So, what happens if Xbox2 hardware ends up inferior to NES5?

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Fox5 said:
BTW, nintendo's graphics hardware was downgraded before launch, maybe the original hardware would have had no problem with those demos?

Release hardware is FASTER than any of the development versions!

The faster dev-kit of the two actual hardware kits ran at 300MHz CPU and 150MHz GPU, so specs were only downgraded from paper target-numbers (CPU was upgraded as you well know).

Grall said:
Fox5 said:
BTW, nintendo's graphics hardware was downgraded before launch, maybe the original hardware would have had no problem with those demos?

Release hardware is FASTER than any of the development versions!

The faster dev-kit of the two actual hardware kits ran at 300MHz CPU and 150MHz GPU, so specs were only downgraded from paper target-numbers (CPU was upgraded as you well know).


speaking of which what chipset was the cpu based off? I remember specifically being told it was derived from the G4 "FX" chip line. If so then its quite possible they needed the CPU "upgrade" for processing graphical data. Last i checked the FX core clocked at around 450 falls below the processing power of the p3 600.

Also the GPU's speed was downgraded most likely because it was unstable.
london-boy said:
Legion, i think u're speed-reading the posts, cause u replied twice already contesting things Megadrive and I said, then basically confirming our points ;)

actually no i would say quite to the contrary. You both are reading into what i have said a comparison between systems. I stated Nintendo wouldn't deliver on having a superior system as a response to Fox's scenerio.

The early PS2 demos (Tekken Demo, Duck in sink, the bony dinosaur and skeletons, fur and particles) ALL have been VASTLY surpassed by games currently available.

You know this how? What does that have to do with my point?

the fact that they might have been running on different hardware doesn't really matter,

:rolleyes: Perhaps not those but then i did mention the FF movie rendering of the doctor's face. What of the FF8 dancing scene? How can you say it doesn't really matter? If they were claiming those scene could run on the PS2 at a stable framerate i'd have to see it to believe it.

Do you have any figures to prove that these demos have been "VASTLY surpassed" by games today? I really don't care to hear opinions on visual quality as they are meaningless at a technical level.

The early Xbox demos (the Robofight, the Thunder thing etc) and most of the GC ones were obviously pre-rendered. There are NO games out today that surpass those demos. Not one single game.

Is this your opinion or is this fact?

That doesnt mean anything really, it doesnt prove the Xbox and GC hardware are underperforming,

No London it doesn't nor was it to the heart of what implied. I suggested that we would see interesting tech demos from nintendo and have little to show for it as nintendo is more interested in pumping out "quality" rehashes then it is saying its failing market value.

Whether these tech demos have been surpased is truly irrelevant as it has nothing to do with what i have said. My argument refers to the precission of games coming to the market that utilizing the advanced graphical aspects of the games.

it just means MS and Nintendo raised their expectations a bit to high prior to launch. Which is something Sony is accused of doing all the time, funny enough...

No, i would say Nintendo had better hardware than sony developers not that they have higher graphical expectations then all sony developers.
Mario 128 became Pikmin. Sure it's not the same, but supposendly pikmin was based on its concept.

...based off its concept....? Must be as technically advanced then...

(and it was 100 Marios, wasn't it?)
The zelda title was impressive for its time, not so much now.

Technically? Considering the GC's flipper is more comparable to the Geforce 1 or 2 in power i'd say technically it probably wasn't. Nor have we seen a game from nintendo yet populated with characters and enviroments which look like that.

However, looking at it, while it does lack in some areas that both the soul calibur 2 link and wind waker link have,

Are you sure the link in soul calibur compares on the technical side to the link in the tech demo?

it just looks so much unlike any gamecube game that I'd say it probably wasn't done on actual gamecube hardware, probably an SGI workstation or something and made well in advance.

In other words it was prerendered and nintendo claimed that it was some how representative of their hardware.

Raven Blade I don't think was a tech demo, I think just a cancelled game...

I would say yes it was there to demo the hardware.

:LOL: Outcast 2 on the ps2 was much in the same boat. It never was released. I Wonder why. ;)

And donkey kong was FMV, as was most of the rebirth demo.
Kameo wasn't very impressive from the gameplay videos I saw.

Which was exactly my point.

And wasn't the ps2 ducky demo controlled by a ps2 controller? It certainly wasn't prerendered then.....

I have no idea. SOme have suggested the ps2 had "help" from other rendering units harldly making it a tech demo but of course we all know the ps2 could do it without help just as it did with the FF and FF8 renderings. :rolleyes:

BTW, nintendo's graphics hardware was downgraded before launch, maybe the original hardware would have had no problem with those demos?

possibly the same could be said for the xbox as well with its GPU at 300 mhz and a 800MHZ or more AMD Duron.
All of the PS2 demos ran on various forms of the HW - with many of the interactive ones running on the early devkits ( 2/3rd final speed )

A lot of the vertex count on the Square face demo actually went into the lines on the eyebrows and hair.. Drawing 6M polys/second is definitely something that's been exceeded by game engines such as J&D-2 and Burnout-2
The duck in bath demo isn't as impressive as you might remember - and the water in Baldur's Gate:DA is the same technique with many more polygons.

The square demo was definitely real time rendered, as the demonstrator switched characters and replayed the scene under manual control - however it wasnt identical to the rendered version in the ps1 game.

Funnily enough all of the demos obviously showed the field mode rendering that would cause complaints about image quality when the ps2 was finally launched ( with the exception of the Square fight demo - which became a scene in the bouncer... )

( Most of the demo code lies unused in archives as it doesnt match the OS/libraries on the final devkits, and would be too much hassle to rewrite.. )
Crazyace said:
All of the PS2 demos ran on various forms of the HW - with many of the interactive ones running on the early devkits ( 2/3rd final speed )

Hardware for industrial design or with industry purposes perhaps?

A lot of the vertex count on the Square face demo actually went into the lines on the eyebrows and hair.. Drawing 6M polys/second is definitely something that's been exceeded by game engines such as J&D-2 and Burnout-2

Perhaps. Was the face demo simply a single layered texture put over a 100k poly wireframe though? What of the FF8 dancing scene?

The duck in bath demo isn't as impressive as you might remember - and the water in Baldur's Gate:DA is the same technique with many more polygons.

I never got to see much of it though i heard it was more for the purpose of demonstrating the PS2's capacity for calculating physics. Its look certainly would suggest such.

The square demo was definitely real time rendered, as the demonstrator switched characters and replayed the scene under manual control - however it wasnt identical to the rendered version in the ps1 game.

I don't think is saw this one.

Funnily enough all of the demos obviously showed the field mode rendering that would cause complaints about image quality when the ps2 was finally launched ( with the exception of the Square fight demo - which became a scene in the bouncer... )

I barely remember something to this affect.

( Most of the demo code lies unused in archives as it doesnt match the OS/libraries on the final devkits, and would be too much hassle to rewrite.. )

And what of the "photorealistic" GT cars with the texture affects?
Hardware for industrial design or with industry purposes perhaps?

Nah - just slower versions of the console chipset on early devkits..

Perhaps. Was the face demo simply a single layered texture put over a 100k poly wireframe though? What of the FF8 dancing scene?

As far as I can remember both of those were single textured poly pushing demos

And what of the "photorealistic" GT cars with the texture affects?

2 demos of GT were shown - one 'real time' rendered preset demo,
basically throwing poly's at the graphics chip. The other was real time ( also shown at E3 ) with the hipoly car racing on a GT track using PS1 quality track textures..

The first demo was an indication of the GS capabilities - in the final game replays the 'shinyness' was turned down as PD found newer effects
Hardware for industrial design or with industry purposes perhaps?

Nah - just slower versions of the console chipset on early devkits..

So they were able to run all this on PS2 hardware. I am hearing conflicting stories.

As far as I can remember both of those were single textured poly pushing demos

The detail of the texture of the man's face is rather impressive. The ps2 was able to completely recreate the likeness of the original SGI (or other) hardware?

2 demos of GT were shown - one 'real time' rendered preset demo,
basically throwing poly's at the graphics chip. The other was real time ( also shown at E3 ) with the hipoly car racing on a GT track using PS1 quality track textures..

The first demo was an indication of the GS capabilities - in the final game replays the 'shinyness' was turned down as PD found newer effects

so this was infact run on PS2 hardware? Why is it that some of you seem to be disagreeing on which demos were or were not run on PS2?
I think many people didn't actually see many of the demos in person, just 2nd hand pictures or badly compressed video camera feeds.. It's also amazing how people assume things when they see prototype kits...

( Actually one of the demos I liked best was where Crash Bandicoot was chased over sand dunes by a huge crowd of around a 100 linux penguins - quite apt seeing how the dev env was hosted on linux machines... )

The face demo was just a texture mapped model - You can have a 1024x1024 sized texture for a PS2 demo easily, so exporting a high poly model with a single wrapped texture wouldn't be totally out of the question. ( Much like the Shenmue head demos ) - As for recreation, no one ever saw the original SGI rendered version, so comparisions weren't made - and SGI real time rendering isn't really that hot ( especially at the time ) unless you spend stupid amounts of cash ( Many anim studios would animate in wireframe, or box representations before rendering offline )
As far as I can remember both of those were single textured poly pushing demos

Old Man (facial animation) was multi-textured (pretty basic though). The dance was single...

( Actually one of the demos I liked best was where Crash Bandicoot was chased over sand dunes by a huge crowd of around a 100 linux penguins - quite apt seeing how the dev env was hosted on linux machines... )

Hehe, in a bit of fun, old-fashioned rivalry with the FF:TSW crew in Hawaii, we did a demo of the FFX cast doing Michael Jackson's Beat It video...
Just as an aside, I love how people keep talking about the old SW2k Zelda video... because it ISN'T POSSIBLE to use that kind of LOD for a game this gen. It's very obvious that those two characters together are capable of pretty much maxing out the Flipper... way too much detail. That link looks a ton better even than SoulCalibur II's version of him. Plus the background in that video is kinda crappy.
Legion, i really don't understand the attitude, but i digress... All i'm saying is that the demos I have seen (Tekken, Duck, Fur, Skeletons, Cars) have all been surpassed by PS2 with (in order) any fighting game released (be it Tekken, VF4, SC), even Tekken Tag which was a launch game. Water effects in ICO, Baldurs gate and MANY other games for the Duck demo, any heavy-particle engine (say, ZOE2) for the Fur/particels demo, EVERY GAME for the skeleton demo (which looked like crap) and any major racing game for the Cars Demo.

Legion, the car/racing demo needs to be seen in motion. in pictures it looks pretty cool, with shiny reflections and all, but i've seen it in motion and (just like the early GT2000 presentations) the reflections were fake, just higher res and prettier versions of the same technique used in Ps1 games like RRtype4... which of course have been vastly surpassed by GT3 and any major racing game released thereafter...

The head demo, as explained, was just a head with one (maybe more) texture on it. how is that impossible to do on PS2 hardware, seen the games released on it?
Have u seen the demos yourself or are commenting on what u read online?
The early Xbox demos (the Robofight, the Thunder thing etc) and most of the GC ones were obviously pre-rendered. There are NO games out today that surpass those demos. Not one single game.

Is this your opinion or is this fact?

fact: the robofight demo had something like 1 million polys per frame (as explained on some websites), and was prerendered. Also the lighting itself would bee too much for any current gen console, let alone the poly counts...
So they were able to run all this on PS2 hardware. I am hearing conflicting stories.
What I wonder here is what's so hard to believe about that particular demo?
Save for the animation quality there was nothing fancy going on there - and like the rest of the demos it had interlacing problems and used very low res textures :p

If someone swapped the graphics of characters for Douglas and Rachel and a complementary Silent Hill background there's no question which would look more impressive side by side (granted I won't comment which would look more ridiculous either :oops: ).
Fafalada said:
So they were able to run all this on PS2 hardware. I am hearing conflicting stories.
What I wonder here is what's so hard to believe about that particular demo?
Save for the animation quality there was nothing fancy going on there - and like the rest of the demos it had interlacing problems and used very low res textures :p

If someone swapped the graphics of characters for Douglas and Rachel and a complementary Silent Hill background there's no question which would look more impressive side by side (granted I won't comment which would look more ridiculous either :oops: ).

HAHAHAH u're a funny guy Faf... *imagines the SH3 cast dancing in a big ballroom* :LOL:

*imagines the in-shorts-version of the detective (u know the bonus/cheat that shows him in his shorts :D ) dancing with Heather*

The faster dev-kit of the two actual hardware kits ran at 300MHz CPU and 150MHz GPU, so specs were only downgraded from paper target-numbers (CPU was upgraded as you well know).

I think what he was saying is that the demo's people are discussing here may have been targetted at the paper hardware before the downgrade.

speaking of which what chipset was the cpu based off? I remember specifically being told it was derived from the G4 "FX" chip line.

The Gekko CPU is a PowerPC 750 modified for higher floating point performance. I've never heard of a G4 FX (unless that's some other name for PowerPC 750).
speaking of which what chipset was the cpu based off? I remember specifically being told it was derived from the G4 "FX" chip line.

The Gekko CPU is a PowerPC 750 modified for higher floating point performance. I've never heard of a G4 FX (unless that's some other name for PowerPC 750).

To my knowledge the Gekko is derived from the PPC750CXe.
im more concerned about the hoha peeps when Ps3 turn out to be less than floppy hoppy vs the rest.

gotta a question my dear friends,, after all the talkie talks, what if, what if PS3 3D looks/plays/sounds/moves/lives/breaths/whatatat no better than your next console?
chapback said:
im more concerned about the hoha peeps when Ps3 turn out to be less than floppy hoppy vs the rest.

gotta a question my dear friends,, after all the talkie talks, what if, what if PS3 3D looks/plays/sounds/moves/lives/breaths/whatatat no better than your next console?

Did it matter in the last 2 genarations?

Just like it happened then, it is possible that PS3 will lack things over the competition, just like the competition will lack things among one another. It all depends on how big is the gap in release dates really... And if, in the end, they're all just about equal, then it will come down to the software, just like it does now, and just like it's always been...
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