Legion, i really don't understand the attitude, but i digress... All i'm saying is that the demos I have seen (Tekken, Duck, Fur, Skeletons, Cars) have all been surpassed by PS2 with (in order) any fighting game released (be it Tekken, VF4, SC), even Tekken Tag which was a launch game. Water effects in ICO, Baldurs gate and MANY other games for the Duck demo, any heavy-particle engine (say, ZOE2) for the Fur/particels demo, EVERY GAME for the skeleton demo (which looked like crap) and any major racing game for the Cars Demo.
Legion, the car/racing demo needs to be seen in motion. in pictures it looks pretty cool, with shiny reflections and all, but i've seen it in motion and (just like the early GT2000 presentations) the reflections were fake, just higher res and prettier versions of the same technique used in Ps1 games like RRtype4... which of course have been vastly surpassed by GT3 and any major racing game released thereafter...
The head demo, as explained, was just a head with one (maybe more) texture on it. how is that impossible to do on PS2 hardware, seen the games released on it?
Have u seen the demos yourself or are commenting on what u read online?
The early Xbox demos (the Robofight, the Thunder thing etc) and most of the GC ones were obviously pre-rendered. There are NO games out today that surpass those demos. Not one single game.
Is this your opinion or is this fact?
fact: the robofight demo had something like 1 million polys per frame (as explained on some websites), and was prerendered. Also the lighting itself would bee too much for any current gen console, let alone the poly counts...