using motion controls. i'm just not coordinated enough to fly with the motion controls and aim with the analog sticks. i'm so used playing shooters (all 3 PS3 games i own are shooters) so i'm ok using two analog sticks for flying.
I too had difficulty in aiming with motion control at first, but then I reversed the L and R analog sticks in the setup, and now the aiming is on right stick which makes it much more easier.
Seems we have our own feedback on using motion controls here, most people can't get used to it. Thank god they aren't reviewers!! ;)
actually, most people in Warhawk seem to be using motion controls. i'm just one of the few who can't get used to it.

i have problems while flying and trying to aim the lock on square. for example, the only time i have a problem is when i'm chasing someone, i find it quite hard to concentrate on flying with the motion controls and aiming with the analog sticks (having it on the left or right). i guess i'm just not coordinated enough to do both at the same time... :oops:
Ok, but you can manouver much better using the tilt and the other analog stick for steering (not aiming the lock on square) ... so much so that so far I have barely used the lock-on square. You do recognise that when you fly using motion controls, you have these three different inputs, rather than the two you have on your analog sticks when not using motion controls?

Maybe you should first focus on flying and using the steering controls only, leaving the independent aiming thing out of the equation, as you can turn much faster this way and those are skills also useful for evading missiles.
I love this game! Everyone add me on PSN - we can have a rocking time, because on the ground I kick ass! Still getting used to the motion controls for the warhawks. PSN: deepbrown
B3D Warhawk Clan?

Could be fun. Maybe even add the tactical element back into the game. We could use that rare skill in Warhawk, hardly ever seen, known as communication*. :D

*And no, honking the horn in the Jeep doesn't really count as communication.:LOL:
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B3D Warhawk Clan?

Could be fun. Maybe even add the tactical element back into the game. We could use that rare skill in Warhawk, hardly ever seen, known as communication*. :D

*And no, honking the horn in the Jeep doesn't really count as communication.:LOL:

Do it! Yeah...not enough people talk. When I have the flag I shout - come and pick me up you f***ers! Or some such :D

So set up the B3D clan NOW :)
Ok, but you can manouver much better using the tilt and the other analog stick for steering (not aiming the lock on square) ... so much so that so far I have barely used the lock-on square. You do recognise that when you fly using motion controls, you have these three different inputs, rather than the two you have on your analog sticks when not using motion controls?

Maybe you should first focus on flying and using the steering controls only, leaving the independent aiming thing out of the equation, as you can turn much faster this way and those are skills also useful for evading missiles.
thanks, ill give that a try.

curious, what do you have your sensitivity set to for the motion control?
So the game is out, whats the status on servers? Is there lots of people online? Are the servers global or regional?
thanks, ill give that a try.

curious, what do you have your sensitivity set to for the motion control?

I still have everything on default. Haven't even looked at the options yet, just the one option that enables them. ;)

There are lots of people online. It seems that the Sony servers are regional, apparently for good reason because I can still see the Australian server and I have a 400ms latency to it vs the 30-60 I get for regional stuff (presumably UK). The official servers so far seem to be always completely full, and now it's almost impossible to get in. So the fact that people can also host games is a godsend, and really most of the time I find myself playing in some 12 player game, which is still a lot of fun. But the 32 player servers rule nonetheless, and I love the dogfighting ones - I got caught up in one of them (usually 24 player or something) and it helped me master that Warhawk. Heck, in the beginning I didn't even know I could lock on the default missiles, I just thought they were rockets ... lol (and doh).
i'm getting kind of frustrated with the stats... i've played for a total of 6-7 hours on SCEA ranked servers and i still have no stats. people say wait a few hours or even a day, but its been 2 days now. :???: