So who's playing Warhawk?

Heard the bundled headset on the retail version isn't much.

It´s a Jabba headset, depending on who you ask it sucks or it´s great value for money. Not a surprise really, the number of bluetooth headset and the different opinions i have heard about the same exact sets just shows something that goes in your ear ends up being personal taste guided :)
Well I got the european version for 30 bucks and I must say I like it. The flying does take a while to get used to, but it's more the hovering that is a little less intuitive, the flying at speed mode works lovely. I then joined a 32 player Sony hosted server, and after some turreting with flack cannons (which is a great thing you can do when you're a newbie in this game), I did the obvious thing and flew a warhawk around the island, keeping low above the water (looks awesome) and then parked it on the opposite part of the island and grabbed the flag. I tried to stealthily walk back with it and at some point a jeep got along next to me and its driver started banging the horn. After about 32 times I got the message and jumped in, and he drove me across the map. Of course that got a lot of attention and before I realised I should maybe jump out again the jeep exploded and I was dead. :D But I already had a lot of fun with just that. Heck, I loved the flack cannon.

I like this game a lot. Great also that you can play multiplayer games offline and by yourself, just to practice with the flying or have some friends (4 player splitscreen support is just awesome) over and play some games. There's a lot of potential in there - you could even just play racing games, or tag, or whatever in this environment.

And that for 30 euros, which is half the price of a shop game. This isn't even my favorite style of game, but I do like it a lot.
Okay, I clearly missed the distinction about what was being talked about here! So you can host a game either dedicated or with you playing. Does the latter impact the server-side much? Are we talking about a halving of users, or no real difference? That's quite a nice image, of people giving up their PS3's to host games for other folks. And an interesting idea letting the console run as such. I expect some serious clans will buy themselves PS3's just as servers!
Okay, I clearly missed the distinction about what was being talked about here! So you can host a game either dedicated or with you playing. Does the latter impact the server-side much? Are we talking about a halving of users, or no real difference? That's quite a nice image, of people giving up their PS3's to host games for other folks. And an interesting idea letting the console run as such. I expect some serious clans will buy themselves PS3's just as servers!

The great thing about it really (apart from for lan games) is that you'll never get the EA problem of the official servers shutting down killing off the option to play online ever again. So it's the best of both worlds - anyone can host games until kingdome come, but for the next couple of years you'll also have some great official Sony servers.
I can't host any game because in Belgium we do have those stupid limits, but i'm very impressed of the fact that games start very very fast and I have noticed no lag whatsoever. That while allot of people where predicting doom and gloom about the PSN network... .

Normally I don't like online gaming that much (yes I commit I suck at it - don't have that much time to play and improve my skills :p ) but this game feels really balanced and is really fun.
all these positive reviews makes me want to pick this up. for 39.99 CAD at bestbuy here in Canada, i think i might just do that.
That's quite a nice image, of people giving up their PS3's to host games for other folks. And an interesting idea letting the console run as such. I expect some serious clans will buy themselves PS3's just as servers!

Its been done before, even on the originial xbox, R6 had a dedicated option.

I wouldn't expect serious clans to do this, as you have little ways in controlling the servers, unlike when you buy a dedicated one for pc games.
What limits?

What exactly is it that prevents you and why?

Probably upload limits. like you can only download\upload 4gb a month for a example. Lots of companies have those.

Thankfully my 16mbit down\ 4mbit upload connection has no limits, and is dedicated (meaning you actually get what you pay for, most of the time anyway). :devilish:
Wow, the game is definitely addicting. I find myself saying "just one more round!" before I need to be somewhere, LOL. That's usually how I tell if a game is good or just ok. ;)
Seeing how many that connected i´m gonna leave it running while i´m gone for the weekend :)

Just a little update, 2 things i can already see is needed in the next patch (bound to be one), If you run dedicated they have to make it more robust. Aparently there were some "network" issues over the night, when i checked the PS3 it just said "network down" or something like that. When i pressed continue i was at the main menu :), the game should auto reconnect and auto restart the map rotation.

2nd, you can save a map rotation but not the general server setup(afaik), so you have to type in the server name and options everytime you start a server.

Still, looks like my PS3 will be hosting many games over the next months :)
What limits?

What exactly is it that prevents you and why?
The amount of traffic that we can download and upload. 10Gb traffic a month. And keep in mind this also means upload + download = total traffic. They also tend to cap the upload speed allot. I think we have an average upload op 256k.

We have a so called "free" telecommarket that exist out of a duopoly, so there isn't that much choice. The duopoly is crippling (the European commision is not happy about this situation) but for now we are stuck with it.
I actually got banned from a server lastnight. Went through three games at number one in every game and they banned me!! How unfair is that?
So you can host a game either dedicated or with you playing. Does the latter impact the server-side much? Are we talking about a halving of users, or no real difference? That's quite a nice image, of people giving up their PS3's to host games for other folks. And an interesting idea letting the console run as such. I expect some serious clans will buy themselves PS3's just as servers!

The built in tester lets me host a 24 player game wether its a dedicated ranked, ranked or with me playing. I did not notice any difference, but then again as the hosting player I am at ping 0 :D But nobody complained atleast from what I heard, which aint much since most people are not speaking in the game.

As for the extra dedicated server, sure, serious clans will most likely do it, but its currently very limited with admin functions to "supervise" your server
I used to run an Action Quake server around 1997-2001 and with all the tools available for Quake2 it seems very very limited.
Still you can kick and ban players and show them a starting message, but thats about it, except for the game options of course.

Would be nice with some messaging system where people could communicate with the admin and the admin should have the possibility to send msgs to all the players, ie Will change some settings server going down for about 20 min etc etc.

Still FUN game and I am super noob, only kills I get are with the turrets :D

It reminds of the old PC shooter called Skynet ie Terminator game, same level of fun.
Ohh shameless plug, server is located at my apartment in Oslo, Norway on a 20/3 mbps line and its called Norwegian-Whalers
Having played more than is good for me, I have to now say that this game is the most fun I've had in such a long time. Unlike most online deathmatch type addons to games this really feels natural. A few more games like this in the stable and Sony will be laughing.
I had a go at this last night, and ended up playing for three hours. After struggling a while to get in a game at all, I ended up in a warhawk only server where I could hone my flying skills. Man is there a lot of depth to them! I love it. Combining the motion controls with the analog sticks for being able to turn and roll and do all sorts of other stuff is just crazy. It also helps to find out how the different lock-on systems work. I'm also starting to get fast enough slowly to at least use some chaff every now and then. The flying is great, and some of the levels are pretty awesome. It's pretty hard, but it's very good fun.